
Ali's departing female executive responded to what she said, and wang Han's profile is Ali's executive

author:Strait Net

[Straits Network]

"I'm the CEO of a startup. Two years ago today, I was a female executive at Alibaba with an annual salary of millions and options of more than ten million. A few days ago, a micro-business sales article of "The beautiful female executive who left Ali, never had Valentine's Day" was on fire, and the author said that he was once an Ali executive, and also posted a lot of photos with celebrities, and finally introduced his entrepreneurial project - mask.

However, Ali carried out a "crackdown on counterfeiting", and an Ali senior employee said, "If her position is an executive, then there are at least tens of thousands of executives in the company." Another employee of Ali Health told reporters that she had previously served in Ali Health, but was not an executive.

And the core ingredient "oligopeptide-1" claimed by the mask she started has long been confirmed to be on the international authoritative chemical inquiry website, which cannot be found at all, and does not have the magical effect she said.

He said he was an Ali executive and took a group photo with Ma Yun

The author who wrote the article, who signed "judy wong," said she left in 2017 from Ali, who had been with him for 10 years, and "the option loss brought to me by this departure is conservatively estimated to be at least 10 million." ”

In order to prove her identity as an executive at Alibaba, she posted photos of participating in the event behind Ma Yun, in which Ma Yun was talking to people around her, and she followed behind, looking like a personal worker. She also posted photos with various celebrities, including Miss World Zhang Zilin.

Ali's departing female executive responded to what she said, and wang Han's profile is Ali's executive

Ali's job, she said, "made me a relatively rich woman and made me financially independent," but she overdrawn her body for this, "Before, my skin was neutral, and I could go out with a little skin cream and blow bullets." Now, my skin has become sensitive, red, acne-prone, and I don't dare to look in the mirror every day. ”

Then, she changed her style and began to talk about her "entrepreneurial project" - masks. "Thinking of my own tragic experience, the idea of changing the chaos in the industry and making a skin care product that I dare to use and can afford to buy with my eyes closed, sprouted in my heart."

She said that she also consulted Ma Yun for this purpose, and Ma Yun also replied to her. "I asked my former boss, Jack Ma, and he sent me an 8-word text message: Stick to the original intention and be brave to do it." The second half of the article is her sales of the mask.

Ali employees denied being executives, saying they had been eliminated from the last place

Not to mention how the product is, the identity of "Ali's former executive" alone has aroused countless concerns, and many people have also paid attention to her products when drinking this bowl of "chicken soup".

Ali's departing female executive responded to what she said, and wang Han's profile is Ali's executive

However, this identity has been debunked by multiple employees of Alibaba today. An Ali senior employee pointed out that the protagonist's name is Wang Han, she did work in Ali, but she is not an executive, "if Wang Han's position is an executive, then there are at least tens of thousands of executives in the company."

An employee of Ali Health revealed, "She was Alibaba Health before and left not too early. ”

Another Ali health employee revealed to reporters: "She should be an employee who left three or four years ago, not an executive at all." The employee also revealed that the company was originally a last-place elimination system, and she was responsible for a business segment that was relatively new, but she did not achieve results.

A former Ali employee said, "Before I was a colleague, when her level of p6, then I left", it is understood that p6 in Ali is a more basic position, fresh graduates generally p5, p6 is generally 2 to 3 years of work experience.

As for Wang Han's position at the time of his departure, it is still unknown. However, everything she has now seemed to have been planned.

An Ali executive said on social networks, "The first group photo I took was to attend an external conference in Beijing, and for the first time since I worked, I saw an employee with a photographer to follow him, specifically to several executives, just to take pictures." "And it is said that she is not a staff member of the meeting.

The core ingredient of the mask is called "the emperor's new clothes"

Some netizens said, "This kind of micro-business is too terrible, beautify yourself into this, how terrible is the product?" ”

The reporter saw on the e-commerce platform that in a store, the mask currently has a monthly sales volume of 388 pieces, priced at 99 yuan for a box of 5 pieces.

Ali's departing female executive responded to what she said, and wang Han's profile is Ali's executive

In 2017, Wang Han registered the company "Materia Medica Fantasia Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.", and its business scope includes: technology development, technical services, technology promotion, technology transfer; import and export of goods, import and export of technology, and import and export of agents.

However, the company itself does not have the qualifications to produce cosmetics. The mask manufacturer is Guangzhou Green Spring Cosmetics Technology Research and Development Co., Ltd., which is an independent daily chemical factory.

"My friends and I have set up an independent scientific laboratory to bring together all kinds of talents in the field of international cosmetics research to form a scientific research team." The article said that this mask was independently developed by her and her team, but there is no relevant patent display in the national patent database.

In various publicity, she said that the core ingredient of the mask is "oligopeptide-1", and said that this ingredient can "enhance the repair power of the skin, remove acne and light marks, repair the sensitivity, balance the water and oil, and help the skin restore a healthy state".

Ali's departing female executive responded to what she said, and wang Han's profile is Ali's executive

The "China Medical News" has already debunked the rumors about the ingredient. According to the report, oligopeptide-1 is the cosmetic version of the "emperor's new clothes", and on the international authoritative chemical substance inquiry website, the chemical registration numbers of oligopeptide-1, oligopeptide-3 and oligopeptide-5 cannot be queried. Oligopeptide-1 (oligopeptide-1) is a polymer composed of glycine and histidine and lysine, while generally considered effective epidermal growth factor (egf) is a polypeptide composed of 53 amino acids, also known as "human oligopeptide-1".

According to the report, at present, there is no raw material supplier in China that can provide chemical safety technical specifications (msds) and origin information for oligopeptide-1, oligopeptide-3 and oligopeptide-5, and cosmetics manufacturers cannot provide purchase and use records. In these cosmetics, what is added and what role is played, most of them are described at random, and they have become the cosmetic version of the "emperor's new clothes". This gives cosmetics manufacturers who illegally add hormones and other ingredients room to fish in muddy waters.

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