
The second volume of the fourth grade of the Ministry Edition of Chinese: 25. The Secret of the Treasure Gourd

author:A complete set of primary and secondary school teaching plan resources

Eighth unit

25. The secret of the treasure gourd

Teaching objectives

1. Recognize 7 new words such as "demon" and "moment", read the polysyllabic word "chong", write 13 words such as "introduction and shao", and write 10 words such as "introduction and statement".

2.Read the text silently, grasp the main content of the text, feel the magic of fairy tales, and experience the image of Wang Bao.

3. Choose one of the stories told by your grandmother, expand your imagination, create a story, and tell it to your classmates.

Teaching process

- Lesson 1 -

First, stimulate interest and introduce new lessons.

1. Talk introduction: Every child's childhood is inseparable from the company of wonderful fairy tales, please talk about your favorite fairy tales or fairy tale characters. (Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, Grimm's fairy tales; Mermaid, Snow White...)

The fairy tale we are going to learn today is the secret of the treasure gourd. Does anyone know the story? (I've seen cartoons, I've seen books.) Who is the protagonist? (Wang Bao) Yes, this is a fairy tale written by the famous writer Zhang Tianyi, which was made into a color animated film in 2007.

Today, let's go into the text, contact this Wang Bao from the words and lines, and see what secrets are inside the treasure gourd! (Read together)

Second, check the preview, self-study results display.

1. Check for new words. Remember the new words, point to each other, and remind the students to pay attention to which new word.

Talk about the doubts in your own preview, the preliminary solutions in the group, the marked question marks that cannot be solved, and leave them for collective exchange and discussion.

2. Group presentations to showcase learning outcomes.

Word recognition; Text reading aloud; Solve doubts and ask unanswered questions.

3. Read new words and new words by name.

Emphasis on instructions: rules (jǔ) pluck (niǎn) pull (zhuài) lick (tiǎn)

4. Guide the writing of the characters in the field grid after class.

Focus on the analysis and guidance of "good, slippery, aoi, thin", and demonstrate in the field grid on the blackboard. (The distinction between "good" attention and "multiplication", the third stroke is the hanging needle vertical.) "Slip" is the left and right structure, pay attention to the right "left" ", " do not miss the writing. "Aoi" is the upper and lower structure, and the "癸" below notes that the last stroke is ",". "Thin" is a semi-enveloping structure, the "叟" inside pays attention to the stroke order, and the "丨" has to come out. )

Third, read the text again, the overall perception.

1. Read the text silently and tell me why Wang Bao wants to get a treasure gourd. (You can get everything without hassle or worry.) )

2. Read through the text and talk about what stories Grandma told Wang Bao.

3. Read your favorite passages and talk about your reading experience.

IV. Class Summary.

What did you feel after reading the text for the first time?

- Lesson 2 -

First, review the old knowledge and introduce new lessons.

1. Read new words by name and check the mastery of new words.

2. Introduce a new lesson: Through the study of the previous lesson, we got to know Wang Bao and learned about his story with Bao Hulu. Today, we continue to study the texts and feel the wonders of the fairy tale world.

Second, read the feelings and experience the emotions.

(1) Wang Bao and Bao Hulu formed a "love affair".

1. Read the text and think about it, how did Wang Bao know the story about the treasure gourd? Summarize it in your own words and say something about it.

Wang Bao and Grandma's rules: Whenever Grandma asks Wang Bao to do something, she has to tell him a story. In this way, Wang Bao heard a lot of stories about the treasure gourd.

2. Understanding "rules": What do you mean by "rules" here? (Promises, promises...)

Can you tell us about the rules you know?

3. Summary: There are no rules and no squares, it is precisely because my grandmother and I have kept each other's "rules" that I have heard so many stories about the treasure gourd. We also have to be people who follow the rules.

4. Read the texts aloud, read the dialogue between Grandma and Wang Bao by role, and experience the character image.

5. Wang Bao listened to her grandmother tell the story of the treasure gourd, and she heard that she was a teenager, and her grandmother told it differently every time. Read the text to find out which stories about the treasure gourd are listed in the text.

Zhang San——

Li Si——

Wang Wu——

Zhao Liu——

6. By reading the text, we find that these people in the grandmother story have different ways of getting the treasure gourd. What about the result of getting the treasure gourd? (They were all very happy, and they all had a good life.) )

7. Wow! It turns out that the treasure gourd is so magical, so let's restore the story of these treasure gourds.

Group cooperation: use imagination, choose a story, communicate and cooperate, and create a story. (Note: Create and edit from existing content.) )

Communication, evaluation. (Note: whether according to the existing content; Imagination is rich or not, etc. )

8. Summary, transition: It seems that the students have mastered the unique secret book of Wang Bao's grandmother telling stories, and their imaginations are very rich. Growing up listening to such stories all day, it was logical that Wang Bao had an endless yearning for the treasure gourd - he very much wanted to get a treasure gourd.

(2) Wang Bao's yearning for the treasure gourd.

1. Read the text and explain why Wang Bao wants to get a treasure gourd. (You can make everything in your life go smoothly, without worries, and worry-free.) )

Indeed, this idea is even stronger whenever faced with difficulties. What difficulties has Wang Bao encountered? (Can't do problems, lose sunflower competitions, fall out with classmates.) )

If there was a treasure gourd, what would it all look like? Read the text and feel the desire of the characters' hearts.

2. Students, think about whether you need a treasure gourd in your life? If you had it, what would you let it do? Student exchange.

Teacher Transition: It seems that the growing pains we all have! Think about it, when Wang Bao really has a treasure gourd, his ideas can be realized, but can his problems really be solved?

Math problems that can't be done – still can't be done

Sunflowers that won't be planted – not yet

Won't get along with your classmates – or not

Why is that?

Because he didn't think with his own brain, cultivate with his own hands, and devote himself with his true feelings, because he didn't do anything.

Summary: The gain without paying is the gain of unearned work. Is unearned happiness really happiness? No.

Third, extend and expand.

An excerpt from "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd" that students read.

When Wang Bao really got a treasure gourd, he gradually realized that relying on the treasure gourd to get it for nothing brought him not happiness, but troubles. What's going on? Please read the book "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd" after class.

Board book design

The second volume of the fourth grade of the Ministry Edition of Chinese: 25. The Secret of the Treasure Gourd

Teaching reflections

This text is excerpted from some chapters in "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd", but it cannot be taken as a guide class, but to guide students into the text, feel the wonder of fairy tales from the words and lines, and experience how the characters are shaped. It is necessary to pay attention to the main position of students, let students enter the role, experience the characteristics of the characters, learn reading methods, expand imagination, and create stories. The classroom did not provide enough guidance for reading guidance, and did not provide enough guidance for students to create and edit, and planned to continue to communicate and create stories in the reading exchange meeting after recommended reading.

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