
Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

author:Kanshi Akiba

Zhao Kuangyin, the ancestor of the Song Dynasty, the founder of the Northern Song Dynasty, single-handedly founded the Song Dynasty. In the selection of the most livable dynasties, the Song Dynasty is called the most livable dynasty, which is closely related to the policies created by Zhao Kuangyin when he founded the country.

Among the many emperors of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin was written into poetry by his courtiers the most times, which was enough to see how wise and divine this Song Taizu was.

However, it was such a heroic and holy emperor of divine virtue, and the mystery of his death has not yet been solved. Before Song Taizu died, there was no disease, no news of the assassin's assassination, and no poisoning.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

It was as if he had suddenly been summoned by Heaven and died overnight, at the age of fifty. The place where he was buried after his death was not carefully selected, but the "place of one arrow" that Zhao Kuangyin had in his hands. So, what's going on here? This has to start from the ninth year of Kaibao.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > Song Taizu died</h1>

Throughout the nine years of Kaibao, Zhao Kuangyin actually did not show a little abnormality, and he did many practical things in this year. Beginning in the spring, Zhao Kuangyin first pardoned the captive Li Yu and then offered a series of rewards. After this, Zhao Kuangyin also reused Xu Xuan, a southern Tang dynasty official.

At the same time, he also blessed Xijing, and in April you performed a sacrifice in the southern suburbs of Xijing. In the months before the sacrifice, Zhao Kuangyin was rewarding old courtiers, summoning students, and even meeting envoys, looking conscientious.

This year, Zhao Kuangyin also returned to Henan with his courtiers to worship his father, crying movingly. It is worth mentioning that after the worship, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly drew his bow and shot an arrow, and said to the group of courtiers: "The place where the arrow fell is my mausoleum." ”

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

Regarding this matter, the "Continued Zizhi Tongjian" records it like this: "Since I ascended the Que Platform, the northwest direction of the sound of the dysprosium pointed to what it knew: "I should be buried here later." In this way, Zhao Kuangyin designated his mausoleum next to his father's mausoleum.

Soon after, Zhao Kuangyin returned to Bieliang, and in June, he ordered the construction of a large ship for Zhao Guangyi, the king of Jin. Because Zhao Guangyi's mansion was too high and there was no water on the mountain, Zhao Kuangyin, out of love for his brother, ordered craftsmen to build a large ship for him to divert water.

In the months that followed, Zhao Kuangyin handled political affairs large and small, including the use of troops against the Liao state and the Jurchens. In October, zhao Kuangyin's state was finally recorded in the literature, and he fell ill.

One night, he summoned the King of Jin into the palace and asked him to go back in the middle of the night. As a result, the next morning, Zhao Kuangyin died at the Hall of Ten Thousand Years, and was buried in the place he designated.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

As we all know, the choice of the emperor's mausoleum is generally very important, and the mausoleum of the first emperor has been established for more than ten years. So, why does Zhao Kuangyin have the allusion of "one arrow"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > what the truth is</h1>

To explore the truth, we must first understand the relationship between two people, that is, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi. Originally, the relationship between the two brothers has always been very good, when the "Chen Qiao Mutiny", it was Zhao Guangyi who prepared the yellow robe, it can be said that Zhao Kuangyin's ascension to the throne also has the credit of Zhao Guangyi.

After Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne, Zhao Guangyi was also reused, but the relationship between the two was slowly changed because of the imperial power, for example, the two had a dispute over the issue of moving the capital.

The history books record that for a time, Zhao Kuangyin wanted to move the capital to Luoyang, on the one hand, because of luoyang's good terrain, on the other hand, he had a deep affection for Luoyang (Zhao Kuangyin lived in Luoyang Jiama Camp since he was a child).

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

However, for this matter, the people under him were all opposed, and there was a person who specially wrote a recital to explain the eight reasons why the capital could not be moved, but Zhao Kuangyin did not change the idea of moving the capital.

However, Zhao Guangyi, who was still the king of Jin at the time, said to Zhao Kuangyin: "Whether the matter of moving the capital is costly and laborious is not discussed for the time being, but since ancient times, the king's governance of the country is not to occupy the benefits of mountains and rivers, but to win the hearts and minds of the people." ”

Zhao Kuangyin did not answer at that time, and waited until Zhao Guangyi went out before saying to his attendants: "The words of the King of Jin are solid and good, but within a hundred years, the people of the world will be exhausted!" From this sentence, it can be seen that the hearts of the two have long ceased to be together, and later the emperor had to give up moving the capital.

Why didn't Zhao Guangyi approve of moving the capital? Judging from the situation at that time, most of the forces in Bieliang City were related to Zhao Guangyi, and if Zhao Kuangyin moved the capital to Luoyang, it would be very unfavorable to Zhao Guangyi, and if he did not move the capital, there would be problems in the succession of imperial power.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

Thinking of this, when Zhao Kuangyin returned from Luoyang to worship his ancestors, he felt a sense of emotion, shot an arrow on the road, and said: "The place where the arrow fell is where I was buried." As Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother, perhaps others did not know why the emperor would do this, but Zhao Guangyi must have known one or two.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts</h1>

Perhaps because of this incident, there are many doubts about Zhao Kuangyin's death in history, because the "death of Taizu" was too sudden, and no one thought that Zhao Kuangyin died in the Hall of Ten Thousand Years, and there was not even any sign.

The history books record that Zhao Kuangyin did fall ill in October, but there were only two words: bu yu. Such a vague word, how Zhao Kuangyin's condition is, no one knows.

Even in the "History of Song", in fact, there is no record of Zhao Kuangyin's condition, and the word "no hesitation" is only used in the history books written by the Qing Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

In general, no one believed that Zhao Kuangyin died of illness, and all the spearheads were directed at his younger brother Zhao Guangyi. Because the person who later inherited the throne was not Zhao Kuangyin's sons Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Defang, but his younger brother Zhao Guangyi.

We all know that when Zhao Kuangyin died, he had many children, and they were all talented people, such as the second son Zhao Dezhao and the fourth son Zhao Defang.

However, it was his younger brother who became emperor, was it Zhao Dezhao who was young? Or did he commit a crime and was not qualified to inherit the throne? None of this is.

In addition, the time of Zhao Guangyi's ascension to the throne was too sensitive, and the day after Zhao Kuangyin's death, Zhao Guangyi ascended the throne as emperor, which was unreasonable.

As we all know, people often regard the beneficiary as a murderer, so later generations have set their sights on Zhao Guangyi, and therefore there is even a saying of "candle shadow axe sound".

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

Roughly speaking, when Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Kuangyin were talking at the palace, Zhao Kuangyin threw an axe to the ground and reprimanded Zhao Guangyi for "doing his own thing", and Zhao Guangyi answered while avoiding it

Later, in order to prove the legitimacy of his succession, Zhao Guangyi moved his mother out. It is said that Zhao Kuangyin promised in front of his mother that he would pass the throne to himself, and Zhao Kuangyin's suicide note was hidden in a gold cabinet.

At the same time, there was also a point that the eunuch Wang Ji'en, who was conveying the news at that time, did not follow the empress's instructions to find Zhao Defang, who was not far from the palace at that time.

The mystery of Zhao Kuangyin's death, the mystery of Zhao Guangyi's succession, the mystery of Wang Ji'en's order... All of this made the entanglement between Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi become confusing. So, was Zhao Kuangyin killed by Zhao Guangyi?

Putting aside speculations such as Zhao Guangyi's sphere of influence, from the perspective of the brothers' relationship, Zhao Kuangyin should not be wary of Zhao Guangyi.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

As mentioned earlier, Zhao Kuangyin also built a large wheel for Zhao Guangyi to fetch water in the last year of his life, but in fact, he did more than that for Zhao Guangyi.

When Zhao Guangyi was ill, Zhao Kuangyin personally went to visit him and helped him acupuncture and cupping, Zhao Guangyi wanted to feel pain, and Zhao Kuangyin also gave himself a health acupuncture by the way.

Zhao Guangyi was drunk in the palace, and Zhao Kuangyin personally helped him out of the palace. All these things, too many to count, can be seen that Zhao Kuangyin's feelings for Zhao Guangyi are very deep.

In addition, the night before Zhao Kuangyin died, he did not shy away from calling Zhao Guangyi to the palace to chat, and only let him go back in the middle of the night. If according to the history books, Zhao Kuangyin was ill at this time, and he did not ask his son to enter the palace but to ask his brother to enter the palace, in fact, it can already explain the problem.

Zhao Kuangyin took an arrow in his hand, and designated the place where the arrow landed was his mausoleum, why was it so hasty? What is the truth about Song Taizu's death Zhao Kuangyin's death is full of doubts

And, of course, there's one more piece of information. When Zhao Kuangyin was alive, he did not say that he was the crown prince, and his son did not even have the title of king, or the throne that Zhao Guangyi had been crowned after succeeding to the throne.

Some people may say, then why did Zhao Kuangyin's sons die so early? But don't forget that Zhao Guangyi only had one son who could barely inherit the throne in the end.

He himself was also very dissatisfied with the heir to the throne, and even he originally wanted to give Zhao Kuangyin's third son Zhao Dezhao the throne. Unfortunately, Zhao Dezhao, a person with a glass heart, was reprimanded and committed suicide.

Of course, for Zhao Kuangyin to move the capital to Luoyang, there is also a saying that the mausoleum is set at "the land of one arrow", that is, Zhao Kuangyin is a nostalgic person, he hopes to be buried in the same land as his father, and rest in his hometown.

Zhao Kuangyin, who is obsessed with moving the capital, is not only for the sake of heaven and place, but also for the return of clothes to his hometown, and Zhao Guangyi should also be very clear about this.

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