
When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you

author:Two or three miles of information
When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you

Many people say that at the age of thirty, they suddenly become transparent, and the things that used to be impossible to go by are nothing at all in retrospect.

In fact, it is not to say that at the age of thirty, we will live to understand, but every age has the troubles of each age, and the things that make us feel torn apart at the age of twenty are not worth mentioning for thirty-year-olds, but the things that make thirty-year-olds miserable may also be trivial for forty- and fifty-year-olds.

Therefore, we do not need to regret and dwell on whether the past things are right or wrong, every choice made in the present must be correct, what we need to do is to learn from the past things, so that the future self can live better, so that it can be.

Then, as a person who has come over, I want to tell you my feelings, and I should also tell myself.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you
Except for one's own illness and the departure of one's loved ones, all other pain comes from one's own desires

The reason why we suffer is actually because our desires are not satisfied, love is painful when we can't get it, we suffer when we don't get the life we want, and what we want to accomplish is not completed.

These pains are real for ourselves in the present, but once they have passed, they have really passed, and they will not cause us any fatal harm.

Especially those things about love and desire, it will fade a little bit with age. For example, now that I look at myself who was once suffering from a lost love, I feel really stupid.

Of course, there will also be some pain in our lives that is long, such as our own illness, such as the departure of relatives, which is difficult to change, and will really accompany us for a long time.

In the face of these pains, we can be sad or sad, but don't sink too long, life is too short, not worth wasting, and reconcile with yourself to achieve happiness.

In any case, I hope that you can have a deeper understanding of life, know what is important and what is not important, do not suffer for people and things that are not worthy, and do not hurt yourself because your desires are not satisfied, so that it is really not worth it.

There are too many beautiful things in the world, and if you try to experience them, you will definitely be happier.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you
Most of the people who can persist to the end have achievements, and they rely not on passion, but on liking and investing

I used to think that most successful people have good luck, but later I found out that most successful people actually have a good quality, that is, persistence.

Because of persistence, so constantly improve themselves, because of persistence, you can do a thing to the extreme, because of persistence, in a certain field of continuous investment, continuous output.

Such people must ultimately succeed, because the achievements they have achieved are not necessarily success in the popular sense, but inner richness and fulfillment.

Just like Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping, Yang Dai, and other successful predecessors, they have done one thing well in their lives, although there are stages of poverty and loss, but their hearts are extremely satisfied.

So, please believe that as long as you insist on doing what you like, there will be a reward, don't think too much, find something you like to stick to, a little more no reason to insist, a little less utilitarian expectations, you will definitely get what you want.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you
It is more important to understand what you can do than what you want to do, and to know yourself clearly

We always say that man will triumph over heaven, and I thought so when I was young. However, after the age of thirty, I suddenly understood that there are many things in this world that cannot be done if you want to do it, that everyone has different abilities, and that we don't need to force ourselves to envy others.

For example, I am a person whose limbs are not very coordinated, but because I watch others dance and look good, I try to learn, and in the end I still can't change the problem of stiff limbs, and I become less confident.

This little thing made me understand that there is a specialization in the art industry, and instead of doing those things that are not suitable for me every day, it is better to choose things that are suitable for me to do well.

Especially when facing academic, career and other problems, we should first understand ourselves, and then learn to reconcile with ourselves, rather than blindly desperately trying and eventually getting nothing.

You may not necessarily agree with this as you are young, but I believe that as you get older, you will understand that finding a profession and direction that suits you, investing the right effort and hard work, such a life, you deserve it.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you
There is no such thing as a free lunch, and every gift from heaven is secretly marked with a price

When you are young, everyone wants to get something for nothing, after all, there are too many successful examples around us, we can see the success of these people, but we don't see how much they have paid behind their backs, so they will be very envious and want to follow suit.

But I really want to tell you that there is no unearned success in this world, and all seemingly easy things have a price behind them. For example, those who have obtained wealth by improper means at a young age will regret it in the future, because of the difference in their thoughts, they have plunged their lives into the abyss.

Moreover, I also know a lot of people who succeeded when they were young because of a chance, and some of them can indeed become more excellent, but most of them will also become very proud of such premature success, can't accept failure, can't accept mediocrity.

However, no one in this world can be smooth and profitable all their lives, we always have to face failure, it is only a matter of time and night, if you can not adjust your mentality, you will be hurt, or even a collapse.

I hope that everyone can understand this truth when they are young, everything you get must be paid accordingly, so don't be ecstatic because of a momentary success, and don't have to be miserable because of a temporary failure, this is not necessary at all, down-to-earth efforts, indifferently accept success or failure, I believe that you will have greater achievements.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you
Waking you up in the morning should not be an alarm clock or a dream, but a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early

Effort seems to be synonymous with youth, and many people feel that they should fight when they are young, and I agree with this.

But ah, what I want to tell you, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try, don't forget to take good care of your body, because when you reach a certain age, you will find that the body is the capital of all revolutions, and without health, there is nothing.

A few days ago, two friends in their twenties suddenly passed away, both because of excessive work pressure, staying up late every day and not sleeping.

Looking at the heartbreak of their families, remembering that I had met them some time ago, I was even more determined that there was nothing more important than good health.

In fact, I realized that this problem was also after the age of thirty, because I found that I would be uncomfortable staying up late, eating too much would not digest, and various parts of the body would be inexplicably uncomfortable, all of which were related to my long-term irregular schedule and non-exercise.

Because I didn't want to cause too many problems with my body, I began to work hard to maintain, exercise, go to bed early and get up early, I found that my energy became more energetic, and I also began to slowly feel the changes in my body.

All this made me understand that taking care of my body is the best love for myself, and this is the basis of all dreams.

I hope that everyone can develop such a good habit, go to bed early, get up early, exercise, let self-discipline wake you up, and let maintenance protect you to move forward.

When I was thirty years old, I understood five life principles, and as a person who came over, I wanted to tell you

At the age of thirty, I understand many truths, which come from my successes and failures, some of which make sense, some of which are nonsensical, but no matter what, they are my feelings over the years.

Everyone's life is different, I hope you find the right path for yourself, go on and be happy forever.

I am Xi Yan, columnist, older girl who is not old and not old, likes to write warm words, do emotional programs, has published "The Rest of Your Life, Related to Me", if you have a story, remember to come to me.

Source: Xie's Network

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