
Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling

author:View of Guangxi

Black Goat

Longlin black sheep fur black, small body size, average weight of about 50 pounds, strong fecundity and disease resistance, is a long-term natural breeding selection of local excellent varieties, access to the National Geographical Indication agricultural product certification.

Black goat is the pillar breeding industry in the rural area of Shishan area in the south of Longlin, the number of black goats in the county is about 70,000 per year, and the live sheep are usually priced at 16 yuan / kg, and the annual output value is about 56 million yuan. Black goats are famous, the mother breed is widely spread, and the meat products are exported to the region and beyond.

Longlin black goat is all grazing on the mountain, eating miscellaneous trees and grasses, growing naturally, no feeding chemical food additives, is a green and healthy meat food, rich in nutrition, tender and delicious meat.

The main meat food of the black goat is sheep soup, whole sheep feast -

The whole sheep feast is an essential recipe food for Hmong family hospitality, and it is a high-standard hospitality etiquette. When an important guest arrives, he must slaughter a black goat and make it into a main dish (large dish). After the live sheep is cleaned up, the mutton with bones and heads and feet are cut into pieces with a knife, and together with the chili pepper bones, they are added with water and boiled over a firewood fire to make a large dish; the sheep sewage (sheep blood, offal) is also specially made into "sheep soup" through special processes and processes. The side dish is to boil tender pumpkin, beans, tender corn kernels and water into a pot, without oil and salt, called vegetarian melon soup (or boiled with sauerkraut or moldy dried vegetables with water, without oil and salt, called sour soup), and with soybeans polished and boiled with green vegetables (or tender pumpkin seedlings), called rice; plus homemade tofu milk, chili sauce; rice is double-steamed Bungu rice (Bungu noodles); wine is home-brewed Bungu wine. This is the Miao family sheep soup whole sheep feast. When you arrive at the Miao family, if you don't drink "sheep soup", it is not called eating mutton, nor is it called a guest. The Miao family's whole sheep feast is endlessly evocative and unforgettable.

Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling

Black Pig

Longlin black pig is a national agricultural geographical indication product.

The brand of Longlin Black Pig has been successfully sold to major cities and has won the favor of consumers. On March 1, 2016, Longlin Black Pig appeared on CCTV's "Get Rich Classic" column for the first time. On January 10, 2017, Longlin Black Pig was once again on the CCTV "Rich Sutra" column.

Longlin Black Pig is the main brand product of Guangxi Honggu Agricultural Investment Group founded by Li Longlei, a Longlin person, with 25 stores in Baise City, 10 in Nanning City, and more than 100 chain stores in other cities in Guangxi. Longlin Black Pig is the most well-known black soil pig brand in Guangxi and the largest fresh food chain enterprise.

At present, longlin black pig breeding has two forms, one is to Li Longlei group company of "company + base + farmer" way to raise, black pig breeding takes a full year to get out of the pen, fed by the imperial bamboo grass, sweet potato vine and corn bran through scientific ratio processing fermentation of feed, after the pen company unified recycling and sales, batch feeding quantity is larger. Second, the farmers in each township of Longlin are scattered and raised by themselves as a family unit, and the number of single-family breeding is small, with feed such as grain bran, corn bran, plantain taro, miscellaneous vegetables, wild boar grass, etc., and cooked and cooked between crosses, usually fed for more than one year before coming out of the barn. The black pigs fed in these two ways are both black pig breeds native to Longlin, and the quality of the products raised is similar.

Longlin black pork is rich in iron, protein, vitamins and amino acids, and has lower cholesterol and fat than ordinary pork. Pork meat color is rosy, the meat is delicate, the taste is pure and thick, fat but not greasy, and the fragrance is pure. It has the effect of tonifying the body, nourishing the yin and moisturizing, enriching the muscles and skin. The most important thing is that Longlin black pork is a safe and healthy meat food.

Shaved soup and enemas are the usual way to eat Longlin black pigs.

Planed soup is a mixed broth dish, also called a large reunion dish. The method is: put a large iron pot on the stove, increase half a pot of water, put an appropriate amount of ginger wine salt, cut off from the newly killed pig, put each piece of pork belly, ribs, and fat meat of about one and a half pounds in size, put it into the pot and cook it on high heat, cook until it is seven ripe, fish it up, after cooling, cut the pork belly and fat meat into slices of meat the size of a palm (half a centimeter thick), cut the ribs into three centimeters long, put it into the original iron pot of boiled meat and ribs, cook the original soup water on medium heat, and when it is nine ripe, add washed and cut fresh vegetables, such as turnips. Cabbage, green vegetables, bean sprouts, mushrooms, fragrant mushrooms and other appropriate amounts are cooked together. After the pot is transferred to a number of small iron pots (depending on the number of diners to determine the number of pots, each pot is counted as a table, generally the pig must be placed on three or five tables), and then put on the charcoal fire of the triangular iron frame, the iron pot on the pot bridge plate, on which to put three dishes: garlic leaves fried pork liver lean meat large intestine powder intestine, pig blood glutinous rice made of enema rice, pepper coriander dipped in water. You can sift through home-brewed rice wine or bun grain wine and sit around delicious dishes. This is a classic combination recipe for shaved soup.

The biggest feature of planed soup is that the soup is fresh, the meat is beautiful, and the dish is sweet. You have to eat shaved soup, meat and seasonal vegetables from various parts of the pig, and newly brewed bun grain (rice wine). The shaved soup feast can also be said to be a whole pig feast. Family, neighbors, and friends all participate in the slaughtered pig feast, so the soup feast is also called the reunion feast.

Enema rice, is one of the varieties of pig slaughter for the New Year, usually there are two types of enema rice, one is to cook the glutinous rice with fresh pig blood, with five-spice powder, chives, garlic leaves mixed evenly, poured into the washed and flipped pig intestine, bundled and then cooked in water, cut into sections and plate edible; the second is to soak the glutinous rice with water and mix the ingredients such as five-spice powder salt and other ingredients to wash into the overturned pig intestine and cook it edible.

There are two ways to eat enemas: one is to cook and cut into sections in water, and the other is to fry the skin in vegetable oil after cooling and then cut into sections, the taste is different, and they are very delicious. Enemas can be eaten as next meals, snacks, or breakfast.

Longlin black pigs are usually also made into bacon, with a special flavor, which is easy to preserve, mail and courier, and send as gifts to friends, family and distinguished guests.

Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling


Longlin cattle is an excellent local breed in Guangxi and is a national geographical protection breed. Longlin forest coverage rate of 65%, the territory of the forest area is vast, abundant pasture, the climate is suitable, very suitable for cattle growth. Longlin cattle are not large, adult cattle about 350 kg, but muscular, strong strength, strong disease resistance, extensive feeding, good adaptability, is a good breed of cattle production performance and meat production performance, belongs to the service meat combined use of animals. At present, the degree of mechanization in rural areas is relatively high, and cattle are rarely used to cultivate fields or drag and carry goods, so most of them are carnivorous cattle.

Longlin cattle are stored in about 60,000 heads per year, the market price of yellow beef is about 40 yuan per kilogram, the annual output value is about 800 million yuan, the economic value is relatively high, and it is an important source of economic income for the masses in the production area.

The feed of Longlin cattle is mainly natural pasture, which is all put into the hillside field next to the forest stream for free range, so the meat is tender and elastic, the color is bright red, the taste is delicious, the nutrition is rich, the quality is excellent, and it is a high-grade meat product. It is the main meat product of the people of all ethnic groups in Longlin. It has always been favored by foreign merchants, and a considerable number of cattle are sold to Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian, Hainan and Guangdong every year.

As an important meat product, scalpers are sold in the Longlin Meat Market for many years. There are many beef restaurants in the county seat. Longlin beef is eaten in three main ways: fresh beef cooking (stir-fried and hot pot) and stir-fried dried beef and night market skewers.

Longlin beef dried ba is a famous folk meat dish. Using yellow beef as raw material, accompanied by peppercorns, star anise, refined salt, cooking wine, after several days of marinating, cool air drying, or smoke drying, or charcoal drying, you can cook, special flavor. Longlin beef dry bar due to different production processes have hard dry bar, soft dry bar, hard dry bar is a finished product 100% dry bar, no moisture, exceptionally hard; soft dry bar is containing 60% water, the outer skin dry inside is soft and moist. The cooking methods of hard and soft dried are different, and the taste and texture are also different. Before cooking, you need to get the hot grass and wood ash in the soft, and then beat the soft with a hammer and slice it with a sharp knife, with ginger, garlic, cooking wine, dried peppers, dry stir-frying pot edible; soft dry bar can be directly sliced into the pot. Hard dry bar, soft dry bar have a variety of cooking methods, can be dry fried, can be fried in red oil, can be water through the soup. The taste and texture are different, the hard dry bar has a chewy force, the taste is mellow, cottony and fragrant; the soft dry bar is tender and delicious, and the taste is soft, tender and fragrant.

The Longlin Gelao people have a famous "beef feast"——

The Mulam are a very small ethnic group, with only about 2,000 people living in Longlin. Every year in the middle of July of the lunar calendar, when the summer grain harvest is over and is put into storage, the people of the Mulam ethnic group hold a "taste of the new festival", eat new grain in the new valley, kill cattle and worship trees, play eight tones, sing and dance, and celebrate the harvest.

The beef feast is the main recipe of the "Taste the New Festival", which is simple to cook but has a delicious taste. Usually make three dishes, one stir-fry and one boil a soup: one is to stir-fry beef slices and beef offal with ginger wine salt; the other is to mix beef slices and beef offal with ginger wine salt, pour boiling water, and cook the pot nine times. These two dishes of beef are characterized by: tender, fragrant, sweet and original. The third is to add ginger wine salt vinegar, grass fruit star anise and other ingredients to the beef trotters, steaks, and beef scalps, and simmer for two and a half hours after the first fire and then simmer with water, and then the mellow "hoof soup" is cooked. There is also a beef dip: fresh raw green and red peppers finely chopped, mint leaves finely chopped, salt added, boiled beef soup water, mixed. Serve with fresh cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, greens and corn on the cob. There are also rice dumplings made from newly harvested glutinous rice and fragrant rice cooked with niigani milled rice. Add the newly brewed Bungu sake or rice wine. Completely "try something new". It is accompanied by eight notes of blowing and singing and dancing. The People of the Mulam ethnic group celebrate the harvest with their relatives, friends and visitors from all over the world, drunkenly talk about the green mountains and rivers, and enjoy the happy life of the mountain village!

Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling

Clearwater duck

Longlin clearwater duck, mainly produced in Rock Tea, Jieting, Erlang, Xinzhou, Flat Tooth, Sand Pear and other river townships. The most famous is the rock tea clear water duck. Longlin clearwater duck is abundant in production.

Rock tea has two clear water rivers - Lengping River and Yanka River, rock tea two rivers, gentle and frank, meandering, clear and clear, excellent water quality, sweet and sweet, river aquatic grass water rich algae fat, small fish, shrimp, insects, snails, crabs and other aquatic products and plankton species. Rock tea duck is stocked in the river, swimming in the river during the day, foraging for all kinds of aquatic food, returning to the shore in the evening, raising duck owners supplemented by a small amount of grain, corn feeding, half a year on the market, this is the natural food of the rock tea clear water duck. How can such a water quality and food-fed duck not taste sweet, delicious and tender? How is it not healthy and eco-friendly food?

There are three ways to eat clear water duck: white chopped duck, roasted duck, and ginger fried duck.

White chopped duck, is the most delicious way to eat the white chopped duck of the Longlin Zhuang people, and is a local famous dish. Kill and wash the duck, put the appropriate amount of ginger and shallot wine salt into the duck belly and put it into an iron pot and add water to the boil over high heat (or cook it slowly with the soaked dried soybeans), about an hour, when the duck is just ripe, start the pot, when the duck cools slightly, you can chop the pieces and put it on the table, and dip it in water when eating. There are two dips in water, two flavors. Dip in water 1: Stir-fry with duck blood, duck water and green peppers, add parsley and soy sauce. Dip in water 2: Home-brewed pure basmati vinegar, add some salt. Two kinds of dipping water, two ways to eat, two tastes, two kinds of enjoyment.

Roast duck is another common way of eating in Longlin people, and the taste is also very fragrant. Unique materials and more than a dozen complicated procedures have achieved the most exquisite craftsmanship, distinctive characteristics and the most brilliant masterpiece - Shimizu roast duck. The baked roast duck skin is date red, and the duck meat is tender on the outside, making people droop, which not only brings people a visual impact, but also a taste enjoyment. Most of the good taste of Longlin roast duck comes from the good quality of clear water duck, and the small half comes from dipping water. Roast duck dipping water, that is a special secret recipe, roast duck dipping water, the taste is clear, fragrant, refreshing, strange, cotton, endless aftertaste, meaning.

Ginger fried duck, the method is more common, fragrant tea oil, ginger, wine salt stir-fried braised water duck, dipped in lemon sauce to eat, the taste is also very outstanding.

Another by-product recipe for clearwater duck is clear water duck eggs. Clear water duck eggs are a delicacy picked up in the river where ducks are raised, on the beach, and in the grass. There are two ways to eat clear water duck eggs: one is to use fragrant tea oil to slowly fry, fried poached eggs, egg white as gelatin, egg yolk red butter, bite a bite, yellow and white, clear flavor; the second is with shells into a small hot pot to cook, peel the shell to eat. Both ways to eat are nutritious and have a great taste! The taste is too beautiful to be unwanted!

Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling

Wild tea

Longlin has the love of heaven, and all kinds of products are excellent. Wild tea is one of the most famous products.

Wild tea refers to tea trees that exist in natural forests for tens of hundreds of years, have not been domesticated by human cultivation, do not apply pesticides and fertilizers, and grow completely by absorbing the nutrients of the earth and natural essences.

Longlin County's wild tea trees grow in the mountains at an altitude of 1600 meters, according to the survey has found only more than 2000 acres, the age of the trees are hundreds of thousands of years, mainly distributed in the southern Shishan District, De'e Town Bake Village, Tianba Village. Wild tea plants are large-leaved populations, which are the best-preserved, most numerous, largest and most abundant wild germplasm growth areas in Guangxi.

Longlin wild tea is refined by a unique processing process, and the brewed tea soup is full of delicious aroma, the soup color is a seductive golden yellow, the taste is mellow, and it has a unique, long-lasting tea aroma.

Tea art is an elegant culture. Tea tasting, like tasting life, is a kind of taste, a realm, a taste.

Longlin wild tea, deep flavor, pure quality, condensing the essence of the sun, moon and earth. Loved by tea tasters, it is a symbol of Longlin's elegant taste and national culture.

Longlin specialty Range Rover - "two black, one yellow, one clear and one tea" rambling

Editor: Zhang Sujin

Source: Guangxi Longlin Network

Image source: Network

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