
Newsflash| 7 Anhua world champions will serve as Health Ambassadors for Anhua Black Tea

author:New Hunan
Newsflash| 7 Anhua world champions will serve as Health Ambassadors for Anhua Black Tea

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, October 14 (Reporter Wang Liang, Xiao Xiufen Photography Tian Chao) Anhua is not only the hometown of black tea, but also the hometown of sports, and many world champions have emerged. At the press conference of the Fifth Hunan Anhua Black Tea Cultural Festival held today, it was introduced that this year's Black Tea Cultural Festival will invite 7 Anhua world champions to serve as Anhua Black Tea Health Ambassadors.

The 7 Anhua world champions are Tang Jiuhong, Gong Zhichao, Gong Ruina, Huang Sui, Tian Qing, Chen Lijun and Chen Lin, and at the opening ceremony, the 7 people will join hands to speak for the Anhua black tea in their hometown and help Anhua black tea to go to the world.

[Editor-in-charge: Huang Lifei]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]

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