
The President of Kazakhstan was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky of Russia

author:International Online

International Online Report (Reporter Yue Wenliang): On the 9th, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who went to Ufa, Russia, to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and brics leaders' meeting held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Nazarbayev the Order of Alexander Nevsky to thank him for his outstanding contributions to promoting the development of Bilateral Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan and the process of Eurasian integration.

At the time of the award, Putin told Nazarbayev, "You are one of the most respected foreign leaders of the Russian people, and allow me to award you this medal to thank you for your outstanding contribution to promoting the development of bilateral relations and realizing the process of Eurasian integration." ”

Regarding Putin's high praise, Nazarbayev said, "Thank you very much to the Russian people for their high praise for me." All our efforts are for the sake of the peoples of Kazakhstan and Russia. Today is a historic time where world leaders gather. It also bears witness to what I have said in the past that in the future all international organizations will move towards integration. ”

On the same day, Nazarbayev and Putin also had an in-depth exchange of views on continuing to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and major international and regional issues of common concern to both sides.

It is reported that the Order of Alexander Nevsky represents a high honor in Russia, and generally only foreign political and social activists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of relations with Russia have the opportunity to receive this medal.

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