
"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

author:Karmic Film Review
"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

"Six points for laughter, three points for self-deprecation, plus one point for absurdity"

This is probably the most apt explanation for the explosive stalk of "beating workers".

But not all bitterness can be dispelled by self-deprecation, and not all contradictions can be masked by entertainment.

The popularity of "hit workers" has disappeared, but the story of hit workers continues.

If it weren't for the economic crisis, Rocky would still be a decent blue-collar worker.

Thanks to the efforts of their wives, they raised two children and mortgaged a house.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

But the subprime mortgage crisis swept the global economy and took his job.

In order not to let his family live on the street, Rocky has been worried about his work.

But what you can find now is to work at a courier station.

Unlike the traditional courier, he did not join a courier company as an employee, but cooperated with the courier site as a franchise driver.

But before that, Lodge not only had to buy a van at his own expense to deliver the goods, but also had to comply with a series of rules and regulations.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

Although on the surface he has a partnership with the courier site, these paper concepts aside, he is just an outsourced worker in the Internet economy.

In order to meet the requirements of the express delivery site, The first thing Rocky had to solve was how to buy a truck.

Although the courier station offered a plan to rent a van, the £65 a day rent meant wasting, so Rocky intended to take out a loan to buy a van.

But to come up with a down payment, he had to sell the family's car, which meant that his wife would take the bus every day to work at a different employer's house.

For the family, Rocky's job will determine whether they can survive the debt crisis that awaits them, and the expected salary of £1,200 a week is too tempting.

It's a job opportunity that brings wealth to workers, but everyone who chooses to join this delivery site has to give up their freedom.

Work 14 hours a day, six days a week.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

Although the wife complained that the working mechanism of "796" would deprive them of the opportunity to meet, this sacrifice was necessary and necessary for the sake of the house and the two children who were still in school.

On the first day of work, Rocky assigned a scanner according to the supervisor: "You take care of it, it can take care of you."

This is not false at all, and every courier that he transports will be recorded by this scanner. Not only that, but it also plans the route for the courier to deliver the goods.

Its only requirements are precision, precise route, precise time, precise customer. Rocky's every step of the way will be recorded, and any mistakes will affect the pay he can get.

Rocky, who was new to this kind of work, didn't adapt well to this rhythm dominated by machines and programs.

Congested roads, customers who are not at home, and annoying traffic tickets.

There are too many external factors to overcome on the way to transport the goods, but the scanner in Rocky's hand will not accept any excuses and complaints.

Rocky, who came home after a day's work, couldn't even stick to watching a Manchester United game.

For people who are overwhelmed by work, talking about last night's ball game is not just talking about how wonderful it was, but proving that I have a life besides work.

But soon, this necessity of life will also be abandoned, or deprived.

Rocky, who was slowly beginning to familiarize himself with his work, finally had a chance to be promoted, and this promotion did not refer to the position, but to the route.

A good route means more goods, but it also means a stronger pace of work.

In the era when more and more jobs are eliminated by the Internet and artificial intelligence, express transportation can be said to be one of the few jobs that will be rewarded as long as you work hard.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

But the simpler the logic of this return, the more crude the conditions for the existence of this logic tend to be.

Rocky was able to get this route precisely because the last person who took this route could not take care of his scanner all the time, it was a dehumanizing overseer.

Any accident that happens to people cannot be an excuse for delaying work, and in order to adapt to this performance requirement that every second counts, workers can only accumulate negative emotions.

If it breaks out, it means that you will lose the job, but because you don't have the status of a regular employee, the law can't provide you with the necessary labor protection.

When the subjective consciousness of the working class is destroyed, or even gradually dissolved, the workers, who are divided from the group and stripped of their rights and interests, will be subject to an exploitation that is precise to the extreme.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

Labor is no longer the most glorious thing, but the most humble thing.

It wasn't Rocky himself who felt this the most, but his two children.

Rocky's son is an unlearned high school student who either skips class and lies at home every day, or goes with a group of fox friends to play with their street art.

But to Rocky's chagrin, when he tried to teach his children in the "hard work pays off" principle, he found himself a complete loser on that principle.

In Rocky's view, studying hard is just a diploma and a debt, and then can only find a job that is difficult to support himself.

He likened his father to a "servant," a "servant" enslaved by a machine.

All this is absurd, because in the condition that effort is worthless, not trying is no longer a meaningless rebellion, but a different kind of struggle.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

At this time, only Rocky's daughter was worried about how hard his father had worked.

Although she can't change her brother's stubbornness, she still wants to guard the hope her father taught her.

Rocky has tried his best, but the reality is, trying his best, is not enough.

"My daughter is only 11 years old, but she is starting to lose sleep"

That's the reason Rocky gave when he asked his supervisor for a leave of absence, and he wanted to spend a full Christmas with his family.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

But the place where he works is not a workplace that pays attention to human feelings, but a slaughterhouse that castrates humanity.

No one cares about your life, and no one cares about your emotions.

For intelligent programs, emotion is a code that will not be recognized and paid attention to.

It is precisely because of this that his supervisor can run this express delivery site as a benchmark for the entire industry.

In front of Lodge is a future from which there is nowhere to escape.

He still has his family, and his debts.

Rocky didn't have time to discipline his son, who was on the brink of crime, and he couldn't be a role model for his daughter's growth.

The collapse of adult people is often that even if they lose their self-esteem, they cannot get back to the dignity of living.

And any wind and grass at work may cause him to lose the last straw he can grasp.

Due to the high intensity of work, the otherwise decent family life has been disrupted.

The rebellious son is arrested and interrogated by the police for stealing, and the endless quarrels in the family make the sensible daughter think that if her father loses the job, the family will return to peace.

"Sorry, We Missed You": Don't rip it off, part-time work can't be a person

One bad thing after another made Rocky physically and mentally exhausted.

Emotionally out of control, he made repeated mistakes at work, and the last thing that crushed Rocky was a robbery on the delivery road.

A group of unemployed young people have their eyes on Rocky's goods, and although Rocky desperately resists, in the end, it is only a beating.

When Rocky dragged his injured body to the hospital for examination, the courier station director was concerned about the goods that were not reimbursed by insurance and the £1,000 scanner.

No amount of verbal insults can change the established reality, because the losses that Rocky has to pay are written in black and white on the agreements that were originally signed.

And because Rocky couldn't find a transport driver who could replace him during his recovery, he had to endure the pain of illness and continue to work because he couldn't afford to lose his job.

It's a film with no ending, just as it tells a story that is constantly being repeated in different people.

Those who keep running and falling on the road of life, I think the happiest thing is to be able to finally turn back one day and find their self-esteem that was once crushed.

But when will this day come?

Sorry, I can't find the answer.

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