
Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

Tiger skin fish, scientific name Puntius tetrazona (four belted beardless fish), also known as four fish, four crucian carp. The origin is Malaysia, Indonesia's Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island and other inland waters.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

Tiger skin fish is tall, diamond-shaped, flattened on the sides, only 2-3 cm when small, and 5-6 cm long when large. The body color tone is light yellow, and the cloth has red markings and small dots.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

From head to tail, there are 4 vertical black stripes, which resemble tiger skin. The dorsal fin is high, located in the middle of the dorsal back, with a short caudal stalk and a deep forked caudal fin.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

Tiger skin fish has a pale yellow body, a golden yellow back, and bright red dorsal, ventral fins, caudal fins and snout. There are four thick black banded vertical stripes on the body, the first of which passes through the eyes, the second between the gills and the dorsal fin, the third from the end of the dorsal fin to the beginning of the fin, and the fourth at the base of the caudal fin.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

These stripes look like colorful tiger skin, so they are named tiger skin fish. Because it also has a black twill on the lower part of its dorsal fin, it is also known as a four-room fish.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

The body color is pale yellow, with red stripes and small dots, and 4 vertical black stripes from beginning to tail, which resemble tiger skin. The dorsal fin is high, located in the middle of the dorsal back, with a short caudal stalk and a deep forked caudal fin.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

The most suitable growing water temperature is 24 ~ 28 ° C, the minimum temperature is not lower than 18 ° C, in the range of 18 ° C, tiger skin fish is very easy to get sick, requiring high oxygen content of slightly acidic old water.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

Tiger skin fish is good in community, swimming agile, lively, adult fish will attack its fish, especially like to bite filamentous fins, should not be polycultured with filamentous fins (such as angelfish). It is advisable to raise the same population.

Fish Atlas: Tiger Skin Fish

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