
Comrade Li Huanzhang passed away


BEIJING, Dec. 31 (Xinhuanet) -- Comrade Li Huanzhang, head of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the former Ministry of Machinery Industry, died in Beijing on December 13, 2014 at the age of 89 due to ineffective medical treatment.

During Comrade Li Huanzhang's serious illness and after his death, the relevant leading comrades of the central authorities expressed their condolences and condolences in different ways.

Li Huanzhang was born in December 1925 in Qizhuang, Xianxian County, Hebei Province. In January 1941, he joined the Village Youth Rescue Association and served as a member of the Propaganda Committee. He joined the Communist Party of China in August 1942. After September 1942, he served as a teacher of the primary school in the Ninth District, the principal of the Central Primary School, a clerk and officer of the Urban Work Department of the Eighth Sub-district Committee of Jizhong District, a cadet and squad leader of the teaching regiment of the Jizhong Military Region, an education officer and political instructor of the Jizhong Resistance Brigade, an officer of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the Jizhong Military Region, a political instructor of the Fifth Factory of the Military Industry Management Office of the Jizhong Military Region, a cadre officer and political instructor of the Military Industry Management Office, and a secretary of the General Branch of the Enterprise Department of the North China People's Government and a political instructor of the organ. After November 1949, he served as the secretary of the party committee of the central ministry of heavy industry, the deputy chief of the section, the deputy chief of the cadre section of the Personnel Department, the chief of the cadre department, the deputy director of the Statistics Department, the director of the allocation department, and the deputy director of the first ministry of machinery industry. After September 1969, he served as the leader of the cadre group of the political work group of the Ministry of Machinery, the person in charge of the Political Department, the person in charge of the Cadre Department, and the director of the Cadre Department. In September 1984, he was appointed as the head of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Machinery Industry. He retired in June 1994.