
Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

Source: Jilin Police

Recently, the Linjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau crossed more than 2,000 kilometers to Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, to detect the first telecommunications network fraud case in the Baishan area that used the network to impersonate a trading institution to issue collection documents to help others auction antiques.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

On June 27, the Linjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau received a report from Zhang Moumou, a resident of the district, that he had several "Yuan Datou" silver coins in his collection that he wanted to sell online, and left contact information when browsing the antique trade. Then a staff member who claimed to be a collector's trading center added himself as a friend through WeChat, saying that he could not only help contact buyers, but also identify antiques.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

Under his elaborate lies, he inadvertently fell into the trap and delivered more than 3,000 yuan for a fake "collection certificate". After receiving the certificate, those who claimed that the staff members had lost the news like evaporation in the world, and only then did they wake up that they had been deceived, and finally came to the public security organ to report the case.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

After receiving the police, in order to fully protect the safety of the masses' "money bags", the Linjiang police quickly activated the synthetic combat mechanism, and dispatched elite police forces to form a special case team to fully carry out the case attack.

In the process of investigating and handling the case, the police fully integrate resources and analyze and judge the case situation. After investigation, it was found that the criminal gang had been carrying out telecommunications fraud activities for nearly a year, and there were nearly 150 people who had been deceived, distributed in more than 20 provinces and cities such as Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Jilin.

The police did not give up because of this, they repeatedly analyzed the case situation, did not miss any details, successfully found the main suspect of the criminal gang Jiao Moumou, and further confirmed the other 6 criminal suspects, and quickly determined that the criminal gang settled in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

After determining the location information of the criminal gang, the Linjiang public security immediately organized a crack police force to go to Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, to carry out arrest work. In a large number of visits and platoons, it was found that the gang had been hiding in a building in Weiyang District, Xi'an City, and rarely went out usually, which brought certain difficulties to the burglary arrest. In order to prevent more people from being deceived, the arresting police worked tirelessly and quickly carried out day and night squatting points to wait. After continuous combat, we initially grasped the operational habits of the criminal gang, and with the vigorous assistance of the local police, successfully destroyed the criminal den in one fell swoop, arrested 7 criminal suspects, seized 8 bank cards on the spot, collected 2 QR code cards, 188 fake collection certificates, 7 notebooks, 1 official seal, 26 collection certificate coats, 8 computer hard disks, and 13 mobile phones.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

After successfully closing the network, when the police handling the case inspected the two mobile phones of jiao moumou, the main criminal of the gang, they found that there were still nearly 150 people who did not know the truth and established WeChat friends with them, and wanted to remit money for collection certificates, and the total amount of funds involved in the case reached more than 500,000 yuan.

After interrogation, the 7 suspects confessed to the criminal facts of using the Internet to impersonate a fake cultural relics trading institution to attract cultural relics collectors to trade and defraud the collection certificate fee. At present, 7 criminal suspects have been criminally detained in accordance with the law, and the case is under further trial.

Antique auction routine deep! Linjiang police cracked the telecommunications network fraud case and detained 7 people

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