
Eat when the time comes, and awaken the atmosphere of spring

author:Cold moon 123456
Eat when the time comes, and awaken the atmosphere of spring
Eat when the time comes, and awaken the atmosphere of spring
Eat when the time comes, and awaken the atmosphere of spring

In the spring, the withered yellow fields turn green. New green leaves grow out on dead branches.

The sun was smiling softly at everyone, the birds were singing and flying, the flowers were blooming, the red flowers, the white flowers, the purple flowers.

The stars are shining, red stars, green stars, white stars.

Blue sky, free wind, dreamy beautiful love.

- Barkin, "Autumn in Spring"

Spring River plumbing duck in fresh

"Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", with ingenuity to interpret the seasonal ingredients delicious. Cut into the duck tongue, stir-fry and collect the juice over high heat, the meat is firm and the umami taste is endless. With delicate knife work and a light and authentic taste, the spring flavor is delivered to the mouths of diners.

Raw choking sweet shrimp

Nourished by a long winter, the sweet shrimp is soft and sweet, without the need for complicated and cumbersome production methods, and the spring flavor is vividly reflected.

Cherry blossom shrimp spring shoots

Cherry blossom shrimp from Southeast Asia, because of its special requirements for water quality and temperature, the whole body is crimson and the flesh is tender. Paired with crisp spring shoots, it sounds like spring in the mouth with chewing.

Toon shrimp seed tender chicken

Toon is the earliest spring flavor, rich in nutrients, with therapeutic effects. Served with fresh shrimp seeds and tender chicken, marinated in a secret sauce, the toon flavor is perfectly woven into the chicken.

Loquat stew double treasure

Loquat raw and cough- and nourishing the fish lips of "one of the eight treasures of seafood". Paired with tender pigeon eggs, the sweetness and sourness of the flesh are melted into the broth to nourish the body and mind, and the aftertaste is long.

Tea fragrant jade ring abalone

The tender pork knuckles and the fat abalone are fried at high temperatures, the skin and flesh are crispy, the outside is burnt and tender, and the tea sauce is accompanied by a fragrant sauce, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Leek knife fish ravioli

Choose early spring sauer fish into the filling, supplemented by leek seasoning, wonton flavor fresh, long cooked not rotten. Crystal moist and salivating.

Stewed river eel with garlic

Spring river eels have no fine bones, and the fish meat is mellow but not greasy; Single-headed garlic from Yunnan is soft and sweet in the mouth and rich in minerals. The chefs are ingenious in blending the tastes of the mountains and the sea.

Rain flower shrimp buckle three wires

Executive Chef Chen Rongping presents the classic Huaiyang flavor in an innovative way, breaking the restrictions of single cuisine ingredients and restoring the original taste of ingredients with pure knife work. The crispness of the spring shoots and the sweetness of the shrimp are paired with a pot of early spring rain flower tea to fill the plate with spring feelings.

Shrimp seed oil stuffy bamboo shoot roast meat

This is one of the classic Shanghainese dishes. Everything is revived and full of vitality, and it is the spring shoot season in Jiangnan. Chef Xu uses spring shoots to serve with delicious shrimp seed oil and pork belly. The delicious river, which combines the crispness and fragrance of bamboo shoots, makes the pork belly more soft and sticky, and the taste is rich in layers, making it a delicacy that cannot be missed in spring.

Pomfret roasted bean noodles

Pomfret-shaped flat, skin color silver gray, tender meat, thick flesh with few spines, bean noodles made of bean milling powder, low sugar and low fat, smooth and sharp, both boiled together, bean noodles absorb sufficient umami, juice rich and elastic.

Grilled catfish with spring shoots

Spring shoots and catfish are seasonal delicacies in season, and the chef combines the delicacy of spring shoots with the freshness of catfish, and the cooking technique is like "beautiful women painting light makeup", bringing the two tender tastes to the fullest.

Broth white snails

Fresh snails are put into water, drizzled with a few drops of cooking oil, let the snails spit out sediment, rinsed with clean water and cooked together with delicious broth, the unique delicious taste spreads the tip of the tongue, no less than the delicious taste of crayfish.

Knife fish ravioli

The knifefish is narrow and silvery-white, the flesh is tender, the taste is delicious, fat but not greasy, and it has a slight fragrance. Before the Qingming Festival, the meat quality is the best, the knife fish wontons are fresh, cooked for a long time, and the crystal is moist. The filling is made of fresh and fat female knife fish from the early spring water, and the wontons made of knife fish are unique, because the selection of materials is exquisite and seasonal restrictions, so it is not easy to come by.

Dragon fish Taizhou tofu

The main bone of the dragon fish is soft, the fish bone is soft as a whisker, the meat is soft, the moisture content is high, the fresh food taste is very beautiful, and the nutritional value of tofu is higher, the taste is particularly delicious, and the soft glutinous of tofu and the softness of the fish complement each other.

Steamed plum fish with green snow vegetables

Plum fish warm water fish, fresh skin silver white, tender flesh soft yellow fish known as yellow fish, chefs choose the season fresh snow dishes with, salty taste and slightly sweet fish meat, a bite into the mouth that melts the feeling, overflowing with words.

Toon style

Spring wild vegetables are pretty, Li Yu said that "the meat is not as good as meat, the meat is not as good as the vegetables, but also with its asymptotic nature", fresh toon head young leaves, unique and sultry fragrance, and a variety of ingredients can be mixed and matched, "a spoon entrance, three spring do not forget".

Salty incense hand peel bamboo shoots

There are many ways to eat spring shoots, known as "meat and vegetarian versatile", it is cooked with a variety of meats, it is more delicious. Bamboo shoots after the rainy season are vegetarian and are a must-see taste in spring.

Rare mushroom cabbage balls

"After the rain, the first to get the water, the morning has a treasure cooking", the cabbage color green leaves are beautiful, the flower color is white and small, the root is slightly yellow-shaped like an umbrella, with fresh mountain mushrooms, the delicious taste is fragrant.

Shrimp seed oil stuffy spring shoots

Tender and juicy spring shoots, paired with delicious shrimp seeds, each bite is a delicacy conferred by spring.

Spring sprouts crispy salted chicken skin

I don't know what kind of oats shake the spring breeze when MaLan enters the morning trick? Spring-limited seasonal vegetables bring a touch of bright green in the spring.

Shrimp seeds are spring-colored and delicate

Spring shoots: tender and juicy; Zibai: a delicacy that must be tasted in spring; The combination of the two can be described as suitable for all ages.

Drunken tiger shrimp with garlic

Garlic is known as "penicillin grown in the ground", and the meat of black tiger shrimp is firm, elastic and chewy, and the meat is full of meat in one bite.

Baked catfish with yellow pepper sauce

Tender and fat catfish, paired with a spicy and delicious yellow pepper sauce that is not on fire, render this enthusiastic spring time.

Turquoise crystal bag

The turquoise crystal bun draws on the Cantonese-style crystal shrimp dumpling technique, and is made of spring wild vegetable Maran head as a filling, which is turquoise and transparent.

Pepper and hemp green shoot slices

The green shoots are cut into twist slices, soaked in the pepper flavor, the green shoots are double-faulted, and the color is emerald green.

Black truffle mushroom

Using a combination of fresh mushrooms and Italian black truffles, we boldly innovated.

Shrimp seed anchovy shrimp

Fresh sand shrimp are selected, and the tail is shelled and left to make a combination of anchovies and shrimp seeds, and the shrimp meat is tender.