
Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

author:In the northeast

Are there really zombies in the world? Not easy to say. Literally, zombies, corpses that are rigid and immobile after death, such as the thousand-year-old immoral female corpse unearthed from Mawangdui, for example, the mummy of the immortal body in the Egyptian pyramids, can be regarded as a kind of zombie.

The ancient book "Zi Bu Whisper" also divides zombies into eight categories: purple zombies, white zombies, green zombies, hair zombies, flying zombies, wandering corpses, ambush corpses, and non-fossilized bones. None of these zombies are terrifying. In folk history, there is also a kind of living zombie that changes the color of the hearer, and it is said that it will mix in the crowd and eat people! Not only is it a legend, but there are indeed zombie attacks recorded in history! Below, history reveals a terrifying and mysterious 1872 Zombie Attack in Guangxi.

In the Qing Dynasty, in the eleventh year of Tongzhi, Guangxi was the equivalent of the current head of the urban management, Yan Shusen wrote in his diary the "zombie attack" incident.

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

The incident occurred in present-day Pingxiang County, Guangxi. It is a transportation fortress during the Qing Dynasty, located on the border, close to Hanoi, Vietnam, or a mountainous area with many eyes and many ethnic groups.

In early July 1872, the Yi tribe in Pingxiang County inexplicably killed three people, and the clan suspected that the nearby Zhuang tribe was making a strange disturbance, so they sought revenge on the Zhuang people, and a mechanical brawl occurred, causing dozens of injuries and alarming the government. Soon, the local Taiping Government sent someone to intervene in the investigation, and on the night they arrived in the village where the deceased was located, another person died, but this time it was a dai tribe member.

In time for the discovery, the arrested leaders took the body back to the forensic doctor for examination. The trappers in charge of the investigation were happy, and the first three bodies had long been cremated, and no valuable clues had been found.

The corpse sent to the door should always reveal the true identity of the murderer! The case will be solved soon!? Unexpectedly, the autopsy report almost scared people to death: dead people were not killed by living people. Could it be that there are unknown beasts and monsters nearby?

Soon, the government united the wizards of various tribes and the gods to discuss countermeasures, but the Lunar Ghost Festival was just around the corner, and the murderer was still at large, causing panic. Sure enough, on the night of July 15, something went wrong! Survivors recalled seeing a group of zombies rush in and bite every time they were killed, even chickens, ducks, pigs, sheep, etc. in the yard. The villagers pulled out their legs and ran. The day after the incident, 18 people were killed.

The impact of the incident was extremely bad, alarming Yan Shusen, who was then the envoy of Guangxi, who immediately got up and went to the scene of the incident. As soon as Yan Shusen arrived there, he ordered the mountain to be sealed, and no one was allowed to enter the site of the incident, and then ordered the mountain to be set on fire. The fire burned for seven days and seven nights. Yan Shusen issued a gag order, not allowing people to mention half a sentence about 'zombies', and after burning the mountain, there was no more zombie attacks. The zombie attack incident is considered to be a quelling.

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

If it were not for Yan Shusen's diary, I am afraid that this matter would have disappeared into the dust of history. However, what is strange is that in the compromise reported by Yan Shusen to the imperial court not long ago, it was a different statement: the English people in Vietnam colluded with our traitors, burned and plundered, and wanted to commit misdeeds. In the compromise, there is no mention of zombie attacks, only that the British are ghosts. It was a mystery that the 1872 zombie attack in Guangxi became an unsolved mystery.

Nature's terrifying zombie phenomenon Parasites can control the human brain

According to foreign media reports, although the legend of zombies is often creepy, it is only a legend after all. However, in the real natural world, there are indeed animal zombies or similar zombie phenomena, such as walking dead syndrome, mind control, etc. Here are ten examples of bizarre and terrifying zombies in the real world:

1. Cat nest parasites that control the human brain

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

Parasites in cat nests can make people slaves to the controlled brain. This claim is not alarmist, nor is it a joke, because there is such a terrible parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite is the intestinal coccidiosis of felines that can cause changes in the connections between nerve cells in the brain of cat owners, which in turn affects their feelings and behavior, and may even lead to schizophrenia. It is this parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, which can cause severe damage to the fetal brain, which is why pregnant women are disapproved of approaching cats and cat beds. Mice infected with the parasite exhibit strange behaviors, and they begin to be attracted to cat urine and run around quickly to attract the cat's attention. However, researchers still don't know the mechanism by which this parasite changes human behavior.

2. The Golden Wasp will drive cockroaches into zombies

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

After the cockroach was stabbed by the stinger of the parasitic golden bee, all his free will was lost, and he was driven by the golden wasp all day, like a dog pulling a sled. The golden wasp drives the cockroach into its underground nest and lays its eggs in the cockroach's abdomen. When the eggs hatch, they feed on the body of the cockroach from the inside out, while the cockroach is still alive. About a month later, mature golden wasps crawled out of the cockroach's body.

3. Walking Dead Syndrome

Walking Dead Syndrome is also known as Kotal Syndrome. People with this condition are not really zombies, but they feel like they are dying. This rare confusion is thought to be caused by disconnection of the area of the brain responsible for the cognitive face and the emotional area associated with cognition. Patients cannot recognize their face from the mirror, even if they know that the person in the mirror is themselves. These people may think that they no longer exist, or that their brains are still alive but that their bodies are rotting, or that they have lost their blood and organs in the body.

4. Parasites control zombie snails

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

There is a part of the snail's body that many people may mistakenly think of as the snail's antennae, but this is not a tentacle at all, but a double-disc trematum called Leucochloridium paradoxum. The parasite can enter the digestive system of snails and grow into a long tube filled with hundreds of life-or-death clyps. Next, long pipes invade the snail's antennae, creating a weird, swollen, throbbing appearance to attract the bird's attention. When birds eat this snail, they become hosts for the second stage of parasite growth. After the eggs are excreted into plants through bird droppings, they parasitize other snails and continue to begin their cycle of life.

5. Schizophrenia causes zombie speculation

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

These real-life zombie incidents in Haiti have aroused the suspicion of most people because there is no official written record. A woman died at the age of 30 and was buried that day, but 3 years later she was found near the village and appeared to be neither able to speak nor eat, and her family and friends recognized her. A 26-year-old man fell ill with fever and died 3 days later, but he reappeared at a nearby rally 19 months later, where his father and uncle thought he was a zombie. In addition, there are some similar bizarre events. The researchers suspect that these events may be caused by the person or loved one suffering from schizophrenia, or it may be the cause of the wrong person.

6. Parasitic wasps control caterpillars for a lifetime

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

Imagine a horrific situation where a parasite lays eggs in your body and then hatches countless hungry larvae that feed on your flesh. The larvae then crawl out after biting through your skin. This terrible situation occurs in poor caterpillars, and that parasite is the velvet cocoon bee. However, after the larvae crawl out, the caterpillar's nightmare is not over. The larvae crawl onto nearby tree trunks or leaves and begin to weave cocoons, but the zombie caterpillars remain under their control. Instead of starting their own free life, the caterpillars lie on their cocoons to protect the larvae of the parasitic wasps. Once the parasitic wasp grows and matures, the caterpillar also comes to the end of its life.

7. Tetrodotoxin can turn people into zombies

As the world's second most toxic vertebrate, pufferfish contain a deadly toxin in their skin, ovaries, gonads and liver that is 1,000 times more toxic than cyanide. One puffer fish can poison up to 30 people. This tetrodotoxin can cause numbness and paralysis throughout the body in poisoned people. Theoretically, tetrodotoxin can numb people as if they are dead, so they are also called "zombie powder".

8. Fungi turn ants into zombie ants

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

The ant in this picture has a mushroom growing on its head. This strange phenomenon is caused by a parasitic bacterium called Cordyceps. The parasitic bacteria infect the brain of the ant to turn it into a zombie ant, then drive the zombie ant to the place most suitable for the growth and spread of the fungus, and finally kill the ant. Researchers believe there may be thousands of such fungi in tropical rainforests around the world.

9. Parasites allow locusts to kill themselves

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

Crickets and locusts infected with Spinochordodes tellinii can create a desire to die. The parasite often forms larvae in water and then matures in crickets or locusts, up to three to four times the length of the host body. Once mature, gold nematodes will turn locusts into zombies and drive them to drown after being automatically thrown into the water. In this cruel way, the golden nematode will return to the water to lay more larvae and start a new cycle of life.

10. Barnacles turn crabs into thoughtless surrogate mothers

Cowards strayed, zombie legends and speculations!

Barnacles are not only parasitic on crabs, but if the crabs are male, they will also castrate these male crabs, so that the male crabs completely lose their desire to reproduce. Barnacles then inject themselves into the crab. At this time, barnacles no longer need their own shells, and crabs become the most ideal shells for barnacles. The energy originally used for crab growth and reproduction was transferred to the barnacles' growth process. As barnacles begin to multiply, the crabs with their brains controlled begin to take good care of the barnacles' offspring as if they were their own children.

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