
【Sound Rhythm Enlightenment】 Fragmentary Interpretation of the Eleven True Texts and Translations of the Eleven True Texts [Translations] [Notes] [Translations] [Annotations] [Translations] [Annotations]

【Sound Rhythm Enlightenment】 Fragmentary Interpretation of the Eleven True Texts and Translations of the Eleven True Texts [Translations] [Notes] [Translations] [Annotations] [Translations] [Annotations]

Evil versus right, false versus true, badger versus unicorn 1. Han Lu vs. Su Yan, Lu Tangerine vs. Zhuang Chun 2.

Han Wu Ghost, Li Sanren 3, Northern Wei vs. Western Qin 4. Cicadas mourn the twilight of summer, and warblers complain about the remnants of spring 5.

Wild flames sparkle red, streams ripple and sparkle 6.

Walk without a trace, live without a house, and praise "Wine Virtue"; Moving sometimes, there are knots, treatise "The God of Money", 7.

Evil corresponds to positive, false corresponds to true, and slack corresponds to unicorn. The famous dog Han Lu of the Warring States period corresponds to the geese that delivered letters to Su Wu, and the bridge hidden in the arms of the Three Kingdoms Lu Ji corresponds to the large Tsubaki tree mentioned in "Zhuangzi" that "eight thousand years old is spring and eight thousand years old is autumn". Han Yu wrote "Sending Poor Texts", sending five poor ghosts, namely wisdom poor, learning poor, literary poor, fate poor, and poor friends, Li Bai's poem "Drinking Alone Under the Moon" refers to himself, shadow and moon as "three people", and Northern Wei corresponds to Western Qin. The desolate chirping of autumn cicadas seems to be wailing that summer is coming to an end, and the gentle cries of yellow warblers seem to complain about the brevity of spring. Wildfires, blazing red lights; The stream twists and turns, sparkling. Liu Ling of the Jin Dynasty was an alcoholic, and wrote the "Ode to Wine Virtue", which has the sentence "No trace of walking, no food"; In the Jin Dynasty Lu Zhao's "Theory of Qian Shen", there is a sentence that "sometimes there is movement and stillness, and there are knots hidden in the line".

1 Badger (pronounced xièzhì): The legendary mythical beast, shaped like a sheep, has a horn, sees the contender, and can use the horn to touch the person who is bent. Qilin : The legendary sacred beast, shaped like an elk, an ox's tail, a wolf's hoof, has a horn, is a benevolent and auspicious beast, and appears to rule the world.

2 Han Lu: Dog name, also known as Han Zi Lu, is a hunting dog in Korea during the Warring States period, which is recorded in the "Qin Ce" and "Qi Ce" of the Warring States Policy. Only its literal meaning is used to form a confrontation with "Su Yan".

Su Yan: The big goose that Su Wu used to deliver letters. The "Book of Han and Su Wu Biography" records that Su Wu of the Han Dynasty sent envoys to the Xiongnu for 19 years, and later the two countries made good friends and exchanged emissaries. The Han envoys inquired about Su Wu's whereabouts, and the Xiongnu falsely claimed that Su Wu was dead, and the Han envoys knew where Su Wu was exiled, so they pretended that the Han Dynasty Tianzi shot a big goose in Chang'an, and the big goose had a letter written by Su Wu on its feet. The Xiongnu could not deny it, so they had to summon Su Wu and ask him to return to China. Lu Tangerine: The oranges collected by Lu Ji, see Jiujia Note. Zhuang Chun: The great Tsubaki tree mentioned by Zhuangzi in the book. In the "Zhuangzi Getaway", it is said that there was a large Tsubaki tree in ancient times, "with eight thousand years old as spring and eight thousand years as autumn", which is a representative of longevity.

3 Han Five Ghosts: The Tang Dynasty literary scholar Han Yu once wrote "Sending Poor Texts", which mentioned that there are five types of poor ghosts, namely, intellectual poor, poor learning, poor literature, poor life, and poor friends. Li Sanren: Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's poem "Drinking Alone under the Flowers": "A pot of wine between the flowers, drinking alone without blind dates." Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and the shadow into three people. The three men referred to themselves, the shadow, and the moon.

4 Northern Wei: During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, a minority state established by the Xianbei ethnic group in the Northern Dynasty was also called Yuan Wei, Tuoba Wei, and Later Wei. Western Qin: can refer to the State of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, because of its geographical location in the west of the nations, so it has this name;

It can also refer to Qin, one of the sixteen northern kingdoms during the Jin Dynasty, which was an ethnic minority state established by the Xianbei people, ruling in the area of present-day Gansu, and was called Western Qin in the history books.

5 啭 (pronounced zhuàn): Birds call.

6 Shuo Shuo: The bright appearance of the fire. Sparkling: The look of sparkling.

7 "Wine Virtue": that is, "Ode to Wine Virtue", written by the Jin dynasty Liu Ling (Zi Bolun), praises the virtue of drinking. There is a saying in the text, "There is no trace of the line, there is no room in the house". "Money God": that is, "The Theory of Money God", written by Jin Ren Lu Zhen, extremely speaks of the role of money to satirize the current situation. There is a saying in the text that "sometimes there is a festival in the line" (there is a certain season for the circulation of money or not). Moving and moving, which refers to the circulation of coins in the course of trading; Jinghe Zang means that coins are collected if the goods are not in circulation.

【Sound Rhythm Enlightenment】 Fragmentary Interpretation of the Eleven True Texts and Translations of the Eleven True Texts [Translations] [Notes] [Translations] [Annotations] [Translations] [Annotations]

Mourning to pleasure, rich to poor, friends to guests. Play the piano to the knot, day to youth 1.

Golden Emerald, Jade Kirin 2, Tiger Claw vs. Dragon Lin. The willow pond has thin waves, and the flowers are fragrant dust.

Idle love mountain climbing wear Xie Sand, drunken thoughts take off the pottery towel 3.

The snow is cold and frosty, and the pine is the same as the proud age; The wind is warm late, and the flowers and willows in the garden are competing for spring 4.

Sorrow corresponds to happiness, rich corresponds to poverty, and friends correspond to guests. After Wang Yang of the Han Dynasty became an official, his friend Gong Yu flicked off the dust on his hat and prepared to be an official, and Xiao Wei of the Han Dynasty and his friend Zhu Bo often recommended each other to correspond, and the rising sun corresponded to youth. Golden emerald, jade unicorn, tiger's claws correspond to the dragon's scales. The pond with willow trees on the shore is covered with layers of fine waves, and the path in the flower bush raises a light dust of incense. In his spare time, he likes to wear the shoes invented by Xie Lingyun of the Southern Dynasty to go hiking, and when he is drunk, he thinks of Tao Yuanming's ge towel for filtering wine. Pine trees and green bamboo on the fence side, the same frost and snow; The garden is full of flowers and trees, taking advantage of the warm spring to open.

1 Bullet Crown: This book is from the "Hanshu Wang Ji Biography". Wang Ji ziyang, he and Gong Yu as friends, mutual promotion to official, at that time people said, "Wang Yang reigned, Gong Gong played the crown" (Wang Ji became an official, Gong Yu played the dust on the crown, ready to come out to become an official). Jieshou: This book is from the "Biography of Xiao Yu" attached to the "Biography of Xiao Wang" in the "Book of Han". Xiao Yu and Zhu Bo were good friends, and the two recommended each other, and both became officials. Because there were things about Wang Ji and Gong Yu in the past, people at that time said "Xiao Zhu Jie Silk, Wang Gong Bullet Crown". Tie the ribbon, wear a ribbon used to tie the official seal, and prepare to come out as an official. Youth: Spring. According to the Five Elements Theory, the spring of the season and the green of the color are matched, so it is called youth.

2 Gold Jade: The feathers of the emerald bird, which are more precious than gold, refers to the ornaments made from it. The 23rd poem in Tang Chen Ziang's "Thirty-Eight Poems of Encounter" says: "The jade nest is in the South China Sea, and the male and female pearl forests are forested." He knows the beauty of the will, and the love is more than gold. "Hence the name Jin GouCui."

3 Xie Jie (pronounced jī): The "Jin Shu Xie Lingyun Biography" says that the Southern Song Dynasty poet Xie Lingyun was fond of mountaineering and designed a special mountaineering wooden shoe, the bottom two teeth are active, the front teeth are removed when going up the mountain, and the back teeth are removed when going down, which always keeps the bottom of the wooden shoe in a flat state. Later generations called this kind of clogs Xie Gong Gong, referred to as Xie Gong Gong, referred to as Xie Gong. Clogs, wooden shoes, with two teeth under them, are used to walk on the muddy ground. This word in the Pingshui rhyme is a word with a strange rhyme, which belongs to the sound of 仄 sound, so it is opposed to the "towel" character of the "tao towel" in the lower link. Now pronounced jī, it is a flat sound character. Wet (pronounced lù) wine: filter wine. Tao: Refers to Tao Yuanming. Tao Yuan is an alcoholic tomorrow and often makes wine himself.

4 Pine Reed (pronounced yún): Pine trees and bamboo. Both plants are hardy and do not fall leaves in winter, so they are called "proud years". Late Day: The sun moves very slowly, which is the scene of spring. "Poetry, Ghostly Wind, July" has "Spring Delay".

【Sound Rhythm Enlightenment】 Fragmentary Interpretation of the Eleven True Texts and Translations of the Eleven True Texts [Translations] [Notes] [Translations] [Annotations] [Translations] [Annotations]

Incense to fire, charcoal to salary 1, Day view to Tianjin 2. Zen heart to The Eye of the Dao, Wild Woman to Concubine 3.

Ren invincible, De has neighbor 4, Wanshi to Qianjun 5. Gushing Three Gorges water, Ran Ran a stream of ice 6.

Chong Guo Gong name when painting cabinet, Zi Zhang yan and deeds gui shu gentleman 7.

The Book of Poetry of Du Zhi, thinking into the realm of the sages; Forget the love of the official, shame on fame and fortune 8.

Incense corresponds to fire, charcoal corresponds to firewood, and Taishan's Yueguan Peak corresponds to Tianjin Bridge in Luoyang, Henan. A pure state of mind corresponds to the ability to judge true and false, and the village woman corresponds to a palace concubine. Ren'ai has no enemies, but virtue will be helped, and Wanshi corresponds to Qianjun. The water in the Three Gorges is rough, and the ice in the stream moves slowly. During the Han Dynasty, Zhao Chongguo had outstanding military merits, and Emperor Xuan of Han painted a portrait of him in the Qilin Pavilion; Zi Zhang, a disciple of Zi Zhang, wrote Confucius's teachings of "faithfulness in words, respect in deeds, etc.", on his belt to show that he would never forget them. Immerse yourself in the study of the Hundred Classics and comprehend the thoughts of the sages; He is bent on justice and integrity for the people, and is ashamed to be contaminated with the filth of worldly fame and fortune.

△ In the above pair of sentences, the words Zhen, Chun, Ren, Qin, Chun, Sparkling, Shen, Poor, Bin, Qi, Lin, Dust, Towel, Salary, Jin, Entertainment, Neighbor, Jun, Bing, Gentleman, etc., all belong to the eleven true rhymes.

1 salary: firewood.

2-Day View: The name of a mountain on the top of Tai Mountain, which is the best place to watch the sunrise. Here , "guan" is pronounced "habitual" by borrowing the pronunciation of this sound (仄声) and the "Jin" (平声) of "Tianjin" to form a confrontation. Tianjin: The abbreviation of Tianjin Bridge, on the Luo River in the southwest of Luoyang City, Henan, was built by the Sui Emperor. This name means the ferry port of the Tianhe River.

3 Zen: Some schools of Buddhism emphasize zazen, so "Zen" refers to Buddhism. Tao: Taoism.

4 Ren Invincible: From Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang. Mencius said, "The benevolent are invincible." It means that no one can oppose the man who rules the world with benevolence. De Youlin: From the Analects of Li Ren. Confucius said, "Virtue is not alone, but there will be neighbors." This means that those who are virtuous must be helped.

5 stones (pronounced dàn): a unit of weight, one says 160 pounds is stone, one says four jun (120 pounds) is stone.

6 Ran Ran: The look of slow drifting. Ice: According to the style of this book, the position of the word "ice" should be a real rhyme word, but "ice" is a steaming rhyme word, which is inconsistent with the body example, which is the author's mistake. Zhu Mingben wrote this sentence as "Momo Nine Street Dust".

7 Chong Guo: Zhao Chong Guo, a famous military general during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuan, made many military achievements in the battles against the Xiongnu and Western Qiang. Cabinet: Qilin Pavilion, a high pavilion built in Weiyang Palace during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in which Emperor Xuan of Han painted the portraits of the eleven great heroes of the Han Dynasty, and the portrait of Zhao Chongguo was among them. Zi Zhang Sentence: This association is from the Analects of Wei Linggong. Confucius's student Zi Zhang asked Confucius a question about "walking", and Confucius answered him, and Zi Zhang did not have a record of bamboo in his hand at that time, so he wrote it on the large belt of his clothes. Gentleman, the large belt on the clothes of the ancients. Xing, in the Middle Ages, there are two pronunciations, one is the flat sound (walking, behavior, Geng rhyme), and the other is the sound (character, honor rhyme), here is the meaning of the flat sound word, the pronunciation of the word 仄音 (desound), and the lower flat sound word "book" constitutes the battle.

8 Absolute Realm: The Highest Realm. Fiber (pronounced xiān) dust: Fibers and dust, metaphorically referring to tiny, unworthy things.

【Sound Rhythm Enlightenment】 Fragmentary Interpretation of the Eleven True Texts and Translations of the Eleven True Texts [Translations] [Notes] [Translations] [Annotations] [Translations] [Annotations]

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