
Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!

author:Mu Yi chengzhou OTL

Today I recommend to you a famous English song "tell me why", this song is full of clean, quiet and ethereal nature, pure beauty, and moving.

Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!

His face was full of confidence

Singer Declan Galbraith was hailed by the British press as "a singing prodigy of a lifetime".

Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!


The song was released by Declan Galbraith (UK) on December 9, 2002, 10 days before Declan's 11th birthday, and it was his first song. It was also on this day that all parties and declans in the UK and Ireland sang the song simultaneously and won the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest choir in history. The event was organized by "young voices in concert" and all the fundraising was donated to the children of Sargent Cancer Care.

Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!

What a genius

What this song wants to express is the confusion about the various actions of the world's people, including the indifferent relationship between man and nature, and between people. If you listen closely to the prelude to the song, you will find that it is mixed with the sounds of birdsong and tide, creating a natural atmosphere, but what do people do to such an environment? The high-pitched melody of the climactic part is a child's rebuke to the world. Step by step tell me why is not to find answers, but to awaken the sleeping world.

Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!

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The song is full of singing and surging excitement, straight up to the high-pitched part of the cloud night, full and clean, ethereal and natural and pure. It is melancholy and anger shouting and calling for the tell me why, the ten-year-old boy sings about human war, poverty, hunger, pray for human peace, fraternity, abundance, and touching heartstrings!

Known as "British Singing Wizard", you should know!

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