
Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day


How do you survive in the Arctic? You need to have excellent hunting skills and a good heart. Today we talk about the Arctic law of survival: seal hunting.

First, arctic Inuit hunting seals is legal.

They used to be called Eskimos, which means "people who love raw meat." However, due to the pessimistic connotation of this title, the current name "inuit" was born. Fifty years ago, Inuit moved from domed igloos and tents to fixed houses, but Inuit are still Arctic nomads.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

▲Igloo can no longer be seen

In the Arctic, where temperatures are extremely low, it is impossible to farm or keep cattle and sheep in captivity, and for the Inuit who have lived here for more than a decade, seals, narwhals, and walruses are the food sources from which they live, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day. So the hunt for seals, for the Inuit, is both a test of survival and the most common everyday.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

▲ You can tell the age of a seal by looking at its paws

Seals are alert animals, the slightest sound of snowmobiling, they will immediately drill into the ice cave, if you shoot at this time, it is likely that the seal will slide into the ice cave and sink into the sea. Only when hunters are confident that they will be able to catch seals will they shoot. Adult seals love to bask in the sun on ice floes, so they are often lazy, so they become targets for hunters.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

For newly hunted seals, hunters dissect them directly and offer fresh seal offal to their most honored guests, who themselves eat seal meat raw. Finally, the dissected seal meat is put into a pocket tied with seal skin, and the remaining part of the meat and offal are left for the seabirds to eat, which is also a gratitude to nature for giving food.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

Hunters learn to dissect and pack from an early age

Seeing this, I believe that many people will say (ma): "too cruel", "inhumane", "no face", "kill the seal of the dead family"... And so on.

In fact, there is a group of people on the Internet: they don't know much, but they talk a lot; their skills are not high, but their voices are very high. It seems that they always stand on the moral high ground, and accuse and criticize without seeking objective facts.

Truth be told, everyone has the right to express their opinions, and that's fine. But I hope that I can put aside my personal subjective consciousness and express my views after understanding the causes and consequences and objective facts.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

Imagine if you were born in the Arctic, would you also live a life of eating raw meat? No one can choose where they come from, just like you would eat beef and mutton, and you wouldn't even think about whether it was normal. For the Inuit, they wouldn't want anything wrong with eating seals, it was their way of living through the ages.

Is killing moral? Arctic Inuit kill seals, and the tradition of eating raw meat remains unchanged to this day

So why should we use our own living environment habits to deny others? Using the moral high ground of "loving animals" to attack others and obtain their own seemingly noble satisfaction? If you can't agree, at least don't impose your own superficial morality on others.

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