
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

author:Zero Krypton Player

I can't figure out why many people are entangled with Cheng Pu, but Zhou Tai is the most seriously injured.

"Zhou Tai has experienced 2-3 changes, and finally went online, indicating that the planner once paid great attention to the effect of this martial artist, and now the plan himself abolished Zhou Tai"

【This issue is divided into the following parts】

1: Zhou Tai was weakened by the reason and complained

2: Undertake and share the analysis that this black pot planner must back

3: What to do after Zhou Tai is weakened

Hua Xi was not surprised that Zhou Tai did lose his balance "in some ways". In the 4-5 season, I am the beneficiary of Zhou Tai, and I have published articles on Zhou Tai's three armies with qi, and many people have measured it very well.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Wu Guo's cavalry could not be hurt by Zhou Tai's counterattack because of the general attack.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Sun Quan and Tai Shi Ci's general attack damage was not as good as Zhou Tai's counterattack damage.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

In the 5th season, Hua Xi played the heroic guest army, this team did not dare to fight Wei Riding, other cavalry dared to collide, including the Western Liang Iron Horse and the Tiger and Leopard Horse, 3-4 enemies surrounded me with 10 teams, only cai Wenji + Zhou Tai's team and 25,000 spare soldiers to beat the enemy away.

Players who have been hanged by this team have reported this team!

The planning is still dissatisfied, because this thing imbalance is not the player's fault, it is obvious that there is a deviation in the planning design, which leads to the imbalance of the game.

If the planner says that Zhou Tai is a balance adjustment, I can understand, because the game has a balance adjustment, and the imbalance is adjusted normally, but I can't understand that Zhou Tai is a bug, because this is not a bug, just let Zhou Tai back the black pot.

[Fix bug] The word is very embarrassing, once admitted that this method of warfare is correct, now say it is a bug?

It is better to admit that the "design failure" allows Zhou Tai's commitment to be modified into sharing, anyway, now [undertaking and sharing] is completely different.

【The Story of Sun Quan and Zhou Tai】

According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Zhou Tai, Zhou Tai followed Sun Quan to Yang Xian to take office, Sun Ce wanted to quell the actions of the mountain thieves in the six counties, and Sun Quan was ordered to lead Zhou Tai to Xuancheng to suppress the rebellion. Sun Quan had no combat experience, and the thief Kou seized the advantageous fighter plane and killed him. When Sun Quan wanted to escape, the thief Kou killed him. Zhou Tai used his body to protect Sun Quan and blocked the blade of the thief for him.

Inspired by Zhou Tai's death, the crowd slowed down the gods to fight back against the thief, and under the hard fight, the thief fled into the wilderness.

When I wanted to plan and design Zhou Tai, I designed it according to this story.

1: Zhou Tai was stabbed for Sun Quan, similar to Dianwei, Dianwei can only block the knife, Zhou Tai is able to block all damage.

So the ingenious design of a "bear" effect that is different from the pawn and the sharing effect.

2: Zhou Tai has the effect of motivating the morale of the team.

There are 2 different "counterattack tactics" in the game, which deal control effects and damage to enemies.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Charm: When you receive a normal attack, you will have a control effect on the enemy.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Post-Attack: When subjected to normal attacks, it has a control effect on enemies.

Charm is that one must take on a normal attack to take effect, and a post-attack does not have to be subject to a normal attack.

In the previous test, Zhou Tai's bearing effect did not trigger the charm, only the enemy really hit Zhou Tai would trigger the charm, and the post-attack was triggered by anyone who hit.

It shows that the trigger logic of "charm" and "counterattack" is not the same, and it is not a literal description of the problem.

"And charm and counterattack are both tactics that have been used in season 1, and it can be proved from here that the triggering problems of these two tactics have been considered when Zhou Tai has not yet designed them."

Zhou Tai is allowed to trigger the post-attack effect, but not the effect of enchantment.

The planner believes that Zhou Tai's qiling three armies are too strong to be adjusted, and Hua Xi can understand it, because he has experienced the strength of Zhou Tai's three armies with qiling, even if he wants to repair it, he should also repair the two tactics of the post-attack/qiling three armies, rather than saying that There is a problem with Zhou Tai's trigger mechanism.

But it's clear that the plan wasn't just about fixing the "counterattack" feature, but also about fixing the "first aid" effect of the trapped camp.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

However, the introduction of the first aid effect is "restore the strength when hurt", and Zhou Tai's bearing effect is to really take damage, not to remove the force.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Sharing is a force removal, not a damage, so it doesn't trigger a tactic effect.

What is Force Removal?

Originally a had 5,000 troops, b had 5,000 troops, a took 1,000 damage, a was wounded and b was unharmed. b allocates his own soldier to a, so b's soldier is taken by a and does not trigger any effect.

This is the removal of troops.

Sharing is not equal to Zhou Tai's commitment.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Description of "Iron Wall of flesh"

Zhou Tai will bear the "damage effect" for friendly forces, not just take damage.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Sharing damage is just sharing the damage, not sharing the damage effect, so the burden and sharing are definitely different when designed.

Take a look at the following war reports, which contain text descriptions.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Lujiang Shangjia: Implement the sharing effect

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Zhou Tai performs the [Flesh Iron Wall] effect from the Flesh Iron Wall.

In the war report, Lujiang Shangjia executed the sharing effect, and Zhou Tai executed the flesh iron wall effect.

Why is it said that the burden ≠ share

The effect of "Flesh Iron Wall" is definitely not a "sharing" effect, otherwise it would not be expressed in new words.

Because the special effects already in the game will be used directly, they will not play word games and develop another set.

For example, Lü Lingqi's defection effect was directly transplanted from Zhu Juan and Cheng Yu's description of tactics, and since Zhou Tai used a new description and new special effects, it showed that the design was 2 different states.

Therefore, in summary of the above content, Zhou Tai's design is not to remove troops, Zhou Tai is to bear the damage for friendly forces, the damage is affected by his own commander, and it is very normal for this damage to hit Zhou Tai to trigger the "attack special effect".

But in the end, the plan deleted the featured design that he was once "proud of", saying that his design was a bug.

In the end, the responsibility = sharing, Zhou Tai's characteristics are gone.

What does this mean?

Players develop too many gameplay, planning did not think in advance, so some of the game's gameplay imbalance, can only be hastily repaired.

The biggest mistake in planning is that there is no open test server, players have developed too many routines, it is better to get a test suit, no matter how to modify it, how to change the content of the test suit is no problem.

Wu Qi's Zhou Tai had little impact, because originally there was no recovery ability, it was used to block the sword, and the biggest impact was zhou Tai who used the trap camp and the qi to defeat the three armies.

"Zhou Tai + Cai Wenji before the flower mat encountered various teams and dared to go up, and now they have to hide when they encounter it"

1: Use the enemy barrier + temporarily avoid its front to force the first four rounds of the injury-free state

Use Injury Waiver to reduce the impact of trapped factions, but using 2 Injury-Free statuses has an impact on other teams.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

2: Use elephant soldiers as an alternative to trapped camps.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Delay the damage with the elephant soldier, and Cai Wenji's healing effect with slow blood replenishment, it is better to have a bone scraping to cure poison.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition: Zhou Tai is weakened is the back of the black pot, Cheng Pu is because the supermodel Zhou Tai was weakened [the difference between commitment and sharing] How to play summary after Zhou Tai was weakened

Because Zhang Fei is a class, so the damage is unstable, it will be better to have a brave and brave, and those who have cavalry treasures in season 6 can be brought to Zhang Fei.

3: Trap the camp into a vine armor soldier, after the fight to avoid the fire, only fight the kitchen knife team.

This is a bit helpless, temporary transformation trouble can use this method first, follow up and then think of others.

Planning this knife is very serious, the strong history of the three-forced array Cai Wenji has become the past, and now it can only be regarded as an ordinary team, and players who are in the period of opening up the wilderness, first temporarily change a class belt, so as not to affect the early development of the change of weapons.

Players in the middle and late stages of the season, it is recommended to play other teams, develop a new Cai Wenji gameplay, pk season after the class treasure, you can let Cai Wenji become a class of S, carry the output of the battle method.

【For example】

Abandon the three-way array

s Cai Wenji Shibetsu Three Days + Use Martial Arts

s Zhou Tai Auxiliary Tactics

Play s lancers with Zhang Fei, play s cavalry with Sun Shangxiang, Guan Yinping, naked Xiahou Yuan.

Hua Xi's current idea is to wait for the gunner treasure, let Cai Wenji carry the Shibei for three days as an output, as long as the launch of the battle method has 50% injury, Cai Wenji is very resistant to fighting.

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