
Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

author:Settle things and 103184021

The characters are analyzed one by one, and the interesting Chinese characters "pronounced the same, the meaning is the same" (69)


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Today I try to analyze the close correlation between the meaning of the text and the homophone of the homophone in the one to four tones of zhu:

Zhu (is the first sound of the "text". is the root of the meaning of the original tone): many. Zhu: The merging and mixing does not analyze which one it is, so it should be a question word.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Pig: This refers to the small pig, and is now commonly known as the pig. Because of the birth of children at the age of 10, more than 10 children were born each time, as many as 189. One litter can produce many small pigs.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Plants: roots, stems, branches, branches, leaves, many contiguous names, so the number of units of counting trees is called plants. This is what it means.

潴: Stop gathering and storing a lot of water, in preparation for watering the ground called 潴. Retention: Medically refers to fluid aggregation and retention: urinary retention.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Curse: Killing many people is called 诛. In ancient times, one person broke the law, and sinned against many people in the whole family or the whole family. For example, the extinction of the door, the extermination of the clan, etc. are called curses. See "Interpretation": "Sin and the rest of the people are called curses".

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Beads: Beads. Old mussels are born of pearls. Beads: There are many (pearls) in a mussel.

Dwarf: A dwarf, an unusually short person. A derivative of the dwarf bead. Dwarf, shaped like a bead. It should be noted that due to the prevalence of feudal consciousness in the old times, the strong superstitious thinking, the clear hierarchy of people, the low status of the poor, especially the disabled, and so on, the word dwarf contains a pejorative meaning. However, in medical science, dwarfism is a special term for specific patients and diseases, so it is not a pejorative term. It is necessary to know and grasp the stark difference in this regard.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Su: The name of the water is in Shandong.

Spider: Spider. Its body is shaped like a bead. Spider is a derivative of the bead.

Syrup: Wooden sticks, small wooden stakes used as markers. "Zhou Li - Qiu Guan - Wax Clan": "If there are those who die on the road, they will be buried and left behind." He revealed many relevant matters on the stakes in order to make them aware of them.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Zhu: It refers to all kinds of red, common clouds, purples, thousands of reds, and countless grays. Red heart wood pine cypress genus, that is, the same as pine cypress many red heart wood name. In the past, the doors of rich people mostly used red, so there was a saying of "Zhumen": Zhumen wine smelled of flesh, and the road had frozen bones. The palace walls of the Forbidden City are also scarlet. surname.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Arsenic: Arsenic sand. Namely Dansha and Tatsusha (produced in Tatsu prefecture). 硃, a derivative of Zhu.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Juddy: Judea. There are evodia, dogwood, and dogwood. The medicine is good for those who are wudi. The wood is tall and tall, and the leaves are like tsubaki and broad and purple. Red and purple flowers bloom in March. In July and August, it is fruity like a pepper, yellowish when tender, and dark purple when ripe. (Lunar calendar) September 9th harvest, yin dry, chen jiu liang. According to the Zhou "Record of Customs" Cloud: "The ninth day of the ninth month of the custom is called the upper nine, and the sun is ripe and red on this day, and it can be folded into its room to plug, and the cloud avoids the evil qi and winter." "In ancient times, the Chongyang Festival meets to ascend to the heights, which is called the Ascending Society, wearing the Cocoon, called the Cocoon Society. Wang Wei's September 9th "Poems of Remembering the Shandong Brothers": "The brothers of Yaozhi ascended to a high place, and there was one less person planted everywhere. ”

Zhu, Zhu, finger red; It is harvested in a very short time.

Here are the two sounds:

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

One by one: one by one in order: day by day, gradually, gradually, paragraph by paragraph. Gradually improve, word for word. Forced to leave, evicted.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Candle: A candle that lights something that is lit. Gradually burn to the ashes. "Spring silkworm to the end of the dead silk, wax torch into gray tears began to dry" is a famous poem of the Tang Dynasty female poet Li Shangyin that has been circulated for thousands of years. Teachers are also often hailed as gardeners and candles that burn themselves to spread the light. As Teachers' Day approaches, I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers and the thousands of teachers of the people.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Bamboo: Bamboo tires (the number of bracts in the soil is determined into a bamboo program). Bamboo, from the bamboo tire program then gradually grow upwards.

Malaria: Frostbite. If the frostbite is not healed, it will gradually heal itself after a cold season.

KEY: Footprints. The footprint gradually goes from near to far.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Ship: Thousands of miles, many ships, front and back, thousands of miles. One (almost) boat after another.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

(Zhu Kezhen)

ZHU: Last name. Such as the famous meteorologist and educator Academician Zhu Kezhen.

蓫: 蓫 Dang, that is, Shanglu, perennial herb root can be used in medicine, Chinese medicine sheep's hoof, ancient also known as 蓫, pronounced the main sound. It is called 蓫蓫, which can drive away water vapor. See Compendium of Materia Medica.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

( Shanglu )

Scrolls: Calligraphy and paintings framed in the shape of a scroll. The shaft is rolled in circles. See also two and four sounds.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Cockroach: Larvae of Lepidoptera insects. Cyan like a silkworm, as big as a finger. Commonly known as soybean worm. The body of the old man who burrowed into the soil gradually turned into a pupae. In the spring, it becomes a butterfly, a moth, etc.

Chiku: The name of an ancient musical instrument has been lost. Short for Guiyang City. Inaki is Takashi Tsukiji.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Shu (朮): Cang Shu and Bai Shu Chinese herbal medicine name. Spring seedlings are two or three feet tall and their leaves hold the stem and grow without branches like drumsticks. The root resembles ginger and there are fine roots next to it, so it is also known as mountain ginger. Shi Zhen Yue: "... Nowadays, the eater Hu Cang Shu is a magic art. Zhang Zhongjing: Technique to ward off (avoid) all evil qi... Tao Hermitage (弘景) is also known as the art of eliminating evil qi and mishaps (yin and yang qi chaos). Therefore, nowadays, in the epidemic and the new year, people often burn the cang technique to ward off evil spirits. "Technique, burning the cang technique, its smoke can expel evil qi (there is a superstitious component, but also has the effect of lavender Chinese herbal smoke to repel insects and dehumidifying miasma).

窋: "Shuowen": "窋, things in the cave." Out of the hole. "The object is about to come out of the hole, stick out your head, look everywhere, and then come out of the hole."

Here are the three sounds:

Lord: Master; Relative to the guest. The most important; The most basic: the main, the main force.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Plough: When the elderly or walk the mud slide, hold a wooden stick and other support for the body as the master, support the body not to slip.

Instructions: Send people or people to do things, "put forward the main places in the whole body and give profound instructions" to make the other party pay attention.

Eyes: The eyes do not look around, but only pay attention to the main things.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

麈: The name of the beast, the deer genus is also known as the moose. It is produced in Ninguta Ussuri River and other places, with a head like a deer, feet like an ox, tail like a donkey, and neck and back like a camel. All of them are not exactly similar, so they are called four differentities. Although the name is four different, it is actually classified as a deer genus. Its word is from the deer to the lord, and the righteousness is that the deer is its main part. "Mingyuan Yun": "The great one of the deer is known as the deer, and the herd of deer then depends on the direction of the deer, and depends on the turn of its tail." Its tail can be protected from dust. ”

Boiling: Put food or other things in a pot and add water to boil: cook rice, cook dumplings. To cook, place the food in pot water and add heat to make the food cooked as the main thing.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Nagisa: A small piece of land in the middle of the water. Nagisa, on all sides, is a small land area unique to the water, which is known as a large land island. Although Nagisa is too small on land and is not comparable to the island, it is still dominated by water. It does not play a role on land.

砫: "Jade Chapter": "Stone room, stone room." "Bricks, houses without bricks and tiles,

A house dominated by stones.

Genus: Continuous, concatenated, continuous, followed. For example: genus text, genus manuscript, before and after the genus. Concentration: Intentional, the intended person focuses on a certain person, and the mind is concentrated on one point. Genus and: Sing with people and genus pairs: The poem is admixed with the above sentence into a dual. Genus, following someone something, a certain text is the mainstay, and with the previous sentence continuously, the connection becomes one. See also shu (three sounds).

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

劚: In the old days, it was a multi-purpose metal tool with a variety of uses such as excavation and cutting. The idiom of jade like mud describes the extreme sharpness of the blade of the sword.

詝 (cannot be found in simplified form): There is knowledge and wisdom. "Guangyun": "詝, there is also knowledge." "He who has knowledge has an opinion on things.

Chu: Sac. i.e. pockets. Chu, pockets are mainly loaded.

Chu, in the cotton clothing, how much thickness and thinness of the cotton. See also zhe (three sounds), chu (three sounds).

Here are the four sounds:

Live: People live immediately. Long stay, stop, solid.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

( Zhuma Branch )

Stationed: Ma Liyue stationed. Stop in one place: garrison, garrison. Stop towards the army.

Moth: The insect lives in the wood called a moth.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

(Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai)

Wish: I hope that Fushou (good health) will live forever and don't go. "Sayings": "Worship the Lord of the Lord of Praise." "I look forward to good health and live forever." surname. Zhu Rong in ancient legends is said to be the god of fire. That is, the Fire True Emperor who is still enshrined in the Fire Temple. The use of fire has directly brought great progress to mankind. At the same time, fire is the most difficult to tame and control, even today, when science is highly developed. The ancients were in awe of fire. Many tribal peoples use fire as their deity and spiritual totem. Therefore, the worship of the fire god is also one of the "seven gods" of our nation to start worship, with a long history. Later, the folk had the poignant love legend of "Liang Zhu", which has been circulated for a long time and is a household name.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Casting: The metal liquid is poured into the mold of the sand turning station and condensed into an instrument (not made of iron). The story of forging swords and casting bronze men in ancient China is also widely spread in tea houses and singing through storytelling.

Author: Author of books and lectures. Publications, notably. A book or article written can live for a long time (a work passed down from generation to generation).

箸: An instrument that can hold food. chopsticks.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Stalk: An appliance on a loom (a tool to stabilize the weft line). Squeezing the weft tightly on the warp line becomes a tool for cloth. The story of the famous Meng mother in history who angrily broke the machine and chose her neighbor three times in order to educate Mencius has been passed down as a good story throughout the ages.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

(Old Beijinger winter storage of Chinese cabbage)

Storage (貯): Storage; Accumulation; Accumulate. Ning and 貯 were originally one word.

Help: Zo, help. Let the things of man exist.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

翥: (Bird) flying upwards. Instead of flying left and right, it stops flying upwards in the same direction.

佇 (竚): Long Standing: Waiting. Standing still for a long time without leaving.

Ning: The door screen is called Ning. When entering someone else's house, when you reach the screen that greets the door, you must first stop and ask, and the people in the room answer before entering. See also ning (two sounds), (four sounds).

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Ramie: (Hemp) Perennial herbaceous plants, a mound with dozens of stems, upright without forks, seven or eight feet high, the stem skin is very fiber-rich, white and shiny, two or three years old. Ramie yarn is a specialty of our country. Its underground part is formed by roots and underground stems, which can live for decades in the storage area.

纻: Ramie woven cloth. 纻, a derived word for storage.

Note: Fill the liquid in. Allow the liquid to reside in the appliance. Inject the medicine into the sore. Concentrate "mental power" to stop dwelling at a certain point: gaze; All eyes and ears.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

註 (見简简義): Explain the words and phrases in words: add a note. Commentary. There are already existing explanations next to or below the main text.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

炷: An incense stick is called a stick. For example: Pay homage to the three incense sticks. When the incense is burned, it must be firmly inserted in the incense burner.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Columns: Build wooden structure houses, with beams and beams and columns. Stabilize the standing wood of the beam and the maple. Such as: four beams and eight columns.

柷: "Shuowen": "柷一一, so stop the sound as a knot." Duan Yu's note: "One by one, so the stop sound is a knot (this six-character mistake). As: Stop as a sound. Wang Yun's "Speaking Text-Sentence Reading": "The musician uses the sound of stopping, thinking that the beginning of the festival is also." "Interpretation": "柷, Zhu Ye." Therefore, the training is the beginning of the music. See also.

Congratulations on the beginning of the music, the beginning of the instrument.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

羜: "Shuowen": "Oh, the Lamb of May." Paragraph note: "The lamb born may also." "Shi Animals - Mao Biography" is cloudy: "Not yet a sheep." Guo Yun: "The common name is the May Lamb." ”

It is a five-month-old lamb that is still a growing young sheep. Stop and don't slaughter! Because there are lamb-eaters.

Boil: (dialect) Bitter summer. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to the disease of long-term fever in summer, mostly for children and the weak, mostly caused by perspiration function disorders. It is a seasonal disease in summer. The body is caused by stopping the heat and humidity.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)

Tsuku: A homophone of dwelling (文). The building is a pestle that pounds the earth. When hitting the wall, support the wooden plank box, support the wooden board with pillars on both sides and ends, and then add damp and moderate soil to the box layered, and after stepping on the flat, use the rammed pestle to vigorously pound the solid. This method of rammed earth as a wall is also called dry base, and some also mix lime glutinous rice soup into the soil called "triple soil". In the north, especially in places where rain is scarce, it used to be very common (due to low cost, convenient local materials, etc.).

That's the end of this article.

Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)
Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)
Magical Kanji (pronounced the same, meaning the same 69)


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