
Jiangxi Yibaiyunfu Health Management Co., Ltd.: the feasibility of collective talent formation

author:Beijing Workplace Secretary
Jiangxi Yibaiyunfu Health Management Co., Ltd.: the feasibility of collective talent formation

Iron Law No. 43: In the process of career development, helping colleagues and friends around you to develop together and become a collective talent is a very wise choice, on the one hand, you can achieve good interpersonal relations and a harmonious growth atmosphere; on the other hand, you can greatly enhance and optimize your network resource structure, and then form a powerful force.

In the workplace, there is a very interesting phenomenon, that is, among the elites who have become talented, it is very easy to get together, and many people are either small, or relatives and friends, or fellow villagers, or classmates, and even colleagues who have a certain relationship. If you open the vast historical classics of our country, it is not difficult to find that Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Zhu Yuanzhang, Hong Xiuquan, Zeng Guofan have such a group of people in their core team, and their relationship with them has been relatively close since a long time ago. Perhaps Zhu Yuanzhang is more typical, among the founding ministers, Xu Da, Tang He and Zhou Dexing and others are his partners in the cattle herding era.

Not only in politics, but also in business, such phenomena are not uncommon. In history, the Jinshang monopoly ticket number represented by people in Taiyuan and Yuci, the Ming and Qing dynasties in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, had a monopoly of the master's trade, in the 1990s, the "Mongolian Army" represented by people in Hohhot and Chifeng and other places monopolized the health product industry, and at present, Fujian Zhouning people monopolized shanghai steel trade, Hebei Yanshan people monopolized Beijing steel trade, steel and petrochemical enterprise employees had a large proportion of northeasterners, and Beijing e-bay foreign single sales were mostly Jining people in Inner Mongolia. At the same time, we will also find that once someone is successful in a certain field, many of his relatives and friends will squeeze in this direction. Chinese, if you look closely, there are similar phenomena in European and American countries.

The reasons for such a situation are roughly as follows: First, from a professional point of view, most people want to really integrate into a certain circle, and it is a very important condition for someone to promote, generally this person has some relationship with you, or relatives and friends, or fellow countrymen, or classmates, or comrades-in-arms, or colleagues. Second, the relationship is good in ordinary times, and the commonality is larger in a certain aspect, and it is easier for each other to influence each other in terms of ideas and thinking structures, and it is convenient to form similar positions and values, so it is more possible to hold together on this basis and do some things together. Third, managers have a more or less tendency to have core members of the team who are people they trust and have deep ties to them. Fourth, the growth of any talent, there must be a circle of mutual exchange, exchange and learning, in order to achieve common progress, the real talent is not a lone ranger, this circle and the previous circle of contacts and resources overlap is often very high, many times will show obvious regionality, which is a very critical reason for the phenomenon of the talent field is easy to appear.

Some friends may say that you have reversed the cause and effect here, and the growth of talents is only a superficial phenomenon, but its essence is still the feudal ideology of gangs and factions, nepotism, and fertility and water not flowing into the fields of outsiders. This statement does have some truth, but in the case mentioned above, although the core members of the team do have different forms of relationship with the leading big brother, we cannot deny that they are all first-class talents of that era. In fact, since ancient times, China has had the concept of employing people who are wise and do not shy away from relatives.

Developing and collectively developing with relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues is not only practically feasible, but also conducive to the accumulation and optimization of network resources and the achievement of a great cause. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, ji kang, ruan yuan, shantao, xiangxiu, Liu Ling, Wang Rong and Ruan Xian were basically friends with each other, often sitting together to drink and chat, exchanging knowledge, and later became the famous "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest". In the field of literature, the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", in addition to Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, the other six people Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Rui, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, and Zeng Gong had a certain blood relationship, teacher inheritance and friendship relationship. Among the four "four talents of Jiangnan" in the Ming Dynasty- Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhengming, and Xu Zhenqing, Tang Zhu was a very good friend. The "three musketeers" in the real estate commentary circle - Shi Hanbing, Cao Jianhai and Niu Dao are also echoing and supporting each other in the north and south, and their fame is gradually blazing.

Some people may think that what I am talking about is a special case, how can there be such a good talent around in reality, this situation can be encountered and not sought. In fact, most people really have a few brushes in some way, but they just don't dig hard, or you don't notice. We should not be too self-righteous and think that we know the people around us very well, and many times we can only say that it is not necessary. One of my classmates, who is a special person, talks and does everything, is very open in interpersonal relations, and after graduation, he went to work in a certain organ in the south. Everyone feels that many years of classmates have known very well, in the impression of many people, he belongs to the kind of person who does not have much talent, does not know much about writing articles and learning, and relies on lip service. In the second half of 2009, the buddy began to write a novel with national characteristics, and it was also his first time to write a literary work. At first, I didn't think much about it, that is, I wrote to play, wrote more than a thousand words every night, and after writing it, I posted it on the end of the world.

I've been stalking and watching, and the more I look at it, the more I like it, and the more I look at it, the more I feel it. The work is not only brilliantly written, but also the language reveals the deep experience and capture of the details of life, and from time to time there will be sentences that can cause people to think deeply, which makes people have to be impressed and lament that they still know too little about him. Later, I sent his article to some of our classmates, and everyone felt incredible and could not believe their eyes. Evaluated according to the quality of the work, its level can be comparable to that of some of the most famous professional writers at present. I also recommended his masterpiece to some relatives and friends, basically no one believed that this buddy had rarely written anything before, it was still a debut work, and thought that I was joking with everyone about the works of famous artists!

This classmate's work was written for about a month, and a big domestic book operator approached him to negotiate publication, and finally signed a contract at the end of that year. As of May 2011, his second book on gangster themes is about to be published. In fact, the people we know best are often the strangers. If you have the heart to grow together and become a talent in a certain field with everyone, you may wish to carefully sort out the people around you, or you can find like-minded friends. At present, my classmate is building a circle where they can do research together in a down-to-earth manner, discuss and communicate with each other, in order to achieve common progress and growth, and can do a big career in the future.

Now entering the circle are university professors, columnists, folklore experts, company executives, media journalists, government officials and other types of figures. Everyone is based on common hobbies and values gathered together, sweeping away the current pompous atmosphere of academia, conducting joint research and promotion in the form of a team, promoting academic research to clear the source, reshaping rationality, pursuing truth from an independent and objective standpoint, basing on providing practical solutions to major practical problems, and promoting members to become famous and become a family, and can be developed at a higher level and platform. Although his ideal will encounter many twists and turns in implementation, perseverance can still produce certain effects, and even give birth to a far-reaching genre.