
Zhu Guangqian: Regarding life, I have three suggestions

author:Read Time Magazine

1. Find a balance between ideal and reality

Life is not an ideal arena of conflict. It is only true that this is a little different from the stage, the tragedy on the stage is born from the resolution of the conflict, and the tragedy of life is mostly born from the inability to solve the conflict.

Although the wrong path on the path of life is very different, in fact, there is only one way to go, and it is a natural truth that there must be some choices and some choices.

There are many people in the world who stand on the wrong path and only linger in concern, and if they refuse to give something, they cannot take something. There are also many people in the world who have embarked on this road and have never forgotten that road. The result is also a misstep.

"Can't get rid of it" is the origin of the tragedy of life. Cowering and cowering, wandering the wrong way, the state of mind is painful, and the cause cannot be achieved. Many people's lives pass in such a vague way. To avoid this tragedy of life, the first thing is to "get rid of it." Negative saying is "getting rid of it", and positive saying is "being able to lift", that is, "grasping".

Identifying a goal and going there with all your heart, leaving everything else aside, is the secret to success and the secret to being free from your troubles.

Zhu Guangqian: Regarding life, I have three suggestions

2. Regain the energy and vitality of life

Don't forget to live.

I often think that doing academics and doing business can only be regarded as the second thing in life. The first thing in life is life.

My so-called "life" is "enjoyment", "appreciation", and "cultivating vitality". If you forget your life for the sake of learning for the sake of your career, that kind of learning cause will lose its true meaning and value in life.

Therefore, we should not see ourselves as a social machine, and those who blindly cater to the needs of society without regard to their own interests do not understand this simple truth. I am most afraid of being with a professional nerd, and if you talk to him, he will not leave the line in three sentences. When it comes to things that others think are interested in outside of this profession, he is numb and cannot feel it.

People like this forget about life because they are doing academics. If there is no multifaceted liberal education as the foundation, the abuses of vocational education often make his life monotonous and boring in the personal aspect, and in the social aspect, often make the culture superficial and narrow.

If the foundation tree is not broad, you are "specialized", and you must not specialize in how far you go... To learn this thing, we must first be able to be broad and then be profound.

Zhu Guangqian: Regarding life, I have three suggestions

3. Be a lively young man.

Young people are more likely to worry than old people, because young people are more vigorous.

Children's vitality is also very strong, but they do not know the sorrow, because they play all the time, so their vitality will not be depressed.

I myself seem to have tasted the troubled situation before, and in the past, the elders often told me the big truth of "should not be". They say that a young man like me should be lively, should not be dull, should strive to do learning, and should not take his own worries and pleasures to heart.

At present, most of the psychology of ordinary young people has not changed. Students are a special group of their own, and they see society as an object for my transformation...

You should look back at what kind of person you are.

Source: Ruxue Media

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