
He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

author:Bright Net
He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Speaking of Jules Verne, even people who don't know much about science fiction will probably give a thumbs up. Whether it is "Captain Grant's Children", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Mysterious Island", or "Five Weeks on the Balloon" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth", these titles are familiar to many people. If you haven't read it all, at least you've heard of it. However, when it comes to Arthur Charles Clarke, it may not be known to everyone outside of the vast majority of science fiction fans. So, who is Clarke?

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Let's start with Liu Cixin. I believe that most people are no strangers to this domestic science fiction god. He almost single-handedly raised Chinese science fiction to the world level. However, Liu Cixin has admired a person since he was 18 years old, saying that all his works are the most clumsy imitations of this person. Liu Cixin is talking about the famous British science fiction writer and scientist - Arthur Charles Clark. Together with Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov in the United States, he has been called the "Science Fiction Big Three."

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Clark was born in the UK in 1917 and died in Sri Lanka in 2008. Some people say that this 90-year-old science fiction giant was born for science fiction. Because of his lifetime he wrote 33 novels and 16 short story collections. The works have been translated into more than forty languages and sold more than 50 million copies. His works are informative in science and technology, accurate in prediction, and beautiful in writing, and have made important contributions to the development of world science fiction. He has won dozens of science fiction awards such as the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award in his lifetime, and is a veritable science fiction master.

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Reading this, you might ask, Arthur Clarke, who is more remarkable, or who has contributed more to science fiction, or jules Verne? Verne predates Clarke by about a hundred years, and he is recognized as the founder of science fiction literature, which can be said to have created such a genre as science fiction. Verne created a large number of excellent works in his lifetime, which had an important influence on the genre of science fiction literature. Together with Herbert George Wells, he is known as the "father of science fiction" and the "prophet of the age of science."

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Clark, on the other hand, has made a whole improvement to the literary genre of science fiction. In his science fiction novels, he is full of depictions of technological developments and reflections on the fate of mankind. It can be said that Clarke and other writers of the same era jointly ushered in the golden age of science fiction literature, forming a fixed style that influenced many later authors. Some say — Arthur Clarke is by far one of the most famous science fiction writers and popular science writers. He is the most detail-oriented of the "Science Fiction Big Three" and the most accurate prophecy.

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Clarke's work is known for its informative and accurate descriptions of technology, and the content is authentic and believable. In addition, he uses philosophical thinking to explore the place of human beings in the universe. Many of his predictions have come true, especially in the field of technological development in space exploration. Known as the "Prophet of the Space Age". So, Clarke and Verne, equally remarkable. Or it could be said that Clark was the Verne of the twentieth century.

He was Jules Verne of the twentieth century

Source: CCTV Science and Education

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