
Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

author:I'm a big chef
Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: 400 grams of chicken loin, 20 grams of minced garlic, 18 grams of white onion, 5 grams of green onion, 4 grams of ginger slices.


Ingredient a (salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 4 g, cooking wine 5 g, pepper powder 2 g)

Ingredient b (400 g aged vinegar, 100 g Meiji umami juice, 50 g spicy fresh sauce and rice vinegar, 50 g red oil, 20 g sugar, 15 g monosodium glutamate, 500 g chicken broth, 5 g cooking wine, 3 g pepper, 2 g salt, 120 g minced garlic, 150 g white onion).


1: Thaw the chicken loin, rinse it with fine running water, control the moisture, add ingredient a and marinate for half an hour, blanch in a pot of boiling water, and soak in white brine for 3 hours.

2. When cooking, fish out the chicken loin, put it in a glass, pour in the sour and spicy sauce made of ingredient B, and serve it.

Key: The chicken loin has a fishy smell, it must be rinsed and then marinated, which can be very good to get rid of fishy.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: Shandong fruit radish, hand-rubbed chili noodles, vinegar, green onion


1, take Shandong fruit radish, half cut into silver needle shreds, half into large thin slices, wrap the radish slices with radish slices, put in the ice water basin and chill for 10 minutes;

2: Drain the water and put it on the plate.

3: Bring a spicy and sour saucer made by hand-kneading chili noodles, vinegar and green onion, and serve for guests to dip.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine
Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: Half a Qingyuan chicken (weighs about 500 grams).

Seasoning: a ingredient (salt 10 g, green onion, ginger slices 20 g each)

Sauce pepper flavored water 100 g, green onion 10 g.

1, clean chicken wash, put boiling water in the pot, put into the A-feed high heat to boil, down into the Qingyuan chicken, slowly soak on low heat for about 15 minutes, fish out quickly into cold water soaked until completely cool, take out the tear into a large piece weighing about 30 grams, put it into a large bowl.

2: Drizzle the sauce and pepper water on the chicken nuggets and serve.

Sauce and pepper sauce water:

1250 grams of Hunan sauce pepper, 1500 grams of fresh green pepper (minced) into the pot, add 6 kg of water, steamed fish soy sauce 1 bottle, simmer over medium heat until 70% of the soup remains, season with salt and MONOS glutamate each, filter the soup (save separately), add 1 kg of pepper oil, mix well.

Appetizing double crispness

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

This is an appetizing cold dish with fresh pepper flavor, mixing beef yellow throat, hair belly and bitter melon to make it sour and spicy.


1. Cut the bitter melon in half, dig out the inner gourd, cut it into slices with a diagonal knife, and then marinate it in a homemade sauce for two hours. Take the root of the coriander, cut the shallots and ginger into sections, cut the onion into small pieces, and chop the wild mountain peppers into small pieces, and set aside.

2. After changing the beef yellow throat and hair belly into a knife, put it into a pot of boiling water, drain the water and put it in a pot, add bitter melon slices, coriander root, onion slices, shallot segments, ginger segments, garlic rice, wild mountain pepper crushed, and then add salt and soy sauce to mix well, and then serve.

Description: The homemade sauce is made with a poinsettia of fresh soy sauce, soybean soy sauce, aged vinegar and minced millet pepper.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine
Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: 50g of Green River Wild Fungus, 20g of Millet Pepper, 10g of Green Onion

Seasoning: Salt 5g, chicken powder 3g, sugar 5g, light soy sauce 5g, vinegar 3g, sesame oil 5g

1. After soaking the fungus with water, wash it and finely cut the millet pepper.

2. Mix the fungus with salt, chicken powder, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, millet pepper and green onion.

Features: sour and spicy, delicious, crisp and refreshing.

Cooking experience: there are more wood ear debris, to wash, mixed immediately after the table, otherwise due to the penetration of salt will spit water soft, the taste is not good.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine
Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: goose intestines 300 g

Accessories: 2 red peppers, 2 green onions, sweet potato flour

Seasoning: 5 g garlic, 15 g boryeong vinegar, chili oil 5 g, salt 2 g, chicken essence 2 g, sesame oil 3 g

1, wash the goose intestines, cut into small pieces, peel the garlic, chop, wash the green onion, cut into sections;

2, the pot on the heat, pour water, add a little cooking oil, salt, green onion, after the water boiled, down into the goose intestines blanched, fished out, drained, put into the bowl;

3: Mix in salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, chili oil, minced garlic and Boryeong vinegar, and plate with sweet potato flour.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Sour and spicy turquoise abalone slices

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: 200 g of abalone larvae

Accessories: fresh wild vegetables 260 g

Seasoning: 50 grams of chili sauce, 10 grams of chicken juice, 30 grams of fishing sauce, sesame oil to taste

Production Process:

1. Cut and clean the fresh wild vegetables, drain the water, and mix with The Jimba chutney.

2: Fresh abalone is processed and soaked in water, soaked in chutney, chicken juice and mixed sauce for 20 minutes.

3. Finally, put the abalone fillets on the mixed wild vegetables, and drizzle the sesame oil in an appropriate amount.

Features: Wild vegetables mixed with Jimba chutney sauce are crisp and refreshing, and the taste is fresh and mellow.

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Screw cucumber with horn flowers

Sour and spicy appetizer cold dish sour and spicy chicken loin small dish radish roll sauce pepper sour hot hand torn chicken sour spicy wild fungus sour spicy goose intestine

Ingredients: 150 grams of small cucumber, 100 grams of squid horn flower

Accessories: 20 grams of garlic slices, 25 grams of millet pepper, 10 grams of cooking wine, a little [green onion and ginger].

Seasoning: 15 grams of mustard spicy, 30 grams of fishing sauce, 15 grams of spicy fresh sauce

1: Wash and peel the cucumber, cut it into a screw shape with a screwdriver and ice it for use.

2: Add shallots, ginger and cooking wine to boil water, scoop up the squid and horn flowers and set aside on ice.

3, the processed screw cucumber, horn flower plate embellishment, and then the mustard spicy, mixed sauce, spicy fresh sauce into a dipping sauce, with the flavor plate with the plate.

Features: This dish is spicy and sour, refreshing and not greasy, bright in color and luster, beautiful in shape.