
The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

author:Historical Curiosity

On July 14, 1949, Chen Yi had just become the mayor of Shanghai, and a special verdict appeared on his desk, and Chen Yi was furious after reading it, and immediately approved four big words on the verdict: Agree to shoot.

A month later, the Liberation Daily published the news that a young police officer in Shanghai had been shot by order of Mayor Chen Yi. As soon as the news came out, the people of Shanghai clapped their hands and said that they were fast. For a time, the identity of this young policeman made countless people curious, and after understanding, it was found that he was not a Kuomintang agent or a traitor, but a military representative.

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

Who is this military representative? What mistake did he make? Why did it alarm Chen Yi, who is the mayor of Shanghai? How did Chen Yi deal with it in the end? Today, the History Inquiry Institute will take you to understand the first anti-corruption and clean government case after the liberation of Shanghai. Interested friends may wish to pay attention to the curiosity, which is convenient to review the past and not miss the latest content.

The military representative who was shot was named Ou Zhen. Although he was only 25 years old when he was shot, his life experience was extremely rich. At the age of 18, he joined the "Three Youth Leagues", a youth organization under the Kuomintang, and later served as a platoon leader of the Kuomintang. In the Battle of Huaihai, Ou Zhen was captured by the People's Liberation Army, and in order to win leniency, Ou Zhen lied in the interrogation that he was forced to join the Kuomintang, not a voluntary act, and that the People's Liberation Army itself gave preferential treatment to the prisoners, coupled with Ou Zhen's good attitude of repentance, he was soon released.

After Ou Zhen was released, he took the police academy admissions examination, was admitted with excellent results, and graduated at the time when Shanghai had just been liberated and was in urgent need of employment, so Ou Zhen became the first batch of official police officers after the liberation of Shanghai.

Since it had just been liberated, there were still many Kuomintang latent elements and the property and weapons left behind by the Kuomintang in Shanghai at that time, and in order to check these personnel and materials, Shanghai set up a special "search team" at that time. Because of his excellent performance and active thinking, Ou Zhen was appointed as the military management representative of the takeover office of the Yulin Branch in Shanghai.

As soon as the "search team" led by Ou Zhen began to act, he suddenly received a report that Bi Xiaohui, director of the radio station of the Kuomintang Air Force Command, was secretly hiding weapons in his residence in Shanghai.

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

Ou Zhen first ordered people to surround Bi Xiaohui's residence, and then prepared to knock on the door to enter, thinking that he could capture Bi Xiaohui on the spot, but he did not expect that the person who opened the door was a beautiful woman with exquisite facial features and a beautiful figure. Ou Zhen was immediately attracted to this woman, and after a long time of stunnedness, he returned to his senses and then asked, "Where is Bi Xiaohui hiding?" Where are his hidden weapons? ”

The woman replied in a panic, "Bi Xiaohui fled a month ago, and we didn't know there were weapons hidden in the house!" Ou Zhen pretended to be serious and asked, "Who are you?" Why was it at Bi Xiaohui's house? The woman said, "I am Bi Xiaohui's concubine Zhu Ying, and now that Bi Xiaohui has escaped, I have nowhere to go, so I have to stay here." As everyone knows, since Ou Zhen saw Zhu Shi, he was completely attracted, and now he learned that the other party was abandoned by Bi Xiaohui, and his heart was immediately ecstatic.

After searching, Ou Zhen and the others did find Bi Xiaohui's hidden gun in the room, Zhu Ying had a good attitude, and knew nothing about Bi Xiaohui's gun hiding behavior, according to the regulations at that time, she was to be treated leniently and not arrested. But Ou Zhen deliberately concealed this provision, and quietly said to Zhu Ying before leaving: "This case is very complicated, but you can rest assured, I will find a way to help you deal with it." ”

After coming out of Bi Xiaohui's house, Zhu Ying's graceful figure and handsome face stirred up Ou Zhen's heart. During the day, he had no intention of working, and at night he was even more sleepless, and finally, he still could not restrain his color heart. Late one night, Ou Zhen, who was dazed and dazed, forgot all the instructions of our party to the cadres, and after leaving the door, he went straight to Bi Xiaohui's residence.

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

Ou Zhen's second arrival made Zhu Ying tremble with fear, and he thought that he would be unable to escape the fate of being arrested, but he did not expect Ou Zhen to suddenly say: "The problem of Bi Xiaohui's secret possession of guns is very serious, although you do not know it, but you are also a harborer, according to the regulations, you should be arrested, fortunately, I am pressed, which allows you to escape the disaster of imprisonment." ”

Zhu Shi suddenly thought that she understood Ou Zhen's intentions, and hurriedly handed Ou Zhen 4 oceans to thank her, but what she didn't know was that Ou Zhen was already full of color and gall at this time, and she would not put 4 oceans in her eyes at all.

Ou Zhen took the 4 oceans and said, "You can rest assured, I will definitely try my best to help you in your case." Hearing this, Zhu Ying was moved to tears, wiping away tears while saying: "Thank you leader, I will definitely try my best to repay you!" Upon hearing this, Ou Zhen knew that the time had come, and said bluntly: "I am a military deputy, and handling this matter of you is just a piece of cake, if you follow me, you will ensure that you have nothing to do." ”

Zhu Ying knew in her heart that her husband Bi Xiaohui could not come back, and if she wanted to continue to live, she must find a patron worthy of attachment, and after some thought, Zhu Ying agreed to Ou Zhen.

Ou Zhen knew that the practice of occupying Zhu Ying was a violation of discipline, so he lied to the organization that his fiancée had come down from the countryside to defect to him, and later quietly rented a house in a more remote place in Shanghai, and began to live an unscrupulous life with Zhu Ying. Ou Zhen not only coveted Zhu Ying's beauty, but also coveted Bi Xiaohui's property, and he privately instigated Zhu Ying to move the valuable things of Bi Xiaohui's family to the two people's homes.

As the saying goes: Skynet is restored without leakage! Paper can never contain fire! Just when Ou Zhen was getting carried away by his little cleverness, a small movement of his completely exposed himself.

The overly comfortable life made Ou Zhen begin to get carried away. One day when he himself was on duty in the office, in order to pass the time, he took out the silver dollar that Zhu Ying had given him to play with, and suddenly his colleague Lao Liu broke in, frightening Ou Zhen to hide the silver dollar in a drawer, although the action was fast, but the silver dollar in his hand was clearly seen by Old Liu.

At that time, Shanghai had just been liberated, and although Ou Zhen was a military representative, his monthly salary was not much, so the silver dollar was a huge amount of money for them. Old Liu, who had a strong sense of investigation, quickly reported to Liu Yongxiang, director of the Yulin branch, that Ou Zhen had silver dollars. At that time, Liu Yongxiang only speculated that Ou Zhen might be corrupt and bribe-taking, but he did not expect that Ou Zhen had made so many disgusting deeds behind his back.

Liu Yongxiang did not dare to slacken off at all, and immediately asked Ou Zhen for questioning. At first, Ou Zhen died and did not admit the fact that he had a silver dollar, but when someone took the silver dollar from his drawer, Ou Zhen lied that the silver dollar was sent by a friend, but when asked which friend sent it, Ou Zhen has always been stubborn and always refuses to tell the truth. Liu Yongxiang, who had no evidence, had to order Ou Zhen to be suspended at home for reflection.

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

In order to thoroughly find out the source of the silver dollar in Ou Zhen's hand, Liu Yongxiang decided to start an investigation from the people around Ou Zhen, and a few days later, suddenly an old policeman found Liu Yongxiang and confessed to him that Ou Zhen had entrusted him to rent a house. Then the special case team, led by this old policeman, went to the cabin rented by Ou Zhen and arrested him and Zhu Ying on the spot, and to the surprise of the special case team, Ou Zhen's room was full of gold and silver jewelry.

The members of the special case team mistakenly thought that Zhu Ying was really Ou Zhen's fiancée, but after a detailed inquiry, they learned that Zhu Ying was actually the aunt of the Kuomintang. After some explanation by the police, Zhu Ying realized that Ou Zhen had been deceiving himself, and in order to strive for leniency and to let Ou Zhen get the punishment he deserved, Zhu Ying had shaken out all of Ou Zhen's crimes.

Liu Yongxiang was shocked to learn of all of Ou Zhen's crimes, and he knew that the matter was not trivial, so he immediately reported it to Li Shiying, who was then the director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau. What everyone did not expect was that this case actually alarmed Mayor Chen Yi in the end.

After listening to Liu Yongxiang's report on the "Ou Zhen problem," Li Shiying was silent for a long time, and he said in disbelief: "After Ou Zhen graduated from the police academy, he joined the first communist police force of the Communist Party, and has always followed me, and it was I who brought him to Shanghai from Shandong. Later, Li Shiying also sent someone to investigate Ou Zhen's experience in front of the police, and only then did he know that Ou Zhen had served as a soldier in the Kuomintang troops, and it was during that period that he developed a series of bad diseases.

After learning about Ou Zhen's resume, Li Shiying was very angry and immediately decided to execute Ou Zhen. However, the other staff around him raised a concern, which made Li Shiying suddenly hesitate.

Shanghai has always been ruled by the Kuomintang, the masses have a very low sense of security, and they are also very disappointed in the Kuomintang, and now that Shanghai has just been liberated, the people of Shanghai have not completely let down their guard against the Communist Party, and if Ou Zhen's actions are known to the people of Shanghai, it will inevitably lead to the people of Shanghai being suspicious of the Communist Party. Considering the adverse consequences that could be caused by the improper handling of this incident, Li Shiying did not dare to make an easy decision, but considering that Ou Zhen knew that the law had broken the law and seriously damaged the image of the Communist Party, Li Shiying decided to draft a verdict first, and then hand it over to Mayor Chen Yi for the final ruling.

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

That night, Li Shiying wrote a few words on the verdict of the "Ou Zhen case": "Ou Zhen extorted and extorted, seduced women, and was lawless, and asked the organization to agree to shoot them in order to maintain discipline." Early the next morning, he personally delivered the verdict to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was greatly angered after reading Ou Zhen's crime, and Li Shiying whispered from the side: "If this matter is not handled well, it is likely to cause the Communist Party to lose the hearts and minds of the people, and the government will certainly encounter more difficulties in carrying out its work in Shanghai in the future." Chen Yi said very seriously: "The people of Shanghai have just welcomed us into the city when such a disgraceful corruption case has occurred, and if they hide their face because of this matter, I am afraid that it will only make the people of Shanghai even more disappointed, and only a public trial can warn others." For such shameless people, we must not tolerate adultery, and only severe punishment can prevent such pests from appearing in our ranks! Subsequently, Mayor Chen Yi immediately wrote four big words on the verdict: "Agree to shoot.".

On August 15, 1949, when ou zhen was only 25 years old, he was taken to the execution ground for execution, and in order to show the people of Shanghai the communist party's determination to fight corruption, the Shanghai government chose to publicly execute Ou Zhen. On the same day, a large number of Shanghai citizens gathered outside the execution ground, and with the sound of a gunshot, Ou Zhen fell to the ground in response, and the people at the scene clapped their hands and applauded. As the first shot in the fight against corruption after the liberation of Shanghai, the citizens of Shanghai were completely convinced of the Communist Party.

Before the Communists liberated Shanghai, many Kuomintang opponents threatened: "Greater Shanghai is a big dyeing vat, and even the Communist Party cannot clean themselves up." When the time comes, let them come in red and go out in the dark; stand in and lie down and go out! ”

After the liberation of Shanghai, there have indeed been many corruption cases, in addition to Ou Zhen, there are many cadres from poor families, as soon as they came to Shanghai, they were completely blinded by the extravagant life of red wine and greenery, some people indulged in material enjoyment, and some people coveted beauty and pornography. If this internal corruption is not brought under control in a timely manner, it will certainly cause the Communist Party to repeat the mistakes of the Kuomintang.

As the first mayor of Shanghai, Chen Yi has witnessed many cases of corruption among cadres, and in order to maintain the new regime, Chen Yi often stressed at meetings: "Are we going to reform Shanghai, or are we being taken away by Shanghainese?" Shanghai is the big dyeing vat of the bourgeoisie, and we must dye Shanghai red, and we must not be blackened by it! ”

The first shot of anti-corruption in the early days of liberation: Cadres seduced the aunt and wife of a Kuomintang officer, Chen Yi: Never tolerate Se Lingzhi dimwitting, knew the law and broke the law with a silver dollar, exposed the horse's feet Chen Yi was angry, agreed to shoot anti-corruption and promote honesty, and was never soft

In order to rectify the corrupt trend in Shanghai, Chen Yi made great determination to deal with the illegal and disorderly affairs of the cadre contingent. Once a cadre is found to have violated discipline, no matter how high his position is, and no matter how strong his background is, he will be severely punished. In just a few months, several scum in the Communist Party ranks, including Mr. Ou, were sentenced to death.

In order to eliminate the scum in the ranks of Shanghai cadres, according to the instructions of the central authorities, Shanghai took the lead in launching the "three antis campaign" against corruption, waste, and bureaucracy throughout the country. Statistics show that since the launch of the "Three Antis Movement," nearly 40,000 people have been investigated and punished in Shanghai, and the amount involved is even more than hundreds of billions.

The purpose of the new China led by the Communist Party is to pursue the truth and realize the socialist ideal. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to establish a cadre team with two sleeves and a clean wind and one heart. All along, in the face of corruption, our party has never been soft-hearted, as long as it finds moths, it will resolutely sweep away all the fish, which has made the people of the whole country have no doubt about the party and the country, and only then has our country have a brighter future.

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