
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

author:Raising flowers
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

Now when cooking, who will not grab a few seasonings ah ~ such as perilla and the like, plant a few pots of herbs at home, want to use when you directly pick a few leaves, green environmental protection and save money!

1 Perilla

The use of perilla leaves, japonica rice, brown sugar to make perilla porridge has the effect of warming the stomach and dissipating cold, and is also effective for patients who are accidentally infected with wind chills. You can also add seasonings such as monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, and soy sauce for cold mixing, which can alleviate cough, asthma, cold and fever.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Conservation Method: Family breeding choices wrinkled leaf perilla are better, and the adaptability is comparative. Potting soil with 8 parts cooked vegetable garden soil, 1 part decomposed organic fertilizer, 0. 5 parts of compound fertilizer, add a small amount of calcium superphosphate mixed to prepare pots. Sow 1 hole and 3 seeds per pot, cover the soil after sowing, water the seedlings, and put them in a sunny place for maintenance after emergence.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Keep the pot soil moist when growing vigorously, pay attention not to accumulate water, and chase fast-acting fertilizer 2 to 3 times. As long as the leaves grow to a certain size, they can be picked and eaten at any time, and the top of the flower bud differentiation is removed at any time. If it is for ornamental use, it is not necessary.

2 Basil

Basil is perfect for pairing with tomatoes, whether it is making lai, boiling soup or making sauce, the flavor is very unique. Can be used as a seasoning for pizza, pasta sauce, sausages, soups, tomato juices, drizzles and salads.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Culture Method: Basil is very sensitive to cold, prefers warm and moist growing environments, is heat-tolerant but not hardy, drought-tolerant, and not waterlogged.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
The soil requirements are not strict. If you want basil to grow long and lush, you should choose soil with fertile soil and good drainage.

3 oregano

Directly picking fresh branches and leaves and adding them to meat dishes can improve the fishy taste, and after the leaves are dried and preserved, it is an excellent ingredient in the preparation of flower tea, or in pastry bread and various cooking dishes.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Cut the branches from the tip of the outdoor oregano plant, place the pot in the south-facing window, and you're ready to take root! The management is relatively extensive, and there is generally no pest and disease hazard. Remember to move indoors in the winter.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

4 mallows

The mallow flowers are very beautiful, and the leaves of the mallows are ground into powder, which is still a good spice.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
The management of mallows is also relatively extensive, watering to see dry and wet can be, after winter should be moved into the room in time, placed in a warm place to the sun, keep the indoor temperature 3-5 ° C, can overwinter, pot soil should be dry and avoid wet, anti-rotten roots. Sometimes the leaves fall, and new leaves grow again the following spring.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

5 thyme

Fresh thyme is suitable for seasoning dried beans, sauces, eggs, vegetables, minced meats, as well as grilled meats and grilled fish. Fresh and dried thyme is more pot-resistant and is an ideal condiment for soups, stews, assorted casseroles, tomato juices, etc.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
The thyme cultivation environment should be well-lit, otherwise the plant will grow in vain. The soil requirements are not high, but it needs to be well drained, and it can be used with peat moss or cultivated soil mixed with perlite.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
The most suitable growth temperature is 20 ° C to 25 ° C, cultivation should pay special attention to the high temperature in summer, when the temperature is higher, the plant can be slightly pruned to facilitate ventilation, and placed in a cool place for summer.

6 Herbs

The edible part of the herb is generally a young stem and leaf, and its young stems and leaves are the best of wild game. It can be mixed cold, fried, fried, and can also be made into porridge. It can also be used as a cooking condiment or ingredient. For example, crucian carp, pancakes and so on!
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Herbs do not have strict soil requirements, and generally can grow in soil, but it is preferable to have a deep and fertile and loose sandy loam or loam.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Afraid of standing water, planted in low-lying areas prone to water accumulation, the roots are perishable and die.

7 parsley

Parsley, also known as French incense, parsley, is widely used in Western food in the cooking of sausages, meat, bread and other foods. Fresh parsley smells light and elegant, after chopping can smell a strong vanilla smell, it can mask the special taste of food, while highlighting the natural taste of the ingredients, and use with cinnamon can also remove the strong odor.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Parsley is very easy to germinate, you can grow a large pot in a month, and it grows rapidly! You can use a larger pot to raise, keep in one place do not move frequently, scattered light, warm environment is the most suitable.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

8 Lemongrass

Lemongrass has a lemon-like fragrance and can also promote digestion. Lemongrass has a pleasant lemon aroma in the stems and leaves, which can be used as a spice for cooking; when medicinal, it has the effect of refreshing the mind, and can treat headaches, nervous tension, poor appetite and other symptoms.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
In addition to the hardiness of this plant, its advantages are quite many, shade-tolerant, drought-tolerant, barren, more suitable for the southern environment, like a slightly moist environment, scattered light conservation.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

9 Sage

After drying, the smell is strong, and it is generally used to cook soups or meat foods with strong taste, add a little to ease the taste, mix it into the salad and enjoy it, which can play a more beautiful and beautiful effect. Flowers can be used to make tea, emit a clear fragrance, can eliminate the body oil, help circulation, with antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-diarrhea effect, containing estrogen, pregnant women should avoid use.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
Sage can be extensively maintained, the potting soil is dried and watered thoroughly, and it grows on the windowsill that prefers to face south or west
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

10 Solo dishes

Stir-fried with chicken, pork and other meats, it is delicious and delicious. It can also be chopped and mixed, and the taste is fragrant and slightly spicy.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!
This is a plant that is also very easy to grow indoors, its root system is relatively shallow, likes to scatter light maintenance, keep the potting soil slightly moist, and soon you can harvest a lot of small cute plants.
Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

Well ~ introduced so much vanilla,

Do you want to try it?

With these herbs, you don't have to worry about the seasoning in the future!

Planted these 10 pots of herbs, no need to buy spices at home!

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