
Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle

author:Civilization Texas
Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle
Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle
Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle
Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle

Zhang Jun, female, born in September 1970, is a coal quality laboratory inspector in the boiler room of Linpan Community in Linyi County. Born in Linpan and raised in Linpan, she has known since she was a child that there is a "living Lei Feng" Wang Weimin in the community. He loves his post and dedicates himself to his work, engages in technological innovation in the unit, and creates more than 10 million yuan for the country; he cares about helping the masses and contributing to society, and has done countless good things, and is a "good person" praised by everyone. Over the years, Zhang Jun has insisted on volunteer service, done his best to help others, and harvested happiness and happiness in practicing the spirit of the people and carrying forward the spirit of the people. She has successively won the honorary titles of Advanced Individual in the Construction of Spiritual Civilization of Sinopec, The Fourth Moral Model of the Oilfield, and Civilized Citizen of Linyi County.

The spirit of serving the people inspired her to embark on the road of volunteerism

Zhang Jun's father once worked with Wang Weimin on a team and knew each other very well. Her father often told her the story of Wang Weimin: seeing that the children of Linpan No. 1 Primary School were very unsafe to cross the national highway back and forth, Wang Weimin took out 2,000 yuan to buy 244 small yellow hats; when he saw that the Taiping Middle School students near the third team of oil mining could not afford the stove, he paid for 4,000 kilograms of coal and 8 honeycomb coal stoves; in order to encourage the students to study well, he also donated all the 6,000 yuan bonus of the special labor model and set up a scholarship... To this day, Zhang Jun still remembers the scene when Uncle Wei wore an oil work uniform, held a small red flag in his hand, and led a group of children wearing small yellow hats to cross the 104 National Highway.

In 1997, Wang Weimin fell on his beloved land of Linpan. To this day, Zhang Jun still remembers the scene where tens of thousands of people sent off for uncle Wei. Standing in the mournful crowd, listening to the heart-wrenching cry, watching this huge mourning activity, through the layers of knots, banners and shoulder-to-shoulder crowds, Zhang Jun's soul was shaken: an ordinary person, why can he touch so many people? This is the power of the spirit. For the people's uncle with a pile of unjust deeds that do not want to return, selflessly help others, won people's reputation, in people's hearts to set up a monument that will not fall! Only such a life is valuable, and Zhang Jun is determined to be like Wang Weimin, a person who can help others and benefit society!

In the following days, Zhang Jun began to change himself, working harder and harder; he also paid attention to learning to do good deeds and help others. The coal quality testing work engaged in by Zhang Jun is the first level related to the coal quality of the boiler. Every year when winter comes, it is the centralized purchase period of boiler coal, and more than 50 truckloads of coal are fed every day, and each car of coal needs to be tested one by one, and it takes more than ten hours to work every day. Despite this, Zhang Jun is also very happy, because doing so can send warmth to residents. Boiler room originally burned slag oil, sewers are easy to block, whenever this situation occurs, without the leadership command, Zhang Jun will take the initiative to lie on the ground, with his hands to take out the oil and dirty things in the sewers. Seeing that some office drinking water was gone, Zhang Jun rode on a tricycle to pull bottled water to replace.

In 2008, Zhang Jun participated in the "Wings of Dreams" love activity and began to embark on the road of volunteer service. During those days, she followed the volunteer service team into the old district of Linyi and personally felt the needs and expectations of the children in the mountainous areas. After returning, he immediately mobilized friends and colleagues to donate books for children in the mountains. Soon, she received nearly 3,000 donated books, and used these books to establish a "small book corner" for 8 poor primary and secondary schools in Linyi Mountain, completing her first student assistance. It was also this first help process that made her truly realize that "helping others is also a kind of happiness", which further strengthened her confidence in the road of volunteer service.

Practice the spirit of the people, full of enthusiasm to help more people

Remembering the story of uncle Wei, Zhang Jun understood what is noble feelings and the power of the realm. Looking back on the process of carrying forward the spirit of serving the people and engaging in volunteer service over the years, Zhang Jun deeply realized that helping those who are in difficulty, especially helping those who have never known each other, requires a realm, and it must also withstand the "scanning" scrutiny of people's doubtful eyes. It is inspired by the spirit of the people that Zhang Jun has withstood the test and can help those who need help from the heart and without hesitation, even if this person and family are not related to her.

There is a 10-year-old He Mou in Xizhang Village, Linpan Street, whose father died in a car accident, whose mother ran away from home, who was paralyzed in bed, and who suffered from severe cataracts and was almost blind. In 2011, He became a one-on-one funding target for Zhang Jun. In order to help Uncle He treat cataracts, Zhang Jun found The Luobei Eye Hospital in Linyi County and explained the situation. The director of the eye hospital was very touched and immediately agreed to operate on the elderly for free. At that time, it was close to the Spring Festival, in order to let the old man feel at ease in hospitalization, Zhang Jun bought New Year goods for the old man's home and left living expenses during the hospitalization. After the operation, Uncle He's eyes were restored. Uncle He often took out his grandson's certificate of award and said that he must let his grandson remember the Shengli Oilfield, remember that there are a group of well-meaning people in the oilfield who have helped him, let him go to school well, and be a good person in the future.

Carry forward the spirit of serving the people and lead more people to join the volunteer service team

Give people roses, and there is a lingering fragrance in the hand. This means that happiness is delivered. You treat others well, you treat yourself well, but when you give happiness to others, you will also get happiness yourself.

In recent years, Zhang Jun has actively participated in volunteer service activities, receiving not only the praise and honors of everyone, but also the most happy thing for her is that the students she sponsored have also become a glorious volunteer. Eight years ago, Zhang Jun's "one-on-one" education assistance helped Wu Mou, a girl in Lufang Village, Linyi County, and also specially contacted a volunteer tutor for a girl from an abnormally poor family to help her improve her academic performance. Later, Wu was admitted to the preschool teacher major of Texas Normal School, and also served as the leader of the school volunteer service team.

In order to encourage more people to learn the spirit of the people and carry forward the spirit of the people, in 2011, Zhang Jun and several other volunteer service backbones initiated the establishment of a "Sunshine Volunteer" service club of more than 100 people in the heating and water supply brigade. In the past 10 years, the service society has sorted out and donated more than 10,000 pieces of clothing, and has donated more than 90,000 yuan in donations. Helped to the household 350 times, the journey of more than 9,000 kilometers. In his spare time, Zhang Jun himself drove or walked through more than 50 villages and 5 homes for the elderly in and around Linpanyou District, formed a one-on-one support with 6 children, donated clothes and learning aids to more than 100 children and 1 special education school, Texas Welfare Institute and other institutions, donated more than 30,000 yuan; donated blood 10 times successively, accumulating more than 3,000 milliliters; Zhang Jun established the "deer public welfare group" and "nature group", with more than 400 loving friends.

In the process of volunteering, Zhang Jun's family gave her strong support. Every time she went out to participate in volunteer service, her husband quietly filled the car with oil in advance; under the influence of Zhang Jun, her daughter often participated in volunteer service activities. She wrote on Weibo: "My mother often took me to the countryside and into a special family in Linpan, allowing me to experience the process of helping myself. I gradually learned to be grateful and cherished, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. This weibo of my daughter has been forwarded hundreds of times by her classmates.

Over the years, Zhang Jun's volunteer service work has been recognized by party organizations and comrades, in the future, Zhang Jun intends to walk more firmly on the road of spreading sunshine and love, inherit the spirit of the people, practice the spirit of the people, and make caring for others, helping others, and warming others as natural as breathing, so as to build a harmonious society and carry forward the core values of socialism.

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Texas Good People Star 丨 Zhang Jun: Learn to spread great love and benevolence for the people's uncle

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