
This lizard has a pair of wings inserted like a western dragon short and lean

author:Historical anecdotes
This lizard has a pair of wings inserted like a western dragon short and lean

The spiny lizard resembles a walking rose trunk, covered with thorns. The spiny lizard feeds for a long time because it eats only ants and only rolls up one ant with its tongue at a time and puts it in its mouth.

 It can roll 30 --- 45 ants in a minute, and can eat 1000-5000 in a meal. Fortunately, after a full meal, the spiny lizard can last for a long time, otherwise it would be too much trouble.

 After mating, the female spiny lizard digs a small 60 cm long trench on the embankment or mound and lays eggs at the bottom of the ditch. After spawning, it fills the ditch so that it is as flat as the ground. That way, its enemies pass by without thinking that this is its spawning ground.

This lizard has a pair of wings inserted like a western dragon short and lean

After some time, the young lizards break through the ground and have to take care of themselves.

 Spiny lizards look dangerous, but they are actually completely harmless. It lives in the deserts and other arid regions of Australia.

 The spiny lizard is non-toxic and not a biting animal, but it will show spikes to any possible intruder.

 The eggs of the spiny lizard are about 2.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. This is already quite large for the spiny lizard, which is only 15 cm long. This animal is also often referred to as the mountain devil and the spiny lizard.

This lizard has a pair of wings inserted like a western dragon short and lean

The Australian spiny lizard is a desert lizard endemic to Australia , with many thorn-like spikes covering its body and tail. This makes him very easily recognizable. Despite its sinister name, the Australian spiny lizard is a completely harmless animal that buries its head between its two front legs when frightened.

This lizard has a pair of wings inserted like a western dragon short and lean

Or rely on changing its color to blend in with its surroundings in camouflage to ward off predators. In the harsh natural environment of the desert, the Australian spiny lizard obtains water in a very special way. When night fell on the desert, the desert became very cold, and the water vapor scattered in the air formed dew on the body of the spiny lizard, and thousands of tiny grooves on the skin of the spiny lizard spread the dew throughout the body very quickly, and finally sent directly into the mouth of the spiny lizard along the groove. Spiny lizards also have very strange ways of eating. The spiny lizard would sit at the edge of an ant nest for hours, gluing its mucus-filled tongue to feed on the ants.

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