
Why do many female sugar friends lose a leg? It turns out that they always wear these kinds of shoes when they walk, can female sugar friends wear high heels? How do diabetics choose the right shoes?

author:GP online

As we all know, diabetes is a lifelong chronic disease, and daily care and medication are indispensable. If both of these aspects are done, then are female sugar friends on the road to beauty?

Why do many female sugar friends lose a leg? It turns out that they always wear these kinds of shoes when they walk, can female sugar friends wear high heels? How do diabetics choose the right shoes?

High heels can be said to be the same artifact that can increase a woman's charm. But when female sugar friends encounter high heels, can they still rub out different sparks?

For diabetics, high heels are actually not very good. Because female diabetics often have damage to the nerves of the foot, they are often feeling sluggish. The high heels are often relatively tight, and the force is uneven after the heel is high, resulting in the ischemic state of the patient's lower limbs and feet, and the distribution of blood circulation is uneven, which is more likely to aggravate the diabetic foot.

Why do many female sugar friends lose a leg? It turns out that they always wear these kinds of shoes when they walk, can female sugar friends wear high heels? How do diabetics choose the right shoes?

Therefore, female diabetics must protect their feet, and a suitable pair of shoes can help them protect their feet, away from the invasion and infection of bacteria, and delay the emergence of diabetic feet.

Professor Hu Chunling, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, pointed out that diabetes needs to pay attention to the following two points when choosing shoes.

1. Choose soft cloth shoes with flat bottoms

Shoes should choose round-toed, thick-soled, soft and breathable cloth shoes to reduce the risk of foot skin allergies or infections caused by foot sweating. You can also wear casual shoes, try to wear less leather shoes, hard-soled shoes, wedge shoes, it is best not to wear high heels.

Because high heels can put extra pressure on the toes, affect blood circulation, and even easily squeeze out blisters or crush injuries. Diabetic patients due to poor microcirculation, foot skin temperature is reduced, easy to get cold limbs, so patients in the cold season is best to wear soft cotton shoes cotton socks to keep warm, less wear high boots, boots.

Why do many female sugar friends lose a leg? It turns out that they always wear these kinds of shoes when they walk, can female sugar friends wear high heels? How do diabetics choose the right shoes?

2, the size of the shoes should be appropriate

Diabetic shoes, too large or too small, are easy to cause foot skin damage due to friction, inducing the occurrence of diabetic feet. Therefore, when diabetics buy shoes, it is best to try them on themselves, and then buy them after they are suitable, and do not entrust people to buy shoes or online shopping, because some shoes, although the shoe number is the same, may be different in comfort when worn.

There are also some people whose feet may be inherently asymmetrical, so the shoe size should be based on the larger foot. Shoes should be loose, the end of the foot from the toe can not be too crowded, to reserve a certain distance, to avoid pinching and affecting the end cycle. Many new shoes may be easier to grind when they are newly bought and put on, so you can stuff some cotton in the easy-to-rub areas and gradually extend the try-on time.