
The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

author:Dean Li talked about explosive copywriting

Text/Gu Xiaoyu

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Due to the recent explosion of the "Mao Mao Sister" image and "good hi Oh" line on the vibrato deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the content released by the number "Redundant and Mao Mao Sister" has been spread on the whole network, and other creative new stems have been derived, so today Xiaoyu will take you to take a good analysis of what personality characteristics of the "Mao Mao Sister" of this hot whole network, and how to create a personified IP, hoping to bring inspiration to the creators of Douyin.

The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

The distinctive appearance image and demonic lines are all as the characteristic labels of the personality of "Mao MaoJie", and the point we should learn more is the personality characteristics of the entire Mao Mao Sister, which is also the basis for creating a personality IP.

Mao Mao sister is designed to be a very funny, with an earthy taste, do what you want to do regardless of the feelings of others, saying that it is very frank to say that it is very frank, and saying that it is not good to listen to is a very sand sculpture character, these earthy appearances and brainwashing lines, are things that this personality trait will definitely do, there is no sense of violation; you can imagine that wearing red hair and sandals with white socks, but it is a city white-collar personality that is very inconsistent with the scene of life.

The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

Setting up Mao Maojie's personality is good here, no matter how absurd and funny things this character does, they are regarded as "normal performances", and these exaggerated and funny performances further strengthen the personality characteristics. The image of the "superfluous" of the boys and the black long straight girl are all foils for Mao Maojie, just like the previous article, the ordinary things can highlight the strange and play a contrasting role.

The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

When we make videos, it is very recommended that you introduce a character with distinctive characteristics like Mao Maojie, no matter what the content is, the current personified character can most impress the audience's memory point.

This image cannot be unremarkable and cookie-cutter, and it has become the benchmark good guy and bad guy in the kind of TV series that we often complain about. You should give this image from the appearance, lines, actions, psychology and other aspects, all-round shaping, so that it can penetrate the hearts of the people.

For example, Mao Maojie, even recently, the actor Xiao Yang in Guizhou to shoot vibrato, Mao Mao sister chaotic in, shouting "good hi Oh", completely overshadowed the celebrity limelight, everyone in the comments unanimously said that Mao Mao sister is a ghost guizhou specialty, this Xiao Yang video also has more than 1.6 million likes.

The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

The short video creative elite community created by teacher Gu Xiaoyu is about to be upgraded! In the community, you can learn short video shooting operations, increase fans and monetize, understand the latest platform trends, and dock resources. Places are limited, and students who want to join have a private message to "community" consultation.

The deep reason for the explosion of "Mao MaoJie", this article interprets the "routine" for you

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