
The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

author:Fraternity wind sound pH

World War II was a huge nightmare for the Jews, and as a result of Hitler's genocidal policies, 6 million European Jews died during World War II. They did not die on the battlefield, but were brutally murdered in "death camps" all over the world.

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

So, for the Jews of Europe, the most terrible enemies were not the German SS and the Gestapo, but the doctors, the delicate-looking nurses, and the perverted guards... An evil war distorts humanity to the extreme. It was they— the respectable angels of peacetime — who transformed into demons and created one terrible massacre after another.

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

"Doctor Death" door

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

Among the many Nazi concentration camp doctors, Joseph Menger is undoubtedly the most well-known, not to mention his high education and handsome face, but also has the evil titles of "Angel of Death", "Doctor of Death", and "Butcher". Menger was born on March 16, 1911 in Günzburg, Bavaria, Germany, to a wealthy family of business owners with the title of double doctor.

After the outbreak of World War II, Menger served as an SS medic in the war of aggression against Poland, France, and the Soviet Union. In May 1943, he volunteered to serve in Auschwitz. It is estimated that between 1943 and 1945, 380,000 people died by Menger. But this blood-indebted Menger miraculously escaped justice after the end of the war and went unpunished.

By January 18, 1945, when the Soviets took over Auschwitz, the cunning Menger had fled. In June of the same year, he was captured and spent some time in an American prisoner-of-war camp, but no one recognized him as the heinous war criminal.

In the autumn of 1948, Mengele fled to South America for refuge, where he obtained an Italian resident card under a pseudonym and was allowed to enter Argentina, from which Menger evaporated. West Germany, the United States, France, Japan, and Israel set up special committees to arrest Menger, and Israel sent hundreds of agents to Paraguay and Colombia to assassinate Menger, but he avoided them. International attempts to arrest him lasted for 35 years, but he lived safely in seclusion under various pseudonyms until he drowned while swimming in Brazil on January 24, 1979.

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

It was in the same concentration camp that there was a young and beautiful girl, even more brutal than Menger. She was Glazer, one of Dr. Menger's lovers.

The Scorpion Woman guards Glazer

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

Irma Glazer, born in 1923, was only 22 years old when she was sentenced to death by a court-martial organized by the U.S. occupation authorities in 1945. She studied nursing, but chose the profession of female guards in concentration camps. With her unusual enthusiasm for torturing, torturing, and killing Jewish female prisoners, she received the Iron Cross at the age of eighteen or nineteen, which was the envy of many female guards, and before the age of 20, she was promoted to the warden of the women's concentration camp.

Glazer is an absolute beauty, like all twisted personalities, she is a lustful and woman who has to change men every day to satisfy her lusts, and there are a large number of young and handsome male guards under her, and even the mercurial Dr. Menger is included in her skirt. Of course, perhaps they are all using each other's bodies to satisfy evil desires.

Although she had a few small white faces among the male guards, after being a dewy couple with the personable Dr. Menger, she was even more jealous and animalistic, and all the women Menger favored had to be executed and tortured to death.

Among the female prisoners of the Birkenau sub-camp, there is a saying that when a beautiful woman sees Menger, she can rise from the dead; when a beautiful woman sees Glazer, she will be born into death. Out of lust, Menger dragged many beautiful Jewish female prisoners from the gas chamber to their own examination rooms, so that they escaped death at least temporarily; and many more Jewish female prisoners, just because of their beauty, were killed by jealous Glazer for no reason.

Dehumanizing jealousy

Glazer's perversion is also reflected in her attitude towards female prisoners, although she is a rare beauty in the world, but there are many Jewish women who are more beautiful than her, and she can't stand this alone, and the idea is to destroy the other party. Not only the beautiful woman with the face could not escape her clutches, but even the woman with the big chest did not let go - in her words, the chest was too big to die.

Not only will the handsome female prisoner be killed by Glazer for no reason, but even the pregnant female prisoner is the focus of Glazer's attack, and her logic is: Maybe this Jewish lady will give birth to a cub who is more beautiful than me when she grows up. As soon as she found out that a female prisoner was pregnant, she immediately sent her to the gas chambers; Sometimes a violent kick is also fired at the pregnant woman's abdomen until she is miscarried or tortured to death.

The one with the big chest dies | Auschwitz's "lustful" perverted female killer

Beauty tainted by sin is not a lifesaver

In appearance, she was an impeccable beauty, not only by the men and women of the three concentration camps ravensbrück, Auschwitz, and Belson, where she worked, but also by the female prisoners she had tortured. But from a spiritual point of view, what she has is undoubtedly a snake and scorpion heart, even among the Fierce Nazi female guards, it is also quite prominent.

It was not until he was taken to the dock of the Belson concentration camp trial that Glazer understood the taste of panic and sorrow. She had wanted to exchange her young and beautiful body for a glimmer of life with the presiding judge, but her sins could not even be forgiven by God, let alone a judge. The old man said to her with great regret, "Girl, your appearance is very beautiful, and I don't dislike it in my heart, but I really can't help you, your sins are too great." Your sins cannot be forgiven even by God! Eventually, at the age of 22, Glazer was sent to the gallows. At that moment, she must have thought of the young Jewish women who had been pushed into the death trap by her own hands.

A sinful life is over, but the thinking left for the world is far from over--how can a young girl who was originally like a flower and jade transform into a murderous female demon?

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