
Why "The Old Man and the Sea" is the best novel

author:Confucius Old Books Network

Author | Le Ting ruyi

Source | Confucius old book network dynamics

I used two sleepovers to read the masterpiece of the American writer Hemingway, "The Old Man and the Sea". Oh, yes, to reveal the answer, I bought a translation of Li Jihong from Hanlin Bookstore. Li Jihong has translated a number of foreign literary masterpieces, and so far his total sales of translated works have exceeded 20 million copies. At the same time, Li Jihong's translation is also the recommended version of the CCTV Readers Program.

"The Old Man and the Sea" is not long, and the plot is very simple. I counted the time, "The Old Man and the Sea" is the pinnacle of Hemingway's writing at the age of 52, and "The Old Man and the Sea" is also a collection of Hemingway's creative ideas.

The old man held up the sail and shook the oar to sail the boat out to sea, and summed up a sentence with two days and two nights of experience: A good man can be destroyed, but he must not be defeated. It's an inspirational perspective that works for each of us.

From a writing point of view, I particularly admire Hemingway's concise and delicate narrative style. Because this style is not a level that any writer can achieve. For example, in this novel, the old man catches the big fish, and the struggles he does with the big fish, the rounds of the struggle, the psychological descriptions in the rounds of the struggle, the seemingly unfazed but thrilling. Reading those words will keep your senses on guard at all times, because at that moment you are like the old man in the story. In my opinion, this is the sense of immersion that the concise and delicate narrative style brings to the reader.

The old man won the struggle with the big fish, and then the old man immediately threw himself into the fight with the shark without any chance to breathe. From the spear gun to the short knife bound with the oar, to the paddle handle, and then to the whole paddle, it can be said that the old man's shark fighting weapon is inferior to one, but the old man's courage to fight the shark is getting stronger and stronger with the deterioration of the weapon. The truth implied in this is definitely worth our slow chewing.

The old man thought that if he caught a big fish, he could sell it for a good price and then spend the winter comfortably, but the final result was that he only brought a worthless skeleton of a big fish to the shore. It is undeniable that the old man's desire to live comfortably for the winter has been disappointed, and it is undeniable that the fish meat of the big fish is very valuable. From another perspective, divergent thinking and saying a few digressions, can we sell the skeleton of the big fish to the aquarium and sell it to the specimen maker?! In this way, the commercial value of fish bones is much greater than the commercial value of fish meat. I know that the ending of the story must not be arranged in this way, but my divergent imagination is nothing more than trying to make some money and then spend the winter comfortably, that's all.

To be honest, I personally feel that the novel "The Old Man and the Sea" can be used as a guiding light for countless novel creators. Because it clarifies that the creation of novels must sink the heart, must be delicate and delicate and then delicate to deconstruct everything in the story. Even if some plots only need to be hurried, as long as the three words and two words that describe it are used properly, it is also a delicacy. This is especially important for the creation of novels.

Warmly recommend "The Old Man and the Sea"!

Why "The Old Man and the Sea" is the best novel

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