
The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

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Bob Nelson, Ph.D., founder of Nelson Corporation. Nelson is both a manager with extensive practical experience + management theory, as well as a scholar and best-selling author. He is a world-recognized expert in employee motivation, productivity, job improvement, and leadership management.

The core essence of Nelson's management thinking is "never be too small", which coincides with the Ancient Chinese "Don't do it with good and small, don't do it with evil". There are 16 principles in its management philosophy, which people call "Nelson's principles". The Nelson principle advocates starting from small things, and if small things are not done well, big things cannot be done.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Nelson believes that a manager, with great ambitions and big things, is commendable in spirit, but if he ignores details and small things, he will often hide big risks, and even fail. So, what should you do as a manager?

One: The details are the big sections. Everyone in the workplace wants to be appreciated and affirmed by the boss, and although hard work can win a good reputation for "diligence", it is often insignificant details that determine whether you are reused or not. In the eyes of the boss, completing the work is only execution, and the details are perfect is the execution! Therefore, small things should not be underestimated, and the details are big sections.

Two: Never be late. A good leader must be a person with a strong sense of time. No one wants to wait for someone else, and neither do you. Nelson said: "Don't expect me to arrive early, but I'm never late. "So, whether it's a meeting or an appointment with a client, it's important to be on time.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Three: Don't do things that aren't related to work. Leaders are people in the spotlight, and employees' eyes are watching your every move. An important sign of a good leader is the distinction between public and private. Work is work, don't cook half a day of phone porridge with family or friends during work hours.

Four: Always keep yourself in good spirits. Standing straight and sitting upright can make you look full and confident all the time. Of course, you certainly don't want your colleagues or bosses to see you curled up in front of your computer listlessly all day. If you're languishing, how to make your team energized.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Five: Learn to shut up. The best way to make people think you're smart is to know when to shut up and when to open your mouth. When discussing, don't always say something outdated, mentioned, or out of bounds. Don't speak out loud to others at any time, and maintaining a certain demeanor is not harmful to you.

Six: Don't mess around your desk. Keep your desk clean at all times and keep your documents in drawers or filing cabinets. Do a good job in the office 5s, the desk is always in order. In this way, the boss will definitely think that you are also methodical in other aspects, so it is much more reassuring for him to hand things over to you.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Seven: The charm of a smile. A good leader must be a person who knows how to smile, can smile, and smiles often. Smiling is contagious, it can convey trust and enthusiasm to your subordinates, and it can also make other people's sadness less easily contagious to you. Be a sunny person and share your smile with others.

Eight: The briefcase effect. If you go to work every day with a briefcase, it will definitely make your boss or colleagues think that you are focused on your work, and maybe your bag will be thrown aside as soon as it arrives at the office, but those are no longer important because your message has been reached - you are a person who is serious about your work.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Nine: Bragging also has to be drafted. Employees worship people who are better than themselves, and as a leader, it's okay to brag appropriately. However, bragging should also have a degree, do not blow too much, the cow has no edge. If you have to blow, be careful not to let yourself end up in the end.

Ten: Know everything company-wide. Whatever the source of the information, you should convince your colleagues and subordinates that you are in control of everything, that you know everything about the company, that they will respect you, and that your boss will make a good impression on you. The boss asks for your opinion on something, you are at a loss, do you think this leader is qualified.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Eleven: Remember your role. In a team, the leader is the leader. When it's critical, don't forget your role as a bellwether. For example, a good employee retires and organizes everyone to say goodbye; the boss suddenly arranges an urgent task and works overtime with everyone.

Twelve: Get ready for some jokes and shows. As a leader, you should be good at enlivening the atmosphere, and you should prepare some jokes in case of emergency. In addition, it is also necessary to hide a masterpiece, such as a Beijing opera, a song, and a small hand when necessary. At the company's annual meeting, you don't know anything, isn't it a big deal.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Thirteen: Communicate with subordinates. Remember, the task of leadership is to communicate. No one likes a rigid and indifferent leader, the leader is too mysterious, and the subordinates will deviate from you. Communicate more, communicate frankly when necessary, and your subordinates will bring you a lot of things you don't know.

Fourteen: Rabbits should not eat nest grass. No matter how hot the new secretary's figure is, how sexy the red lips of the female subordinate are, you must be distracted, and do not have the idea of "eating the grass on the edge of the nest", otherwise she will be the person who will bring you the biggest trouble. Once you get involved with female subordinates, you are not far from being discredited.

The 16 "Nelson Principles" for improving leadership have been learned, admired by subordinates, and reused by bosses

Fifteen: Be a person with feelings. Whether it is for leaders, peers or subordinates, we must get along harmoniously. Pay your feelings, you will inevitably reap the truth. There is no need to bother anyone, but it is absolutely necessary to remember the birthday of a colleague, a warm greeting when the subordinate is uncomfortable, and remind the leader to pay attention to rest.

Sixteen: Be careful about the sites you browse. Remember, the workplace is a solemn place, and you should pay special attention to websites you browse during breaks. Don't patronize websites that are not suitable for children! Being seen by others will think that you are a person with an improper style, so that you can't wash it away by jumping into the Yellow River.

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