
Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

author:Saying: Qingqing

For the demise of dinosaurs, people stood on different angles, had different opinions, expressed their own opinions, and expressed many different views.

Recently, a new view has become popular in society, saying that dinosaurs were hunted out by people, and they only lived on Earth for millions of years!

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

Ancient Earth

It is said that this was caused by the "Ancient Earth Faction". They began to use radiometric dating to prove that dinosaurs were ancient creatures.

This inference is controversial. Opponents argue that this radiometric dating method cannot infer the age of dinosaurs, but only the age of the rocks buried near dinosaur fossils. Because radiometric dating is based on some controversial assumptions that many scholars consider wrong, and these errors have been shown in empirical research.

Opponents also argue that dinosaurs disappeared for millions of years. At the same time, it is also proposed that dinosaurs were extinct in modern times. It's incredible.

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

Disappearing dinosaurs

Where is the basis for this modern dinosaur extermination theory of the opponents? They are based on legendary archetypes of thousands of dragons in ancient history. This is really an unexpected basis!

This view is popular after the discovery of traces such as the Aika (West Asian) stone. And more than once, human remains and dinosaur remains were found buried together. For this reason, those who hold this view conclude that humans may have killed the dinosaurs.

Are human remains buried with dinosaur remains? Is there really such a thing?

According to Mr. Zhao Xijin, a dinosaur scholar at the Institute of Paleovertebrates in China, dinosaurs and mammal fossils have been found to grow together in the formations of Altay in Xinjiang in the late Cretaceous period.

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident


According to this inference, after the Cretaceous, dinosaurs survived for a period of time, so what year should it really be extinct? Was it the Paleocene 65 million years ago? It is safe to say that the fossils of mammals found in the Altay Formation in Xinjiang with dinosaurs are not human fossils.

Our traditional determination of stratigraphic dating is based on sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks include: sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone, etc. It is generally believed that the formation of sedimentary rocks is mainly through flowing water, "hydrological screening", layer by layer sediment deposited from silt silt rocks, therefore, it is called: sedimentary rock.

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

Dinosaur fossils in sedimentary rocks of Zhucheng, Shandong

Dinosaur fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Mammals are also found in sedimentary rocks. So, are humans and dinosaurs in the same layer of sedimentary rock?

Those who hold the view that dinosaurs were hunted and killed by humans believe that the concept of dinosaurs is almost universal in the ancient cultures of the world. If humans had not seen the "dinosaur" with their own eyes, how would they depict, record, draw, etch, sew and carve the image of the "dinosaur"?

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

The "Dragon" Pictogram was excavated from the Xishuipo Tomb in Puyang, Henan

In the fifth volume of the Encyclopedia of the World (1973, p. 265), Nock Wilson's description of the "dragon" states: "The legend of the dragon is as if the dragon were an animal that once existed in the past. Long before humans appeared on Earth, they were already large reptiles (dinosaurs) that walked on Earth. ”

We have seen or heard stories about "dragons", even "dragons and people", and it is no wonder that some people suggest that dinosaurs were hunted and killed by humans.

Dinosaurs were hunted down by humans and lived on Earth for only a few million years, a bit of an accident

Man and dinosaur

In summary, dinosaurs probably lived on Earth for only a few million years, during which time they were hunted by humans. Because humans have been harmed by dinosaurs, they have to make weapons, hunt dinosaurs, and protect themselves.

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