
A son settled to activate the full disk

author:China Jilin Net

Reporters Wang Liang, Pan Rui, Mi Yunxi

From the "Jilin No. 1" soaring in the air, to the "Fuxing" EMU landing and galloping, from the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence technology, to the acceleration of "Jilin Intelligent Manufacturing" to accelerate the transformation of the old industrial base and turn around gorgeously... On the land of Jilin Province, the pulse of innovation can be felt everywhere.

To grasp innovation is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. History and reality tell us that innovation is not only a key move to promote the "one-son breakthrough" of economic and social development, but also a winning step to lead the development of "activating the full disk". So, how does innovation drive "fall", and how to lay out high-quality development? Open the blueprint of the high-quality development strategy of "one main and six doubles" in our province, and the answer jumps on the paper——

Based on the foundation, give full play to the advantages, and face the future, unswervingly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, build a national innovation and entrepreneurship base in Changchun, and make innovation the most powerful support for the full implementation of the "one main and six doubles" high-quality development strategy.

Jilin, which presses the "fast-forward button" of innovation and development, is running out of "acceleration" on the innovation-driven track.

Innovation positioning: breaking the "glass wall" of innovative achievement transformation

To build a national innovation and entrepreneurship base, why must it be Changchun?

Changchun universities and scientific research institutes are gathered, and the atmosphere of innovation is strong: Dozens of colleges and universities such as Jilin University and Northeast Normal University are located in Changchun, and more than ten national key laboratories and more than 100 provincial and ministerial key laboratories are built in Changchun. In 2020, Changchun city entered the world's top 100 innovation clusters, ranking 38th in the global scientific research city.

Changchun's "heavyweight" industrial enterprises have a strong foundation: LARGE state-owned enterprises such as FAW and Changke have strong research and development capabilities, and at the same time have a large number of high-level "big country craftsmen" and "technical talents".

These are the biggest "confidence" for our province to propose the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies and build a national innovation and entrepreneurship base in Changchun.

However, although sitting on the rich resources of "large courtyards, large schools, large institutes and large enterprises", how to make innovative achievements go out of the "boudoir" and effectively transform them into industrial advantages, development advantages and competitive advantages has always been a big "distress" for Jilin people.

On the one hand, the research and development results of scientific research institutes are "raised in the depths of people do not know", on the other hand, the enterprises are "looking for her in the crowd" for the transformation results, breaking the "glass wall" of the transformation of achievements, which is imminent. To this end, our province has frequently launched the policy "Sharp Axe": around Changchun City to fully support 5 national-level "double creation" demonstration bases, actively promote the construction of industry-university-research collaborative innovation platform, create a "leading + industrial chain + industry-university-research innovation alliance + small and micro" incubation model, fully implement the strategy of strengthening the city of talents, and create a talent gathering highland of "near and far"...

The top-level design has been outlined, and the grass-roots exploration is also full of vitality.

As an important innovation "highland" in our province, Changchun New Area unremittingly grasps the "synergy" of government, industry, education and research innovation. In order to form a collaborative innovation effect of "1+1>2", Changchun New Area gives full play to the role of the government in setting up a platform, cooperates with Jilin University, Institute of Optics and Machinery, Institute of Applied Chemistry, Huawei and other large institutes and large enterprises to create an "open, integrated, and efficient" collaborative innovation alliance, providing strong support for joint technical research, achievement transformation and convergence, and independent innovation of enterprises. Jointly with the "Huanji University Double Innovation Ecosystem" created by Jilin University, the overall construction of "one core, two hearts, n parks" innovation layout, will form a "science, teaching, innovation, production, service" collaborative innovation gathering area. The Science and Technology Industry Service Platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Jilin) jointly built by the Changchun Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has promoted the transformation of more than 50 scientific and technological achievements such as the Institute of Microelectronics, the Institute of Mechanics, and the Shenyang Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The National Applied Chemistry Research Center, jointly established by Yinghua, is guided by the major needs of the country and focuses on solving the technical problems of "card neck" such as bionic synthetic rubber, aviation tires and photoresists.

"In the past, due to the lack of communication and docking channels with the market, researchers often held scientific research results in their hands but could not effectively transform them. With the start of the construction of a number of industry-university-research cooperation platforms, many scientific research achievements have found a way out. Xiang Hongyu, a professor at the College of Life and Sciences of Jilin University, told reporters, "My research direction is microbiology, this discipline is closely related to the people's food safety, due to the continuous improvement of the transformation platform, many of our scientific research results have been able to go out of the laboratory and go to the people's table." With the promotion of provincial-school cooperation and school-site cooperation, Jilin University has signed agreements with Songyuan City, Baishan City, Tonghua County and other places to jointly build technology transfer centers, and a number of industry-university-research cooperation platforms such as "Hongqi College", "Jilin University Songyuan Technology Transfer Center" and "Jilin University Changbaishan Resources and Health Research Institute" have also been launched. "These platforms not only help colleges and universities solve the problem that scientific research results are difficult to land, but also provide the driving force for enterprises to win the market." In the past, we used to say 'the government set up the stage, the enterprise sings the opera', now we can call it 'the government sets up the stage, the expert screenwriter, the enterprise sings the opera', with the innovative support of experts and scholars, the enterprise's drama can sing better and longer. ”

Innovative Mode: The "Magic Wand" that stirs up a pool of living water

Starting from a cup of coffee, talking about projects, promoting cooperation, and then from the "nursery period" to the "acceleration period", providing corresponding "soil" for enterprises at different stages... For incubated enterprises, the significance of Changchun Ferry Innovation Workshop is far more than the concept of a physical space, but also an "accelerator" to promote the development of enterprises in an all-round way.

The team of Liu Junmei, a professor at Jilin Agricultural University, combined the two things of ginseng and sweet potato into a delicious snack - ginseng sweet potato, which combines the nutrients of ginsenosides with the sweet and sticky taste of sweet potatoes. This is Liu Junmei's first product after she officially started her business, and it is also the first successful transformation of her scientific research results. With the support of the Ferry Innovation Workshop, Liu Junmei's scientific research achievements were exported at once, and subsequently, a series of products with both scientific and technological content and market-oriented content such as "Ganoderma lucidum crisps" and "Ganoderma lucidum enzyme tea" were rapidly developed, and the characteristic resources of the Changbai Mountain area had a more novel "expression".

"The incubator is like a business growth school, where innovators, under the guidance and cultivation of entrepreneurial mentors and incubators, turn one 'imaginary' idea into a market-welcome product to help enterprises grow healthily." Liu Zheng, general manager of the ferry innovation workshop, said.

In addition to the incubation model of "angel investment + maker entrepreneurship + one-stop service + enterprise incubation" like ferry innovation workshop, the incubation model of "leading + industrial chain + industry-university-research innovation alliance + small and micro" represented by the China FAW Group Double Innovation Incubator - Qizhi Innovation Center, the incubation mode of "scientific research institutes + double creation platform + achievement transformation + high-tech enterprises" represented by Changchun University of Science and Technology, and the incubation mode of "colleges and universities + course teaching + practical training platform + entrepreneurship and employment" represented by Jilin Animation Institute, The typical model of "double creation" such as the incubation mode of "entrepreneurial nursery + incubator + accelerator + industrial park" represented by the Jilin Optoelectronic Industry Incubator is igniting the vitality of market players with the momentum of spark.

Recently, an original animation "Blood and Heart" caught fire, and soon after its launch, the number of views on the website exceeded one million. Such an original animation is from Changchun Zhixing Heyi Animation Co., Ltd. Li Yansong, the founder of the company, has a deep feeling for model innovation, "Through the cultivation of professional talents and the ecological incubation of large enterprises, creating an immersive innovation and entrepreneurship environment can effectively improve the survival rate and growth space of start-ups." The combination of innovation and entrepreneurship, the combination of online and offline, the combination of incubation and investment, and the open innovation ecosystem provide more path choices for enterprises to become bigger and stronger. ”

From the construction of "platform" to the "model" innovation, from the application of "new technology" to the "new achievements", the creation of an innovation platform carrier, and the promotion of the typical model of "double creation" have become the "magic wand" that stirs up the living water of innovation in our province. In Jilin Jiguang Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a number of "card neck" technologies in the fields of optical communication, intelligent perception and quantum technology have achieved breakthrough results, "relying on the innovation platform, it can provide R&D equipment and R&D venues for more scientific researchers and high-tech enterprises in related fields, and help enterprises carry out forward-looking layout of industrial scientific research." Tong Cunzhu, general manager of the company, said, "Aiming at the key core technologies of the industry, building a platform for maturation of achievements and an industrial acceleration platform, opening up the key links from innovative technology to industry, and building a research and development and transformation base for scientific and technological achievements led by demand, diversified co-construction, and open system is our goal to build an innovation center." ”

Innovation Environment: Building an Open, Inclusive and Shared "Ecosystem"

"The proof is not opened", "the fee is less paid", "the 'Yamen' is easy to run"... In view of the "blockages" and "pain points" that hinder the development of innovation, our province proposes to "create an innovation environment like creating a business environment and promote the rational allocation of innovation element resources." "Build a policy system that closely integrates science and technology, education, industry, talents, and finance, crack the problem of blocking the innovation chain and the pain point, promote the interaction of innovation and entrepreneurship, the integration of science and technology economy, and build an open, inclusive and shared innovation ecosystem."

At the beginning of this year, Changchun New Area creatively implemented the preferential enterprise policy "free of application and enjoyment", and first introduced a total of 13 applicable "free application and enjoyment" preferential enterprise policies, covering science and technology, finance, talents and other fields. Less than a week after the policy was introduced, the policy was cashed out directly to the enterprise. The technology center of Jilin Aolaide Optoelectronic Materials Co., Ltd. and the technology center of Changchun Xida Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. were successfully approved as national enterprise technology centers, which are in line with the policy clause of "free application and enjoyment" in the new district, "giving a one-time reward of 1 million yuan to newly identified and newly introduced national scientific research institutes, state key laboratories, national engineering laboratories, national engineering (technology) research centers, and state-level enterprise technology centers". When the person in charge of the enterprise received the reward of the "free application and enjoyment" policy, he was very emotional: "Without filling in the form layer by layer, without running a step, I got the 'real money and silver' at home, this service is too warm."

Change the "door-to-door policy" of enterprises to the government's "door-to-door delivery policy", strengthen the arrival rate and cash rate of the policy, transform the policy dividend into the driving force for the development of the enterprise, stimulate the vitality of the main body of the market, and the province continues to improve the accuracy and accessibility of the policy.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet. Market players are the most sensitive: in the first three quarters of this year, there were 91,152 newly registered enterprises in our province, an increase of 19.6% year-on-year, and an average of 334 new enterprises were born every day.

Talent is the foundation of innovation. In order to do everything possible to cultivate talents, attract talents, retain talents, form a system, mechanism, policy and environment for people to make the best use of their talents, and create a strong atmosphere of talent awareness, love talent, use talent, tolerance and talent gathering, our province has explored the implementation of the "industrial chain + talent" work mechanism, attached equal importance to attracting investment and wisdom, supporting key enterprises to attract "high-precision and cutting-edge" talents and their teams, and creating a talent gathering highland. Continue to improve the talent policy to attract more college graduates to stay in Kyrgyzstan for employment and entrepreneurship.

"This year, Jilin Province launched the talent policy version 2.0, 21 policies and measures with full gold content, focusing on the actual needs of talents for the revitalization and development of the province, effectively responding to the demands of the majority of talents for peace of mind, safety and security, and playing a very important role in stabilizing the talent team." Talking about how to further retain talents and make good use of talents, Jin Hong, secretary of the Party Committee of Changchun Institute of Optics and Machinery, thought a lot, "With the rapid development of information technology and modern logistics in the Internet era, the region itself is no longer the primary consideration for talents to choose to stay. In contrast, finding out the comparative advantages, focusing on their own advantageous industries and advantageous disciplines, concentrating on allocating effective resources, building a platform and carrier for talent officers to start a business, and forming a good atmosphere of retaining people in careers and projects, it is more conducive to increasing talent stickiness and allowing talents to truly take root in Jilin Province. ”

Insisting on attaching equal importance to the introduction of external talents and retaining local talents, Jilin University has built a "one main and five auxiliary" talent introduction system with the "Kuang Yaming/Tang Aoqing Scholars" talent position as the mainstay, supplemented by the "Peiying Project Plan, Dingxin Scholars, Lixin Scholars, Golden Seeds, and Workshops", which has effectively stimulated and cultivated a number of high-level talents and released the "talent dividend" within the university. "Colleges and universities are the reservoir and gathering place of talents, especially undergraduate and graduate education is the foundation of talent cultivation, and Jilin University will continue to build a more comprehensive and higher-level talent training system to provide strong talent support for local economic and social development." Feng Zhengyu, executive deputy secretary of the party committee of Jilin University, said.

According to the latest statistics, as of the end of August, nearly 90,000 graduates (including graduate students) of the class of 2021 in our province have been employed in the province, the employment rate in the province has reached 53.6%, and the number of people staying in the province has increased by 20,200 people year-on-year, an increase of 28 percentage points.

When the innovation-driven results are becoming more and more apparent, when the vitality of market players is becoming more and more vigorous, more and more young people use their youth and the future to make choices. Jilin is closer to the dream of building a national innovation and entrepreneurship base in Changchun, closer...