
Support the family with love - remember the 2018 Gui'an New District "Family Virtue Star" Zhou Chunfu family, Yang Jichang family Zhou Chunfu family Yang Jichang family

author:Guian posted

One, an octogenarian, has been taking care of his sick son for 50 years, and has expounded the "old calf" with practical actions;

One, an infatuated man, has carefully cared for his sick wife for many years, and told the story of "mutual affection" with sincerity.

Greatness is revealed in the ordinary, and true love is revealed in the ordinary. Today, we walked into the 2018 Gui'an New District "Family Virtue Star" Zhou Chunfu family and Yang Jichang family.

Support the family with love - remember the 2018 Gui'an New District "Family Virtue Star" Zhou Chunfu family, Yang Jichang family Zhou Chunfu family Yang Jichang family

▲ Zhou Chunfu washed his son's face and shaved his beard.


Caring for a sick son for 50 years

As a retired worker, he could have read the newspaper, played chess, and chatted every day like other old people... However, this seemingly simple life is so luxurious for 82-year-old Zhou Chunfu. In order to take care of his sick son, Zhou Chunfu's daily range of activities is basically limited to a radius of two or three miles. For 50 years, he has been the strong backing of his son who will never grow up, and his son is also a worry that he can never let go.

Zhou Chunfu's family lives in the Gaofeng Community of Gaofeng Town, Gui'an New District. When the reporter walked into Zhou Chunfu's house, he was cleaning. Under the care of Zhou Chunfu, the two-bedroom apartment is clean and orderly. His son, Zhou Haidong, sat on the bed and rested in the morning.

"If it weren't for that high fever, Haidong would have had a happy family of his own by now." Zhou Chunfu said. In 1969, Zhou Haidong, who had just turned half a year old, suddenly had a high fever, which caused him to suffer from meningitis, and he never learned to speak again, and his intelligence basically did not increase.

"Affected by meningitis, my son also suffered from mental illness." Zhou Chunfu said, "When he started the illness, he either rolled all over the ground, or smashed things, hit people, and didn't sleep all night. Referring to Zhou Haidong, Zhou Chunfu tilted his head slightly to the side and wiped his eyes.

"Come, son, sit up and Daddy shave you." Zhou Chunfu took the basin of water and walked towards Zhou Haidong. Seeing his father coming, Zhou Haidong cried out excitedly. "He's saying to you, 'Daddy's going to shave me.'" Zhou Chunfu told reporters, "I have been with my son for 50 years, and what he says cannot be understood by others, and only I can understand it." In the process of shaving, 50-year-old Zhou Haidong stared at Zhou Chunfu like a child, and a happy smile appeared on his face from time to time.

The son was ill, which was a big blow to Zhou Chunfu, but the leak in the house was even rainy. In 2003, Zhou Chunfu's eldest daughter died of illness, and his wife Xu Ying was sad and overly caused cerebral congestion and hemiplegia, and he could not take care of himself. Zhou Chunfu's family has changed from one bedridden to two, and the task of caring for and caring for his wife and son has completely fallen on him.

"For so many years, I have done endless things every day, afraid that my son will bump at home, and when it is just dawn in the morning, my son will get up and I will get up, and at night I will wait for my son to fall asleep before I dare to sleep." Zhou Chunfu said.

Every time before going out, Zhou Chunfu would arrange his wife and son in a room to ensure that he would not go out after he was complete. In order to reduce the number of trips out, Zhou Chunfu will choose some dishes that are easy to preserve, such as potatoes, kelp, pumpkins, etc.

For 50 years, in the matter of taking care of his son, Zhou Chunfu personally did it, and every meal and every spoonful of water would be personally brought to his son's mouth and fed it bite by mouth. Once, not knowing what the reason was, Zhou Haidong suddenly started a temper when eating, pushed with both hands, and the hot rice made Zhou Chunfu a hand. Zhou Chunfu, who just wanted to lose his temper, saw that his son was shedding tears, so he did not want to reprimand, and forced himself to endure the pain to finish the meal.

The refrigerator in Zhou Chunfu's home was locked, and the reporter was curious to unlock and open it to see that there were all the knives in the home, and the slightly sharper appliances in the room were also wrapped layer by layer by Layer by Zhou Chunfu.

"If these things are not packed up, they are likely to hurt Haidong or others." He started to get sick, and he smashed whatever he wanted, and he couldn't control the weight. You see that these thick blankets on the ground are also laid for him, and you are afraid that he will fall. Zhou Chunfu said.

In order to take care of his son, Zhou Chunfu could not enjoy his old age like other old people, "As long as I live, I will definitely take care of my son." But I am very worried, what will my son do in the future? As soon as he thought about his son's future life, Zhou Chunfu became worried.

Support the family with love - remember the 2018 Gui'an New District "Family Virtue Star" Zhou Chunfu family, Yang Jichang family Zhou Chunfu family Yang Jichang family

▲ Yang Jichang and his wife are in love with each other.

Frothy with each other

Write the truth

"Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son", a promise that makes him willing to spend his life with her. He is Yang Jichang, who lives in Leizhuang Village, Huchao Township, Gui'an New District, and for 27 years, he and his wife have shared hardships and hardships, and together they have supported their hard and warm home.

"Don't give up, stick to the promise", this is everyone's evaluation of Yang Jichang. In the years of fighting against diseases and difficulties, Yang Jichang and his wife Liu Mei were deeply touched by the villagers and neighbors with an optimistic and positive attitude towards life and the true feelings of suffering and commonality.

In 1992, Yang Jichang and Liu Mei came together under the mediation of friends and had two sons. After marriage, the couple worked outside the main body to earn money to support the family, and one master took the children at home to do housework, although life was hard but the life was happy and sweet.

One day in 2002, Liu Mei suddenly lost sight in both eyes, and when she went to the hospital for examination, she found that she had a brain tumor, and then her physical activity began to be inconvenient. "At first, Xiaomei was still able to move under my support, but as time went on, her illness became more and more serious, and she could only rest in bed every day." Yang Jichang said.

In order to cure his wife's illness, Yang Jichang inquired about the news in many ways and took his wife to major hospitals for treatment. "After getting sick, we went to major hospitals to consult experts and visited many rural soil doctors. As long as it is possible to cure Xiaomei's disease, I will take her to try. Yang Jichang said.

In 2004, doctors recommended surgery on Liu Mei. At that time, although Yang Jichang was old and young, and his income was meager, he still borrowed money everywhere, cobbled together the cost of foot surgery, and sent his wife to go for surgery.

After the operation, under the careful care of Yang Jichang, Liu Mei's body slowly improved.

Since Liu Mei fell ill and went blind, Yang Jichang got up every day at dawn to help her wash and make breakfast, and would also make lunch in advance before going out to work, and the first thing to do when she came home from work was to make dinner for Liu Mei. Every night before going to bed, Yang Jichang would also scrub and massage Liu Mei's body until Liu Mei nodded her head to show comfort.

"Old Yang is really good to me. After I went blind, I couldn't do anything, and Old Yang, a big man, kept the house in order. You know, when I first got sick, my eldest son was only 10 years old, and my younger son was just 7 years old, and from that time on, the whole family was supported by Lao Yang alone. "Liu Mei said that in the process of taking care of her, Yang Jichang thoroughly understood her living habits, and every time she finished eating, the dishes and chopsticks in her hand were just put down, and before she could speak, Yang Jichang handed over the cup filled with warm water." Although it was very hard, Lao Yang never complained. Some time ago, I had no appetite to eat, people lost some weight, but old Yang was anxious, and every day he changed his tricks to cook for me to eat. Relatives and friends are envious of me for marrying a good husband. Liu Mei said.

In order to take care of this family, Yang Jichang never went out to work, even if he occasionally went out to run errands, he always rushed home after finishing things.

"When the weather is clear, Dad will help Mom around the village, basking in the sun and breathing in fresh air. Since I married into this big family, I have never seen the two of them fight and blush. Yang Jichang's daughter-in-law Bai Qunli told reporters: "Influenced by my father's words and deeds, my husband is also very good to me and my children, and he has never had an argument with me since he got married. ”

【Reporter's Note】

Happiness is not giving up

In the eyes of relatives and friends, Zhou Chunfu is optimistic and positive, full of confidence in life. Similarly, in the eyes of his neighbors, Yang Jichang and his wife are a pair of "envious lovers of others."

Unfortunately did not overwhelm them. With a positive, contented and happy attitude towards life, with the practical action of tirelessly working hard, thrifty and maintaining the family, they constantly overcome difficulties, and while improving the living conditions of their relatives and maintaining the integrity of the family, they have also won their own happiness.

Yes, sometimes, happiness is not giving up, it is taking good care.

Source: Gui'an New District Daily