
Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

author:Securities Star

Animal inventory, the terrifying animal that once appeared or is now on Earth. These animals are daunting, and the terrifying devil frog can hunt dinosaurs.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The last kind of "devil" you can never encounter, because they are long gone. That's the devil frog. This frog lived in the Madagascar region about 70 million years ago, and the devil frog can grow from head to tail to about 40 cm long and weigh up to 4 kg. It was the last days of dinosaurs, so they may have even preyed on smaller dinosaurs! (Morrowind) Original title: Inventory of the Animal World Horror Monsters: The Foul-Smelling Tasmanian Devil Makes People Shudder

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

Tasmanian devils are an animal with an amazing bite force, emitting a foul odor, and its screams are so sharp that people are chilling. The animal is about the size of a dog, the largest marsupial carnivore in the world, and they will eat almost any part of any animal they can catch, whether the prey is dead or alive, it doesn't matter, as long as it can find all it can eat.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The Magic Flower Mantis is a photographer's favorite because it is full of color and always poses as a martial arts master. However, only male praying mantises show this brilliant color, while female praying mantises are just plain beige. Many people catch this praying mantis as a pet.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The lower-mouthed manta ray can grow to an astonishing size: it can reach 5.2 meters in length! However, this creature is harmless to humans, because it only eats some of the organic debris that happens to fall into its mouth when it swims. It is estimated that the number of such creatures remains at present is less than 400. This accompanying image shows August 26, 1933, near the beach in New Jersey, USA.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The multi-spiny devil lizard is really not flattering, but it does not bite. This small creature can grow to about 20 centimeters long and live longer than 20 years. They live in the deserts of Australia. This small lizard is covered with spikes of different lengths and sizes, but fortunately it does not look so scary overall. However, this little lizard has a unique skill, that is, pretending to be dead.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The bug is the larvae of the walnut horned mantis moth, which can grow up to 15 centimeters long, making it the largest of its kind in the United States. Although it may seem very dangerous, its burrs are in fact only temporary painful, but unlike some other species of caterpillars, the spines of this small caterpillar are not actually toxic.

Take stock of the terrifying monsters of the animal kingdom: the devil frog preys on dinosaurs

The biggest feature of this squid is that it is surprisingly large, with a length of up to 1.75 meters and a weight of up to 50 kilograms. There are records of this animal snatching objects such as a diver's mask and hose, and once they take it away, they never return it to you. Millions of this strange creature lives in the Pacific Ocean near Mexico, and some live off the coast of California.

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