
In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

author:Whisper to the point

On July 19, 1983, Deng Xiaoping issued instructions to the Ministry of Public Security in Beidaihe that all kinds of serious criminal offenses must be severely cracked down on. And this is also the origin of the term "strike hard." At that time, the reason why our country decided to strike hard was mainly because the introduction of some Western literature seriously seduced some unemployed young people in society, and they caused serious harm to social order.

In order to allow the people to live with peace of mind, the state has decided to launch a series of strike-hard operations to reduce the domestic crime rate in the shortest possible time. In order to achieve the expected deterrent effect, China's crackdown on many illegal and criminal incidents at that time was very strong. After the strike-hard crackdown, China has indeed stabilized a lot, and since then, China has also carried out a strike-hard crackdown every once in a while to maintain stability in its domestic society.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

Pingyuan Street case series photos

Speaking of which, we have to mention an incident that occurred in 1992, when several years had passed since the first strike hard, and the overall atmosphere in the country was peaceful and stable. But at that time, the relevant departments suddenly dispatched more than 100 military vehicles, and armed police regiments full of loaded guns and live ammunition surrounded Pingyuan Street.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

Pingyuan Street is a remote town located in Yunnan, where because of its special geographical location, it is close to Vietnam, the Golden Triangle and other places, which makes Pingyuan Street hide many criminals. The local people are also unable to fully manage the government and do whatever they want, and they often trade drugs and weapons with drug dealers in the Golden Triangle and other areas.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

Later, the people of Pingyuan Street and the criminals hiding here became more arrogant, and they even dared to directly take guns against the local government, which also posed a very serious security threat to the surrounding area of Pingyuan Street. In order to solve the problem of Pingyuan Street, China has decided to adopt tough and violent means to control the violent elements in Pingyuan Street in the shortest possible time.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

Under the organization of the State Council and China's public security departments, the Yunnan Armed Police Corps dispatched 103 military vehicles, filled with armed police officers and men armed police armed with live ammunition, and they launched a large-scale arrest operation on Pingyuan Street under the pretext of armed exercises in accordance with the plan they had previously formulated. In the whole arrest operation, because of the stubborn resistance of the criminals in Pingyuan Street, the arrest work of the officers and soldiers once fell into a stalemate.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

After more than 80 days of hard work, the officers and men of the armed police finally achieved certain results in the encirclement and suppression work on Pingyuan Street. At that time, officers and soldiers searched and suppressed thousands of firearms from the homes of ordinary people in Pingyuan Street, in addition to more than a ton of drugs. It is conceivable how serious the illegal and criminal situation in Pingyuan Street was at that time.

In 1992, why were 100 military vehicles surrounded Pingyuan Street by armed police with full loads of guns and live ammunition? The strike-hard operation Pingyuan Street encirclement and suppression is in progress

Looted firearms

It is also worth mentioning that more than 800 people have been sentenced in the entire Pingyuan Street world, and after the end of the encirclement and suppression operation, China has also strengthened its control over the region. In order to avoid any more criminals coming to Pingyuan Street to hide, China has also registered household registration for local households, and the whole Pingyuan Street has finally taken on a new look.

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