
Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

author:Life Photo Gallery

The same is chasing dreams

If someone succeeds, it is the stars holding the moon

Some people are stuck in the mud, and there is no future from now on

If you want to say that in the first few episodes of "Star Sea", who has changed the most, it must be Ah Xiang.

Everyone has the right to chase their dreams, but not everyone has the ability to chase their dreams.

Ah Xiang's first appearance is a small clerk of a trading group, who speaks nicely, called an administrative staff, and speaks badly, that is, a tea girl.

For less than two thousand yuan a month, the rent fee will use up half a month's salary.

It is such a position, or the family asks for this and that, so no matter how difficult it is in the company, Ah Xiang does not dare to leave easily.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

When he first started to play, Ah Xiang and Ah Ying formed a sharp contrast.

Ah Ying is dressed gorgeously, greased with powder, and has a variety of styles.

Ah Xiang wore a white shirt and a ponytail, clean and fresh.

At that time, Ah Xiang looked down on Ah Ying, although Ah Ying earned more than her, but Ah Xiang always felt that it was the money from selling himself, it was not clean, even if he held it in his hand, his heart would not be solid, so every time he and Ah Ying were on the bar, Ah Xiang would take this to choke Ah Ying.

Soon, however, Ah Xiang underwent earth-shaking changes.

Ah Xiang was harassed by her colleagues in the company, and she ran out of the company after a big fight with her colleagues, just in time to meet Jane Ai and Ah Ying from the clubhouse.

Jane Ai remembered her parents, remembered the truth that Liang Xiaoyan taught her, and resolutely refused this job of accompanying wine.

Jane Ai does not want to go deep into the quagmire, does not want to sink, decay, and be willing to be mediocre, but Ah Xiang does not care.

Without hesitation, she followed Ah Ying into the clubhouse.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

I don't know if Ah Xiang will blame Ah Ying for taking herself into the clubhouse many years later, causing herself to become a pool of mud from then on, if so, Za Tanjun just wants to say that Ah Ying just took a shovel and opened another trail on her original avenue, but where to choose is Ah Xiang's own decision.

Ah Xiang is not bad looking, thick makeup is smeared, it can also be regarded as the better looking kind in the clubhouse, and the figure is slim, so there is almost no doubt about the successful application.

From this day on, Ah Xiang became Ah Ying, she was like Ah Ying, wearing gorgeous and revealing clothes, painting thick makeup, her hair also became a big wave, and the whole person leaned against the wall, which was simply a thousand styles.

But there was no longer purity in her eyes, like the drunken and materialistic place of the clubhouse, where money had long since swallowed her up, and now she had lost her soul, and she would only scratch her head every day, please men, and ask for tips.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

At the beginning, when Ah Xiang came back, there was no intoxication and flattery in her eyes, and it seemed that after changing this dress, she was still the Same Ah Xiang who worked in the company.

But gradually, Ah Xiang's body became more and more of Ah Ying's shadow, and she began to be like most of the wine girls, even walking daily, with a contrived charm, and raising her hands and feet seemed to be soliciting guests.

Later, Ah Ying left, only Jane Ai and Ah Xiang were left in the house, Ah Xiang was still working in the clubhouse, and on the day of sending Ah Ying away, Ah Xiang was still wearing heavy makeup and revealing clothes, she looked at Ah Ying, there was reluctance, there was envy.

Ah Xiang told Jane Ai that she seemed to be unable to do anything but accompany the wine now.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

Later, Ah Xiang also had to move away, before leaving, Ah Xiang said that she was different from Jane Ai, Jane Ai worked hard and was motivated, and she would not do anything.

But in the view of The Miscellaneous Talker, these are just Ah Xiang's depravity to himself, just find a seemingly reasonable excuse, Jane Ai is not a genius, can go step by step, is to turn the disobedience of the heart into a driving force for moving forward, and Ah Xiang, is to disobey, into resentment, to give himself a cup of bitter wine of life, in the atmosphere he created, self-pity, Gu Ying self-pity.

Ah Xiang feels that the world is unfair, the same is to go to China Textile, why others can sit at the desk to point fingers at her, you can think of wronging her wrongfully accused her, but never thought about why others will not be themselves, let alone think that since they will not have to go to study.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

Ah Xiang is like a part of life, if you ask him what he wants, he can talk for three days and three nights, but once you ask him what he has done for these ideas, he will immediately be willing to be in a corner of peace, cowering, hiding in his own small world, never willing to take a step.

One is out of fear of the unknown, afraid that the outside world is more cruel, afraid that they can't afford to fail, but more often because they always want to settle once and for all, the greed of enjoying it, and the rejection of thorns on the road of struggle.

They want to succeed, but they don't want to pay a drop of sweat, even if it has dried up, they are only willing to wait for others to nourish.

These qualities of Ah Xiang can also be glimpsed in the few scenes.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

For example, in the face of colleagues' difficulties, Jane Ai chooses how to solve the problem, and Ah Xiang will only complain.

For example, when Ah Xiang got the first tip at the clubhouse, she did not feel a little sad that she had finally become the kind of person she did not want to be, but excitedly let Ah Ying introduce such a customer to her.

For example, the three of them eat at the noodle restaurant, and when talking about the future, Ah Xiang said that she herself did not know what she wanted to do, and that a person who was already confused about her life should be a terrible thing.

That hundreds of yuan tip, let Ah Xiang suddenly feel that the original money can come so easily, since the sale of laughter, let others take a little advantage can be achieved, why do you have to work hard to memorize words, examination qualifications, examination certificates?

Such thoughts are repeated in the mind day after day, and finally successfully brainwash themselves, and when they suddenly find half of their sanity one day, they are horrified to find that they seem to be laughing and will not do anything, so they have to choose to continue to fall.

Ah Xiang's depravity is not to blame Ah Ying, talent can not keep up with desire and do not want to forge ahead, is doomed to be a tragedy

When one day, when you are old and decaying, accomplishing nothing and having nothing, looking at those who have been down but working hard, you will only be left to complain about the world, blame Why God is so unfair to himself, and resent how he does not have a smart brain.

And the truth is, in real life, the vast majority are ordinary people, and they are better off than you, just because they work hard enough.

Ah Xiang transformed from a tea girl into a wine girl in the clubhouse, and was willing to continue like this, her depravity has nothing to do with Ah Ying at all, it is caused by her own heart being higher than the sky, her talent cannot keep up with her desire, and she refuses to let go of her desire first, and strives to improve herself step by step to satisfy.

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