
Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

author:Finger shadow

It has entered 2018, and for many Chinese, the excitement brought by "Wolf Warrior 2" in 2017 has not dissipated to this day, and I am looking forward to the arrival of "Wolf Warrior 3".

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The "Wolf Warrior" series, unforgettable and proud, is that the "Special Forces" of the "Wolf Warrior" are powerful in combat, invincible and invincible. The captain of the "Wolf Warrior" is Yu Nan, and the leper soldier Leng Feng Wu Jing is one of the members, as well as other members.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

In the first episode, the "Wolf Warrior" forces annihilated the former Navy SEALs of the US Army, and in the second episode, the "Wolf Warrior" Cold Front, alone, annihilated the International Mercenary Force in a foreign country.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

There have always been many "special forces" on the big screen in Hollywood, and they have also gone deep into the tiger's den in the rain of bullets and bullets to directly smash the yellow dragon, showing the true colors of heroes and tough guys. If you pick some "special forces" in Hollywood to fight against the "wolf warrior" troops, who do you think will be the "wolf warrior" opponent? It's interesting to think of it that way.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of these special forces, the "Shadow Warrior" always firmly believes that the Chinese special forces "wolf warriors" will destroy them, and if they offend china, they will be punished from afar. What do you think?

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

10.《太阳泪》tears of the sun (2003)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: U.S. Navy SEALs

▸ Lead Captain: Bruce Willis

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

"Training Day" and "Justice" director Anthony Faua's 2013 war action film starred Bruce Willis, Monica Bellucci, Cole Hauser and Johnny Messina.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of Captain Bruce Willis of the American Navy SEAL Force who is ordered to lead a seal detachment, Tears of the Sun, on a mission to Nigeria, which is in the midst of civil war, on a mission to rescue Dr. Lena Kendis, a U.S. citizen who is carrying out humanitarian rescue in the area.

09. Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team s.W.A.T. (2003)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team

▸ Core members: Samuel Jackson, Colin Farrell

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Clark Johnson directed the action crime film, starring Samuel Jackson, Colin Farrell and Jeremy Rayner. The story tells how Sheriff Harrison recruited and trained a five-member "counter-terrorism SWAT team" who shouted in front of the media while escorting Alex, an international drug lord and arms dealer, that anyone who could successfully rescue him would receive a bounty of up to $100 million; making the black and white who was eager for the bounty open fire on the police and rescue Alex, who was a criminal, which also plunged the anti-terrorist SWAT team into an unprecedented crisis.

08. "Life and Death Sniper" shooter (2007)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: U.S. Marine Corps Reconnaissance Sniper Team

▸ Core member: Mark Wahlberg

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Anthony Fuquat directed the spy action film, starring Mark Wahlberg, Kate Marla, Michael Pena, and Danny Glover.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story follows Mark Wahlberg's street speech as a stealth sniper to protect the president, and on the day of the speech, the venue is suddenly attacked by gunmen, and the bishop of Ethiopia next to the president is killed. Bob is hunted down by the police as an assassin, and the only way out is to find the real culprit behind the scenes and clear his name.

Bravo two zero (1999)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: British Special Airborne Service (SAS)

▸ Core member: Sean Binn

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Tom Craig directed the war action film, starring Sean Bing, Steve Nicholson, and Richard Graham.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells that in January 1991, eight combat veterans prepared to infiltrate Iraq to find and destroy a mobile Scud missile base that the Air Force could not bomb, and along the way people were killed and captured, and finally only one person was left, he set a trap to attack a small number of Iraqi soldiers who were still pursuing and killing, and on the way, he accidentally found a convoy of Scud Scud missiles, but he ran out of ammunition and had no choice.

Act of Valor (2012)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Troop core: Emilio Rifra

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Mike McIlroy co-directed the war action film with Scott Wolf, starring Emirio Rivera, Rosselli Sanchez and Nestor Sarano. The film was fully supported by the US military during the filming process, and in addition to a number of active navy SEALs starring in the battle, it was also filmed in special venues such as the US Navy's nuclear-powered missile submarines and special training bases.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of Navy SEALs who rescue kidnapped CIA agents, discover terrorist networks that threaten the entire United States, and then launch a worldwide hunt and siege.

05 Predator (1987)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: U.S. Army Special Forces

▸ Core member: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

John McTiernan directed the sci-fi action film, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of the special forces major leading the team to the rainforest to rescue the helicopter members who were shipwrecked, but unexpectedly encountered an unknown creature attack on the way, which triggered a bloody battle, in the face of one by one killed comrades, the desperate major decided to fight to the death, and the murderous monsters fought to the death.

04. The Hurt Locker (2008)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: U.S. Bomb Disposal Expert Team

▸ Core members: Jeremy Rayner, Guy Pierce

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Catherine Bigelow directed the war action film, starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony McKay, and Brian Grati.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of a group of American bomb disposal experts sent to Baghdad on a mission, where every local seems like a potential enemy, and every target is like a disguised bomb, and they must be careful, and if they are not careful, they will pay with their lives. The film won 6 awards at the 82nd Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Lone survivor (2013)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: Navy SEALs

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Directed by Peter Borg and starring Mark Wahlberg and Taylor Ketch. Based on Marcus Rattle's memoir of the same name, the film tells the story of four members of the Navy SEALs who infiltrated Afghanistan to assassinate the leader of a terrorist organization, but were attacked by a wrong decision, resulting in the near total destruction of the commando team.

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: U.S. Delta Force and U.S. Army Rangers

▸ Core members: Josh Hartnett, Ivan McGregor

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Josh Hartnett, Ivan McGregor and Tom Setzmore.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of the 1993 Somali War, the U.S. Army because of intelligence errors and the Somali armed militia engaged in a protracted street battle, which was only a small mission completed in about 1 hour by the Army Ranger Unit and delta troops and some Navy SEALs in about 1 hour, but was unexpectedly attacked by the local army and turned into a 15-hour long beast fight.

01. The Hunt for Bin Laden zero dark thirty (2012)

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

▸ Special Forces: American SEALs

▸ Core members: Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

Directed by Katherine Bigelow and starring Jessica Chastain, Jason Clark and Kyle Chandler.

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

The story tells the story of an American CIA agent , Maya , who spends 12 years searching for bin Laden and eventually gets intelligence to lead a team of U.S. Navy SEALs to shoot al-Qaida leader Bin Laden in Pakistan.

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Headline number: Finger shadow

Hollywood's top 10 special forces, who will be the "wolf warrior" opponents?

♨ Finger Shadow focuses on the new media of film, and is committed to discovering and exploring good movies.

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