
Pear or tonyama good

author:Jintai information

People's Daily - Anhui Channel

Pear or tonyama good

Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Zhongshan County CPC Committee

Pears can relieve cough and moisturize the lungs. And there is a kind of pear, it has a history of more than 3,000 years of cultivation, since ancient times has "the fruit of the manna, the medicine of the holy Daigo" reputation, it is the mountain crisp pear.

With a long history of cultivation, zhongshan crisp pear is the first of the three famous pears in Chinese tradition, and is famous for its juicy sweetness, moisturizing lungs and cough. Zhongshan, located at the 34th parallel north latitude, belongs to the transition zone between subtropical and warm temperate zones, with a mild climate, sufficient sunshine, four distinct seasons, rain and heat at the same time, which is most conducive to the growth of pears. Coupled with the sandy soil left by the Yellow River flowing through the 800 years, the soil layer is deep and the water quality is excellent, which has created a unique growing environment for the crisp pears of Zhongshan, and has brewed the "best fruit on earth" with yellow crispy fruit and sweet juice, which has been identified by experts at home and abroad as "the best ecological area of the world's superior crisp pears".

Zhongshan crispy pear, the fruit is large and small, yellow and bright, the skin is thin and juicy, crisp and sweet, the flesh is white as jade, a bite of juice is full, tender and sweet. At the same time, it is rich in amino acids, vitamins, selenium elements and a variety of minerals, and has high nutritional value.

Pear or tonyama good

Spring food clears the heat and nourishes the yin, moisturizes the throat and dissolves phlegm

In the spring, the weather is warm and cold, the climate is still relatively dry, and it is easy to make the population dry and dry, sore throat and hoarse. The crisp pear is sweet in taste, has the effect of clearing heat and nourishing yin, nourishing the throat, moisturizing the throat and dissolving phlegm, especially suitable for eating in this season.

It is juicy, less residue, but rich in glucose, fruit acid, iron and other trace elements, dietary fiber and vitamins a, b, c, etc., with the functions of quenching thirst, coughing and phlegm, clearing heat and lowering fire, nourishing blood and muscle, moisturizing lungs and dispelling dryness.

Pear or tonyama good

Summer food quenches thirst, prevents heat and cools down

The pear is well hydrated and quenches thirst, thus playing a role in preventing heat and cooling.

Not only has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and cooling the heart, anti-inflammatory and fire-reducing, but also can suppress cough, detoxify phlegm and poison, and is a summer fruit with very high edible value.

Pear or tonyama good

Autumn food moisturizes the lungs to relieve cough and relieves "autumn dryness"

Autumn dryness is a disease that occurs when people feel dryness and evil in autumn. Autumn climate is dry, all tissues in the human body feel insufficient water, in the autumn cold stimulation, easy to cause headache, tears, dry throat, nasal congestion, cough, stomach pain and a series of symptoms, medically known as "autumn dry syndrome".

If you want to prevent and treat autumn dryness, diet is indispensable. Pears are revered by the ancients as the "Sect of Hundred Fruits", and in the eyes of nutrition experts, it is still "natural mineral water".

Pear or tonyama good

Winter food moisturizes the lungs and relieves dryness, cleanses the intestines and prevents constipation

Winter weather is dry, many people are prone to fire phenomenon, fire is easy to lead to dry throat cough, constipation, dry skin acne and other symptoms, pears on the taste of dry throat, cough without phlegm, constipation and urine red, dry skin, sore throat and other symptoms have a good alleviation effect.

Winter is cold, in order to drive away the cold, people in the diet compared to spring and summer from light to warm and spicy and greasy. However, when the diet is too spicy and greasy, it is easy to induce constipation, pears are rich in dietary fiber, eat a pear after a meal, or squeeze a cup of pear juice to drink, can help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clean the stomach, avoid constipation.

Winter dry skin can easily lead to the appearance of skin itching symptoms, eating pears can not only hydrate, but also detoxification and laxative, raw or cooked to eat, people with bad stomach can choose to steam the pears after eating, eat pear time to choose between two meals, so that it does not affect the nutritional absorption of the meal, but also helps to hydrate and detoxify. (Xu Wenxiang, Wang Jun)