
7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

author:Filipino chats about emotions

If you relied on movies and television to teach you about love, you would think it was all an excited manifesto from a man holding a cue card.

But in real life, love isn't really like that, is it?

In real life, love is knowing a person's face, understanding how his eyes shine when he's happy, how they like to be touched when they're sad or happy or excited, and how to get through conflict together.

It also means knowing what makes that person feel loved and wanting to do it for them.

Here are 7 seemingly small and sweet things you can do for your boyfriend or husband to make a man feel loved.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

Where do we get the concept that only women like to be told they look good, smell good, sexy, and smart?

Throughout my life, I've always thought men were more secure about their appearance than women. Men shouldn't care about things like what they're wearing or whether their new haircut looks good, right?

Well, that's bullshit! I've never seen a man who doesn't care at all if the person he loves thinks he's attractive. So, when you see him, let him know that he's so sexy.

It's simple: tell him when you think of good things. Tell him he looks sexy when he wears that worn-out T-shirt. Let him know how much you enjoy smelling his neck while hugging.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

If your partner works outside the home, let him know that you appreciate everything he does. Even if he loves his job, I promise you, there will be days when he'll want to concede defeat or yell at his boss or simply hide in the office all day. But he didn't. Part of the reason may be you and your family.

Earning money to support a family is an incredible responsibility for anyone, and society emphasizes this more for men. Sadly, their earning power is often tied to their value in our society. As bad as this may be, it only gets worse when we don't recognize the pressure men are under and their efforts.

If your partner works from home with children, he is also making sacrifices for your family.

While he may enjoy being a stay-at-home parent and finds great pleasure in it, all parents have times when they want to give up (or throw away diapers), yell at their bosses (kids) or hide in corners. But they didn't! They were there, haunted by nasty things, taking care of the kids all day.

It's simple: tell him that you know how hard it is to do what he does. Tell him you're grateful and you see his promise. It's not about your or his money, it's about acknowledging something that society usually takes for granted.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

The best intimacy gives people the feeling of detachment, mutuality, interconnectedness, and dreaminess, so it's sacred and intense for both of you to keep that feeling sacred and intense. Make him feel like you really want him and he will respond to you, which may make your life happier.

No one owes their partner, but nurturing desire is a good thing in a healthy relationship. If it's hard to get into the state while you're at home, try spending the night in a hotel room.

If that's out of your budget, setting up a tent in the woods can also be very fun. Even at home, you can talk about fantasies together, if that works for you.

It's simple: cultivate your desire for him. Choose to fantasize about him, fantasize about when you're together, fantasize about your favorite parts of his body. Then, the next time you get a chance to be alone, pile all your desires on him.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

To be honest, this is the hardest for me. I don't know why, but when Ekim and I were together for the first time, I hated him spending so much time playing basketball or riding a mountain bike. We're all at work, we don't see each other very often, and I feel like I'm being left out in the cold.

I put a lot of pressure on my husband and it wasn't fair. We eventually learned how to organize our solitude time, and I took full advantage of his support for me to exercise, write, or just read in bed.

Unless he is so completely immersed in his solitude that you disappear from his priorities, your separation is a good thing! If you're worried about how long he's going to be away, set a time for him to come back and make plans for the future together. Separation can give you more topics, and when he spends his time alone exercising or meditating, he may be happier and healthier because of doing so.

It's simple: when he says he's going to do something that makes himself happy, smile and give him a kiss. He will feel seen, heard, and supported.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

At this point, I'm doing a terrible job like everyone else. There was always a message from a friend, and another work emergency suddenly appeared. But you need to put down your phone and look at the person in front of you.

When I get caught up in this cycle, I try to take a deep breath and think about the worst-case scenario that could happen if I ignored the constantly ringing tones. If it's really urgent, he can certainly understand, but most things can wait.

Many times, when I put down the phone, I see him there and really look at his face. I see the guy I love, the guy I met years ago, and I'm thinking about how ridiculous it was that I didn't get involved with him.

Make an agreement with your partner that if you have to pick up your phone and do something urgent, let the other person know what's going on.

"The server is broken" or "the babysitter is calling" are all valid reasons to leave for a while, but let him know why you are doing it and you will come back.

It's simple: when you're with someone you love, immerse yourself in the moment and try not to let it slip away while you're staring at the screen.

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

Want a cup of coffee? Give him a drink! Make a cup of tea? Offer to make him a cup too.

I learned this lesson a long time ago: If I were in an outdoor shop, I would bring Home a gift for Iken.

I would usually pick something out there for the kids, but I would always pick up a t-shirt, a hat, or even just a new lipstick or a tube of sunscreen for my husband.

The key wasn't how much money it cost, but I said to him, "I know you like outdoor store stuff, and I thought of you when I was there." ”

7 seemingly insignificant things that mean the world to men 1. Praise him. 2. Tell him you appreciate what he has done for you and your family. 3. Make time to heat up the atmosphere in your bedroom. 4. Support his solitude time. 5. Put down your phone. 6. When you buy something for yourself, buy something for him too. 7. Look him in the eye

You don't have to stare at each other for as long as you used to have with your 9th grade boyfriend at the ice rink. It just takes a little time, eye contact, and they look at each other.

If you listen to stereotypes about what men like, you probably wouldn't think that staring at the soul connection is one of his strengths, but I dare say you can try it. Look into his eyes with a smile or playful expression and stare for three seconds.

This is a flirting technique that works well for single people because it makes the person feel like they're the only person in the room. He may be your boyfriend or husband right now, but he still deserves to feel special.

It's simple: get his attention. smile. repeat.

One of the keys to maintaining a long-term relationship is to have your partner spend countless happy little moments with you, and he should do the same.

After all, research shows that a happy marriage seems to depend on how much goodwill exists between couples.

Doing some of these things isn't always easy, even if I try to make it seem easy. Sometimes they require us to show vulnerability in a way we are not used to. I understand that I've been there too, and sometimes I'm still there. But I think it's worth a try.

Ask him about the little things that make him happy, and I guess you've done a lot.

Like what you just read? I want to know what you think about it. So, leave a message in the comments section. In addition, remember to search for Fei on WeChat to talk about emotions, pay attention to Fei'er, Fei'er guarantees that Fei'er will become the lucky charm of your beautiful love life.

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