
Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent

Source: Visual China

Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent

On September 19, 2021, the thirteenth day of the eighth lunar month, the bright rising moon in Yudu County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, was bright in the night. The progressive convex moon, an astronomical term, refers to the phases of the moon before and after the full moon. Most of the lunar surface is bright, so it is called a convex moon. The convex moon before the full moon (i.e., the twelfth and thirteenth days of the lunar month) is called the "gradually rising and convex moon", also known as the "upper convex moon", and the bright part faces the west.

Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent
Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent
Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent
Ganzhou, Jiangxi: The landscape of the rising moon in the night is magnificent

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