
He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

author:The little man outside the historical door

In the history of our army, there is a very legendary general, although his left leg is 4 centimeters shorter than his right leg, he became the first commander of our air force who can fly an airplane.

His name was Manin.

Ma Ning is a native of Qinyang, Henan, born in 1922, at the age of 13, he began to participate in revolutionary work, at the age of 16, he officially joined the Communist Party of China, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Ma Ning successively served as a staff officer of the 129th Division Brigade Headquarters, a training staff officer of the military sub-district headquarters, a regimental chief of staff, and other positions.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

Ma Ning's leg was injured after Liu Deng's army advanced into Dabie Mountain in 1947, when Ma Ning was the deputy commander of the Fifty Regiment of the Sixth Column of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Military Region, when he led his troops to xuanhuadian was attacked by the enemy, in the fierce battle, Ma Ning was injured in his left leg, and the soldiers next to him saw that the regimental commander was injured and hurriedly led him to retreat.

Manin came to his troop station, but found that the troops had left, had no choice, he had to live in the cave temporarily, there were doctors, guards and a cooker, after a while, his legs improved, he went down the mountain to find the troops, and finally found the sixth column 17 brigade, but just arrived here, the enemy chased after him, Maning legs and feet were inconvenient, can only stay temporarily again.

A few days later, the enemy was about to rush to him, and in desperation, he had to leave on horseback, it was a rainy day, the horse accidentally stepped on the air, immediately fell to the ground, Manin fell off the horse, and the left leg that was about to heal was completely broken.

After a period of time, after bumping around, Maning finally arrived at the Jinjilu base area, and after being admitted to the hospital, the doctor was surprised that Maning's injury was so serious that he could actually hold up, and after examination, the doctor finally found that Maning's left leg was 4 centimeters shorter than the right leg, and this 4 centimeters could not be made up.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

Upon receiving this news, Ma Ning was very frustrated, and when Liu Deng's army was reorganized into Erye, Ma Ning was listed as Erye's special combat hero.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Manin thought that his life was like this, and one day by chance, he saw a book, which was a Soviet novel "Real Man", which was about the early days of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union, the fighter pilot Alexei Meresiev was injured in an air battle, and 18 days later he crawled back to the army, at this time, he completely lost his legs.

Without his legs, he could not continue to be a pilot again, which was a very unacceptable result for him, Andrekh Meresiev finally decided that he would never give up his dream of soaring in the blue sky, and from then on, with his iron will, long and hard training, he finally flexibly used his prosthetic legs and returned to the fighter plane, contributing to the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union.

After Reading this book, Ma Ning was deeply shocked, he thought he could also fly a plane, so he went to sign up and ask to join the Air Force, and Ma Ning found the old leader, Wang Jinshan, who had been the commander of the Erye Six Columns.

Wang Jinshan, who is the prototype of Li Yunlong in the TV series "Bright Sword" that we are familiar with, has a hot temper and a straight personality, And Ma Ning went to him, and Wang Jinshan did not agree to let him become a pilot.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

Ma Ning was not dead hearted, he came to Wang Jinshan every day, and after half a month, Wang Jinshan finally agreed to Ma Ning.

Although the old leader agreed, but if you want to be a pilot, you also need to do a physical examination, Maning checked the body, because the sense of smell is not high, it was stuck, helpless, Maning once again found Wu Faxian, director of the Political Department of the Air Force.

Wu Faxian knew his situation, and he told Maning that if he really wanted to come to the Air Force, then he would come to the ground to do work, and when Maning heard it, he immediately refused, saying that he had come to be a pilot and do what ground work.

Wu Faxian was impressed by his attitude, so he approved him to first go to treat his "sense of smell" and then come to register, a month later, Maning came again, Wu Faxian arranged an examiner for him alone, after this examination, Manin successfully joined the air force pilot team.

After joining the Air Force, Manin practiced flying skills hard, what other normal people can do, he has to do, others can't do it, he also has to work hard to do, once, to a Soviet coach was surprised, Manin actually became the only qualified person in solo training.

With this tenacity, Maning successively served as deputy division commander and division commander of the Air Force, and he also participated in the first joint land, sea, and air operation of our army, liberating Yijiangshan Island in one fell swoop.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

In 1955, Manin was awarded the rank of Colonel, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Third Class, the Order of Liberation, Second Class, and in 1960 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel, until 1964, when he was officially promoted to the rank of Major General.

In 1965, our army abolished the rank system, so from 1955 to 1965, those who were awarded the rank of general or above by our army were collectively called founding generals, including those who were promoted to the rank of general.

Thus, Manin was considered the founding major general of the Republic.

In 1970, Ma Ning was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Lanzhou Military Region, and after the "September 13 Incident" in 1971, the then commander of the Air Force was dismissed, and in order to solve the crisis of the Air Force, Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai sent Li Desheng, director of the General Political Department, to the Air Force to sit in the air force.

Li Desheng worked continuously for five days and five nights without rest, and finally solved this emergency.

Afterwards, the central authorities sent Cao Lihuai, Wang Huiqiu, Kuang Rennong, Xue Shaoqing, Liang Pu and five other people to form an air force leading group, led by Cao Lihuai, responsible for the daily work of the air force.

As the events passed, and their efforts, the work of the Air Force gradually became regular, and at this time, the Central Military Commission began to consider the leadership team of the Air Force.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

In 1972, the Air Force held a training security meeting, the theme of which was to ask everyone to talk to see who could take over as the commander of the Air Force, and in the end, the result of their discussion was to ask the Central Military Commission to send someone from the grand military region to pick up the commander of the Air Force.

Ye Jianying, then vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, also attended the meeting, saying: "The commander of the Air Force must be selected from the Air Force. ”

One day in 1973, Maning received a call from Pi Dingjun, commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, asking him to come to Beijing, when Maning knew nothing, he attended the meeting, and what he did not expect was that a week after the meeting, he was appointed commander of the Air Force.

At that time, Maning was able to serve as the commander of the Air Force, which was actually recommended by Li Desheng, and after the "September 13 Incident," Zhou Enlai suggested to Chairman Mao that a commander who could ascend to heaven should be chosen, and thus Li Desheng recommended Ma Ning.

Manin thus became commander of our Air Force, and in 1977 he stepped down as commander of the Air Force.

He was a colonel in 1955, promoted to major general in 1964, and nine years later, Lee elected him commander of the Air Force

In 1984, Manin retired at the rank of deputy corps, and in 2010, he completed his legendary life at the age of 89.

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