
Dry! Do you really know the benefits of these 6 sugars in milk powder for babies? After reading this article, it will be clear

author:Pediatrician Bao Xiulan

For adults, too much sugar intake can lead to obesity, and it is difficult to lose weight. Therefore, when we buy healthy foods and beverages, we will choose products that indicate "sugar-free". Is it not to choose sugar-free milk powder for the baby, the baby will grow healthier, less likely to gain weight?

Dry! Do you really know the benefits of these 6 sugars in milk powder for babies? After reading this article, it will be clear

In fact, for babies in the milk drinking stage, there are several sugars that are good for babies.

First, there are 6 kinds of beneficial sugars in milk powder

The sugar in milk powder is one of the carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are one of the seven major nutrients of the human body, and its importance is beyond doubt. It is the main component of building cells, the main source of energy needed to sustain our daily lives, and it helps regulate cellular activity.

We can clearly see the sugar contained in milk powder on the label nutrition facts list of the milk powder can. If the following sugars appear, mothers should not worry, these are beneficial to the baby.

1. Lactose

Lactose itself plays a very important role in the baby's growth and development, metabolism and so on.

After entering the baby's body, lactose is broken down into galactose, which can promote the baby's brain development. At the same time, it is also an important energy substance for the development of the nervous system.

Lactose deficiency can affect your baby's brain development, nutrients and calcium absorption, and can also cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Therefore, the most needed carbohydrate for babies in milk powder is lactose.

2. Galactose oligomer

Galactose oligosaccharide is a functional oligosaccharide with natural properties, which is generally found in the mother's milk.

After the baby is born, the establishment of the bifidobacterium flora in the body generally requires the participation of total galacto-oligosaccharides in breast milk.

Galactose oligosaccharides are added to infant formula because it promotes the balance of flora in your baby's body and helps improve your baby's digestive function.

Dry! Do you really know the benefits of these 6 sugars in milk powder for babies? After reading this article, it will be clear

3. Xylose oligosaccharides

Xylose oligosaccharides, also known as papaya sugar, are among the types of polymeric sugars that enhance the function of bifidobacterium microbiota.

Xylose oligosaccharides can directly enter the intestine, preferentially used by bifidobacteria flora, play a role in inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, reduce constipation, but also promote the formation of a variety of harmful substances in the body, enhance the baby's immune ability.

4. Isomerized lactose

Isomerized lactose also has a name, which is lactulose. In terms of classification, it belongs to a type of oligosaccharide.

After isomerized lactose enters the human body, it can reach the large intestine directly, and can also be selectively used by the bifidobacterium flora that survives in the baby's intestine, improving the intestinal environment and reducing the baby's constipation.

5. Fructooligosaccharides

Fructooligosaccharides are often compared to galactose oligosaccharides. It is a type of prebiotic. We hear the name prebiotics in a lot of ads. Its main stage is in the intestine, and its main effect is to improve the microecology of the intestine.

Oligosaccharides can be harnessed by the beneficial flora of the intestine to help the beneficial bacteria multiply. At the same time, it can also promote the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.

In addition, it also regulates blood lipids, immunity, and anti-caries functions. For babies, it is also one of the "guards" for the healthy growth of babies.

6. Cotton candy

Raffinose is a very good source of nutrients for beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and acidophilus acidophilus in the intestine.

It can improve the baby's digestion and bowel movements, promote calcium absorption, enhance the baby's immunity...

Dry! Do you really know the benefits of these 6 sugars in milk powder for babies? After reading this article, it will be clear

Second, the sugar that should be avoided in milk powder

1. Sucrose (white sugar)

Cane sugar is the white sugar and white sugar that we often eat.

It is a common sweetener that is processed from plants such as dried cane or sugar beets. Once too much food is eaten, the baby is prone to tooth decay and is also prone to obesity.

General large brand milk powder does not contain sucrose, but there are always merchants who opportunistically add sucrose to milk powder. Mom and Dad must pay attention to avoid milk powder when buying them.

2. Fructose

Fructooligosaccharides are very different from fructose, and the latter is not good for babies.

Fructose is a sugar extracted from fruits and grains, and it combines with glucose to sucrose. It is sweeter and is not recommended for infants to consume too much.

China's national standards for infant formula (gb 10765-2010) clearly stipulate that fructose shall not be used in infant formula.

Dear parents, when buying milk powder, you must go to the regular supermarket to buy big brands. At the same time, pay close attention to the nutrition label on the milk powder can. Correctly distinguish the various sugars in the milk powder, so that the baby can drink healthy milk powder and thrive.