
Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

author:Fangxin Xiaoya
Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

The secret of happiness

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

The widest and most benevolent refuge is nature

The vastness of the forest, the lofty mountains, and the sea, in contrast to our personal narrowness and smallness, soothes us and calms us. When we are very miserable, lying on the ground, among the bushes and weeds, spending the whole day in loneliness, we feel cheered up.

In the most real suffering, there is also part for the restraint of social law. In a few days or a few hours, severing all the ties between us and society will indeed reduce our obstacles and make us suffer less from passion.

Therefore, travel is a good medicine for mental pain. If you stay in the place where misfortune occurs, all kinds of trivial accidents will remind the stubborn thoughts, because those trivial accidents are accompanied by memories, and travel cuts off the anchor cable.

But not everyone can travel! Have time, have leisure, have money. Yes, but you don't have to leave the city and work, you can also change places.

You don't have to run very far. The forest of Fontainebleau, only an hour's train from Paris, where you can find the silence of a desert like in the Alps; not far from Sari, there is a desert; the Garden of Versailles is always quiet and silent, and it is advisable to meditate and soothe your wounds.

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

Another place where the suffering man can inhabit,

It's the world of music.

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

Music occupies the whole soul, and there is no other emotional position. Sometimes it washes away all our thoughts like a rushing torrent, and then we feel that our minds are pure and pure; sometimes it is like a cry that stirs up the pain of our old days and brings them into a wonderful state. As the movement echoes and responds, our ebb and flow subsides; the thoughtless dialogue of the music leads us to the final decision, which is our greatest comfort.

The music expresses the passage of time with a strong rhythm, and there is no need to say anything about proving that mental suffering is not permanent. John Kristoff has said all this, and even better.

"I didn't once have my sorrows that were not quelled by an hour of reading," is a famous saying, but I don't know it very well. I couldn't put reading books to heal my real sorrows, because then I couldn't concentrate my attention on books.

To read a book is to have a free, free mental state. During the period of healing after the mental trauma has subsided, reading can have a beneficial effect. But I do not believe that it can lead to the calming of spiritual suffering. To drive away stubborn ideas, it is necessary to take more direct actions that do not require concentration, such as writing, driving complex machines, crawling dangerous mountain trails, etc. Physical fatigue is hygienic because it is preparation for sleep.

Sleep without painful dreams is a change of circumstance, but in the first few nights after a calamity, fixed thoughts follow us even in our dreams. The sleeping man re-encounters his distress in his dreams and wakes up in a panic. How can I fall asleep repeatedly? Is there a spiritual tranquilizer other than the medicine stone?

The following approach is sometimes magical: forcing yourself to recall the scenes of your childhood, or the experiences of your youth. Try to make yourself mentally live in a time when you were never in pain before. Then the mind will wander in the world where the pain in front of you has not yet existed, or even the pain, and will lead your dreams all the way to the carefree kingdom of heaven.

Those who are accustomed to living in sorrow will groan and say, "All this is in vain, and your rescue strategy is mediocre and ineffective." Nothing can make me attached to life, nothing can make me forget my pain. ”

But how do you know? Have you ever tried it?

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

There is a "practice of happiness" that may help you achieve happiness

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

Before denying its results, at least you have to go through it: there is a "practice of happiness" that does not actively produce happiness, but may help you achieve happiness and make room for happiness. We can cite a few rules, and learning from Fraser's saying is the secret.

The first tip: avoid going too deep into the past.

I'm not saying that contemplation is bad. Almost all important decisions have to be contemplated first, and there is no danger in contemplation of a definite goal. The danger is the repeated chewing of everything that has been irreparable for the losses suffered, the injuries suffered, the rumors heard, and, in short, the irreparable things.

There is a British proverb that says, "Never weep over an upside-down cow's milk." Desra Ellis exhorted, "Never argue, never complain." Descartes said, "I am accustomed to conquering my desires, especially in the cosmic system, and I regard everything that has not yet come to me as impossible for me." ”

The spirit should be washed, cleaned, and innovated. No forgetting is no happiness. I've never seen a true actor feel unhappy when acting. How could he? Like a child at play, he can't think of himself, and it is not sound to think too much about himself.

"Why do you want to know if you're made of fish skin or sheepskin?" Why do you take this irrelevant issue so seriously? Can't you have another stake outside of yourself and must concentrate on yourself to the point of disgust? ”

This leads to the second secret: spiritual welcome lies in action.

"If I were to read my friends' writings and listen to their conversations, I would almost assert that happiness is impossible in the modern world. But when I talked to my gardener, I immediately realized the absurdity of the above ideas. The gardener tended to his tomatoes and eggplants; he was familiar with his profession and the countryside; he knew there would be a good harvest. He was proud of it. This is a kind of happiness, this is the happiness of great artists, the happiness of all creators.

For the wise, the action is often to escape the mind, but this escape is reasonable and sound. "Those who wish but do not do it cause disease." We can also say, "He who thinks and does not do causes an epidemic." "Sanity and turning to the void is like an engine that has dropped its anchor, so it is dangerous.

In action, the contradictions of the universe and the intricacies of life are not likely to cause trepidation; we can take turns to see their opposites, and synthesis arises naturally. Only in stillness, the fragmentation of the surface of the world becomes a factor of sorrow.

The mere inadequacy of action is often acted in concert with our society, and conflict and perpetual incomprehension can plague us and make work difficult, sometimes impossible.

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

When you are happy, do not lose the virtues that make you happy.

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

The third tip: choose the direction of your efforts in the same environment as you.

For the sake of everyday life, your environment should choose the same direction of your efforts and show concern for your actions, rather than fighting with your family that you think you do not understand, rather than destroying your happiness and the happiness of others in this struggle, if you visit friends who think the same as you.

If you are religious, you live with the believers; if you are a revolutionary, you live with the revolutionaries. This will not hurt you to defeat the unbelieving, but at least you will have a spiritual comrade to lean on at that time. To be happy, it is not as believed by the average person to be admired and admired by most people. But the admiration of those around you is indispensable.

Maramé was unusually loved by a few believers, much happier than the celebrities who knew that their glory was despised by those they loved. The convent gives countless souls peace and rest, because they are in a group with exactly the same thoughts and purposes.

Fourth secret: Don't imagine distant and unforeseen calamities to suffer yourself.

A few days ago, in the Tilerie Park, children, fountains, sunshine, creating a boundless welcome, I met an unfortunate person. Lonely and gloomy, he walked under the trees, thinking of the financial armament catastrophe, for him, he said to me, what had been waiting for him two years before.

"Are you crazy?" I said to him. "That ghost fairy will know what the next year will be?" Everything is difficult, and the Taiping era is both rare and short in human history. But the situation in the future must be completely different from your sad fantasy. Enjoy it now. Learn from the children who set up white sailboats in the pool. Do your duty, and the rest will be arranged by Heaven. ”

When everyone can do something about the accidents of the world, they should think about the future. A man of achievement cannot be a fatalist. The architect should think of the future of the house he has built; the worker should think of the security of his old age; the parliamentarian should think of the results of the budget he voted on. But once chosen, once decided, one must quiet one's spirit.

If the element of the prediction is not close to or beyond the human feeling, the prediction is tantamount to madness. "The vast and boring philosophy, the large and inappropriate synthesis of the floating speech, will casually talk about hundreds of years and all the problems of evolution, and the real philosophical concern is now."

Andrei Moroa: Four secrets to happiness

Most men and women forget, when they are proud, the virtues of prudence, moderation, love, and so on by which they succeed. They are arrogant because they are overwhelmed with pride; excessive self-confidence causes them to abandon their steady work; and soon they are not worthy of their good fortune. Happiness becomes doom. So they were horrified.

The ancients advised people to sacrifice for the gods in happiness, which is very reasonable, and The King of Satsuma, Bariklad, offered his ring to the god Satsuma, but there was more than one way to throw Barykrad's ring to the sea. The simplest is humility.

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