
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest


In the golden autumn, the moon persimmons in Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, usher in the harvest season. The county's planting of more than 200,000 mu of persimmons is expected to produce more than 300,000 tons this year. Local persimmon farmers take advantage of the good weather to step up the harvesting of persimmons, planing persimmons, drying persimmons, in front of the house and behind the house is golden everywhere, Yaoxiang everywhere presents a harvest scene.

"Gongcheng Moon Persimmon" is named after the persimmon peels and dries into persimmon cakes, and the surface is formed by a layer of white frost formed after the evaporation of sugar, which is shaped like a bright moon. The county has a long history of persimmon tree cultivation, processing persimmon cakes has a history of more than 400 years, and in 2020, the Gongcheng Yue persimmon agricultural products advantage zone was identified as a chinese characteristic agricultural product advantage zone.

Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest

↑On October 18, 2020, persimmon farmers picked persimmons in Zhushan Village, Lianhua Town, Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Cicphoto/Zhou Xiuyu Chun photo

Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest

↑On October 18, 2020, in Zhushan Village, Lianhua Town, Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, persimmon farmers drying persimmons. Cicphoto/Zhou Xiuyu Chun photo

Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest
Gongcheng, Guangxi: Golden autumn moon persimmon to welcome a bumper harvest

↑On October 18, 2020, in Zhushan Village, Lianhua Town, Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, persimmon farmers peeled persimmons. Cicphoto/Zhou Xiuyu Chun photo

Editor: Zhang Xuemeng

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