
My secret shallot oil cake

author:Gentleman's baking
My secret shallot oil cake

This shallot oil cake can be said to be simple and delicious.

I like small, easy-to-eat little round cakes. Bite down, the outer layer is crispy, the inner layer is soft, accompanied by a strong green onion aroma.

Eat it while it's hot! This is the most delicious time!

【Secret shallot oil cake】(Reference weight: 8 pieces)

My secret shallot oil cake


200 g flour, 15 g eggs, 110 g water, 1/2 tsp of baking powder (2.5 ml, approx. 2.5 g), salt 4 g, sesame oil 20 g, shallots 60 g, vegetable oil to taste (anti-stick)

Production process

My secret shallot oil cake

Start by mixing flour, egg mixture, water, baking powder and salt into a smooth, soft dough. Different flours have different water absorption, please adjust the amount of water according to the actual situation, so that the kneaded dough is as soft as possible. Cover the kneaded dough with plastic wrap or damp cloth and let loose for 30 minutes.

If using a Junbake cook machine, rub 1 gear (a5/a6 model) or 3 gear (g1/l1 model) for 6 minutes.
My secret shallot oil cake

During the loosening of the dough, the shallots can be processed and the shallots are chopped into small pieces.

My secret shallot oil cake

Apply a layer of vegetable oil to the board to prevent sticking. Place the loose dough on a board and roll out. Roll out into a very large, very thin rectangular dough (if your board is not large enough, you can roll the dough directly on the countertop, rolling the dough as thin as possible).

My secret shallot oil cake

Rolled out like this, it is best to feel very thin and a little translucent.

My secret shallot oil cake

Pour sesame oil over the large rolled out dough and spread it by hand so that the sesame oil is spread evenly over the entire dough.

Sesame oil, also known as sesame oil, has a heavier aroma. It can also be replaced with peanut oil or other vegetable oils. If you are not afraid of animal fat, you can change it to an equal amount of lard, and the scallion oil cake produced by this way will be more crispy, and the taste is even more unspeakable.
My secret shallot oil cake

Then sprinkle the oiled dough evenly with chopped green onions. Roll up from one end of the dough and roll it into a strip.

After sprinkling the green onion, you can sprinkle a little pepper or five-spice powder according to your personal preference.
My secret shallot oil cake

Roll up long strips and cut into 8 pieces.

My secret shallot oil cake

Cut the small dough and let sit for 15 minutes.

As you can see, the rolled small noodle roll is really soft and soft. If your noodles are too hard, it will not have such an effect after rolling them up.

My secret shallot oil cake

Take a small, standing dough, cut face up on the oiled board, and flatten it with the palm of your hand. Press into a small round cake shape.

My secret shallot oil cake

After all the dough has been rolled out, heat the pan (you can also use a pan pan). Pans should be made with a thick bottom, and if the bottom is too thin, it is easy to paste the bottom.

Pour some vegetable oil into the hot saucepan and shake the pan to spread the oil evenly (add more oil to make it taste more crispy). Add the small round dough cake and simmer over low heat until golden brown on both sides (turned over halfway), each side takes about 3-4 minutes.

My secret shallot oil cake

The shallot oil cake is burned into such a golden brown on both sides, and it is ready to come out of the pot! Eat it hot, the most delicious!

My secret shallot oil cake

Feel some of this soft layering~


1, this shallot oil cake in the pasta, added a little baking powder, so that the baked cake to eat some of the texture of the noodles, compared with the noodleless shallot oil cake, is a softer taste. If you do not use baking powder, you can also add 1/2 small spoon of dried yeast, which can have a similar effect (the production process is consistent, and after kneading the dough, it can also be left in a warm room for 30 minutes, no additional fermentation is required).

2, when rolling out the dough, try to roll out a little thinner, the thinner the better the effect, roll out to the dough looks somewhat transparent to the best degree.

3. Eat the baked cake while it is hot, and the taste is the best.

4, this cake and noodles added 15 grams of eggs, so that the crust is more flexible and more nutritious (since this is the case, can you add more eggs?). Not recommended, as this will make the crust hard). No eggs, it is also okay to use water and noodles.

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