
Phalaenopsis orchid common pests and diseases and control techniques

author:Raising flowers
Phalaenopsis orchid common pests and diseases and control techniques

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Phalaenopsis orchid beautiful posture, gorgeous color, is a very high ornamental value of a person a flower plant, popular with people, but phalaenopsis orchid resistance to diseases and insect pests is weak, pay attention to maintenance, the following we come to understand the phalaenopsis common diseases and insect pests and control techniques:

Phalaenopsis orchid common pests and diseases and control techniques

Phalaenopsis diseases and pests:

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 1, bacterial diseases

These diseases begin with multiplication of internal tissues and then spread to the foliage and plant surfaces, with common symptoms of secretion of sap and decay, mostly due to excessive watering or infection through contact between insects or plants. Symptoms of black rot disease: it is a common disease of orchid plants, phalaenopsis orchid disease usually ulcerates and dies of the whole plant, which is a quite serious disease.

Prevention and control skills: special attention needs to be paid to greenhouse ventilation, and the temperature needs to be adjusted appropriately. If this occurs in orchid plants, it is necessary to avoid spraying water to avoid prolongation of the disease. Germicidal powder should be sprayed to prevent unfounded orchid strains and remove only the diseased strains as soon as possible.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 2, brown rot disease

This is a rather difficult disease in orchid disease, which initially produces pale spots on the plant or foliar surface, and then gradually becomes thicker and dark brown, causing the plant to wrinkle. The onset of brown rot disease extends quite quickly, from the initial onset to the occurrence of wrinkles and decay takes only one day, usually in the morning to start decaying at night, which is a rather troublesome phalaenopsis disease. Brown rot disease mostly occurs in the environment with high air humidity, which is most susceptible to disease in spring and summer, at this time is the time when the air humidity is higher and the orchid plant grows faster, once the orchid plant gets sick, it is easy to make the surrounding orchids get sick together.

Prevention and control skills: brown rot is easy to occur in the environment with high air humidity, if there is an orchid plant found to be sick, you need to stop watering, and cut off the disease part, and apply bactericidal drugs, if the condition is serious or there is a suspicion of enlarged disease, the disease plant can be removed or isolated. If other orchid plants are at risk of infection, they can be sprayed with sterilization powder for prevention, and the humidity should be strictly controlled in spring and summer, and the orchid garden should be ventilated and the environment should be kept clean.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 3, mold

The environmental humidity changes too much or the soil and nutrient fertilizer fertility factors cause plant damage, and mold attacks the orchid pig tissue. In addition, the gray mold on the petals of the orchid is also a mold lesion, which will form small spots on the orchid flowers, and the reason for this lesion is that it is too humid or the relative humidity is too high, and the temperature and humidity control is required.

Prevention and control skills: We must pay attention to reducing the ec value of irrigation water, reduce the moisture of the medium, and also do a good job of temperature and humidity control.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 4, spotted disease

Most of the diseases occur on the leaves, the initial leaf surface will produce round black brown spots, the spots gradually spread and eventually lead to orchid rot, which belongs to a kind of mycosis, mostly occurs in the autumn and winter low temperature, humid and poor ventilation environment.

Prevention and control methods: This lesion mostly occurs in low temperature and humidity and poor ventilation environment, the first control method to improve humidity and keep the foliar dry, in the cold weather only a small amount of watering, and increase the ambient temperature and maintain ventilation, the wet water stagnation on the plant.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 5, leaf blight

Leaf blight begins to change color at the tip of the leaf, then gradually spreads to the whole leaf and the whole plant, and finally the whole orchid is dark brown, and the affected orchid plant is hard to die.

Prevention and treatment method: This lesion is also caused by the environment is too humid, and it is necessary to pay attention to humidity control.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 6, mesenchymal insects

Mesophyllum mainly parasitizes the leaves, leaf sheaths and pseudobulbs of orchids, and penetrates deep into the stomata of orchids with a sucking mouthpiece to absorb nutrients, and in severe cases the leaves are yellowed, withered and fallen. It occurs in cultivation sites with high humidity, poor ventilation and insufficient sunlight. This type of pest secretes honeydew, which induces soot disease, which affects plant growth and ornamental value.

Prevention and control skills: When a small amount occurs, use a soft brush dipped in water to remove the eggs, or cut off and move the occurrence site out and burn them. Ladybirds are natural enemies of mesozoans and can prey on large numbers of mesozoans, thereby inhibiting their occurrence. When mesosomes occur more often, spray 50% quicksilver emulsion l000 times liquid or 50% marathon emulsion 800 times liquid, every 7 to 10 days l spray, spray 3 times continuously.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 7, aphids

Aphids are mainly infested in spring and early summer, sucking the sap and nutrients of young leaves, shoots and developing flower spikes and flower buds, resulting in inhibition of growth, deformation, distortion and stunting of leaves and flower spikes. The honeydew it secretes attracts ants and causes soot or other fungal diseases.

Control tips: Take turns spraying with oxidized fruit or pyrethroid l000 times liquid. Predators such as red-spotted lip ladybirds, Japanese square-headed beetles, and red-ringed ladybirds play a better role in preying on aphids.

Phalaenopsis diseases and insect pests: 8, whiteflies

Whiteflies usually parasitize orchids in clusters and, in severe cases, the entire leaf, leaf sheath, and false bulb are covered with whiteflies. It is very fertile and causes the orchid's leaves to dry out and fall off.

Prevention and control skills: spray 50% quicksilver emulsion l 000 times liquid or 50% marathon emulsion 800 times liquid when whitefed is infested, spray l times every 7 to 10 days, spray 3 times continuously.

Phalaenopsis orchid is a more famous flower variety, with a noble home style, but the cultivation of Phalaenopsis orchid is more difficult, there are many diseases and insect pests and phalaenopsis orchid resistance is weak, so pay special attention to the above is the Phalaenopsis farming in some common insect pests, diseases, and corresponding prevention and control techniques, I hope to help everyone.

Pay attention to the encyclopedia of flowers, so that you can raise any flowers!

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