
Trial number: 2021283 period of Fucai 3D test number came, a set of all-large combination straight numbers

author:Play professionally

2021283 Blessing Lottery 3D 2021-10-24

Test No.:[867]

Test number corresponding code: [399]

Color Magic Attention Code: 9, 3 Gold Code: 5

2021283 period of lucky lottery 3D test numbers came, and it was another set of all-large combination of straights, 21 points and values.

This test number has recently been a bit interesting, the front of the three consecutive periods of group three numbers, now change the taste, and is open two consecutive phases of the number of shunzi, in fact, change the soup does not change the medicine, the nature of the shunzi number and the group three is almost the same, there is an equidistant number and the same nature of the group three, but the test number is so persistent, but the lottery number is not to give face, is not to open the group three, can only have no temper Oh, but yesterday's sales fell slightly, indicating that the group three is about to open the time, the group three is so cold, Why should friends who like group three be embarrassed? I really can't play anymore, it's not that I don't want to play, I really can't play anymore. Although perseverance to the end is victory, persistence requires not only courage, but also strength.

Yesterday's test number 789 combination, today's test number 678 combination, tomorrow's test number will not open 567 combination? If this is also the law, this lottery ticket can not be played, fortunately tomorrow's test number does not know, or care about today's lottery numbers opened.

The test number has once again opened a large combination, and the big number is once again powerful, but the recent big number has opened a lot, should we leave some opportunities for the small number to breathe? Within 11 periods, only opened two phases of two small and one large combination, and the whole small combination missed up to 29 periods, if you open the full form again, is it necessary to prevent the whole small combination, the focus is still to pay attention to the two small and one big combination, don't be confused by the test machine number.

Test machine number again opened the 012 road combination, yesterday two 0 road number combination opened, 0 road number recently very strong, although even open 7 days without much thought, but with the principle of strong hengqiang, tonight's 0 road number still have to look at it. The 2-way number is also hot, this time it has opened 6 consecutive periods, it is reasonable to say that the 2-way number can be considered to rest, but the group three of the two 2-way number combinations is still in the cold, the group three has not opened 17 periods until now, and there are 13 periods of cold in front, and the group three of 22 55 88 have given up a little reluctant ah. There are also 1 number broken two periods, in fact, still hope that the 1 number continues to rest, but the number 7 in the test number in the two consecutive periods, number 4 like interval five or six periods of the number, there is a bit 1 reluctant to discard. Tonight's 012 road number, the help given is not very big.

Continue to see what numbers have been opened after the test number 867, and try to use the previous numbers as much as possible. The last test number 867 after the lottery number 982, although it is still two big numbers, but 19 points and value is really good, after all, 19 points and value so many periods have not been opened, the last time away 83 periods were opened, and now 24 periods are missed, but you can see it. After the previous test number 867, the lottery number 543, or the 345 combination of the straight number, the recent group three do not open, you can really pay attention to the next 345 combination. After the last test number 867 draw number 194, two 1 numbers with a 0 number, 14 points and values have a probability, span 8 is not a little difficult? Test number 867 is rarely opened after the group three, can you break through tonight?

The test number corresponds to the code 399, the group three number of all 0 roads, the group three of 99, I did not want to focus on the number 9, it seems that I also need to look at it. The number 3 interval is not very good, and I dare not pay attention to it.

Pay attention to the code 935, the group six number of the whole single, 17 points and value, 16 points do not open, 19 points do not open, 18 points also want to go cold, the middle and back zone and value can only look forward to 17 points, but I want to pay attention to the small and value, 17 points and value really open is difficult enough for everyone. 39 combinations can be seen, 35 combinations are also good, 59 combinations are a bit too much?

Gold code 5 is not bad, ten bits 5 is good, single bit 5 also has a probability, and the hundred bits 5 can also be said to be reasonable, after all, some time ago opened too little, gold code 5 continue to pay attention to the next.

Trial number: 2021283 period of Fucai 3D test number came, a set of all-large combination straight numbers

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