
Citrus flies are rampant, and more and more fruit falls, are fruit growers now late in preventing it? Citrus small fruit fly harm in October to control small fruit fly is not too late? How do we prevent it at this stage?

author:Farmer teacher

Now into October, golden autumn sugar oranges, honey oranges and so on into the ripe season, many farmers reflect that citrus has fallen to the ground, this time the prevention and control is still effective?

Citrus flies are rampant, and more and more fruit falls, are fruit growers now late in preventing it? Citrus small fruit fly harm in October to control small fruit fly is not too late? How do we prevent it at this stage?

Citrus small fruit flies will cause fruit to rot and fall, lose the value of commodities, and cause greater losses to farmers, and the reproduction speed of small fruit flies is very fast, which can quickly endanger orchards, causing rotten fruits and falling fruits.

Citrus flies are rampant, and more and more fruit falls, are fruit growers now late in preventing it? Citrus small fruit fly harm in October to control small fruit fly is not too late? How do we prevent it at this stage?

Farmers have reported that citrus has fallen in large quantities, is it too late in this case? In fact, the harm of small fruit flies has begun since May, plus small fruit flies have bridge crops such as peaches, plums, loquats, pomegranates, etc., so they are harmful to various citrus small fruit flies.

Of course, it is a little late, many citrus fruits are already falling, and the fruits that fall on the ground will have new small fruit flies feathering out, so the cycle is indeed very harmful to citrus.

However, now the prevention and control still has a certain effect, even if the phenomenon of fruit fall has occurred.

If we start the control from May, we can effectively control the base, it is recommended to sprinkle chlorpyrifos, octyl thiophos, etc. on the soil to reduce the number of feathering of small fruit flies, some fruit farmers spray permethrin pesticides in the garden, this method has limited effect, but it can also be sprayed, or can eliminate some citrus small fruit fly adults.

Citrus flies are rampant, and more and more fruit falls, are fruit growers now late in preventing it? Citrus small fruit fly harm in October to control small fruit fly is not too late? How do we prevent it at this stage?

Now in October, we can also spray organophosphorus pesticides in orchards to reduce the base of some small realflies, and then hang The Fruit Gang tracks the adhesion, which is sprayed on mineral water bottles to catch pests by gluing.

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The cost of using a mu of fruit-just lured adhesive is about 10 yuan, the main feature is that the male and female are killed, and various fruit flies and melon flies in this orchard can be trapped through "aggregate element".

Generally, 10 plastic bottles are hung on an acre of land, and it is recommended to hang them mainly on the periphery, so that the pests of the orchard can be drawn out and effectively protect the orchard.