
This major general blew the military trumpet for 7 years as a soldier, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered with the major general, who was a soldier for 7 years, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered

author:Words Shi Xi

Major General Wang Liusheng can be said to be a general who was born as a real trumpet soldier, known as the "King of trumpet soldiers".

After he joined the Red Army, he first blew the military trumpet for 7 years.

This major general blew the military trumpet for 7 years as a soldier, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered with the major general, who was a soldier for 7 years, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered

Wang Liusheng joined the Red Army as a trumpet soldier and made an interesting story.

In August 1930, he ran to join the Red Army without his family and was assigned to the headquarters of the Red 3 Corps to learn to play trumpets. However, the commander of the trumpet worked in the old army, and when teaching the trumpet, he liked to beat people and scold people. This caused dissatisfaction among Wang Liusheng and another recruit. A month later, the two quietly left the team, looking for the "good Red Army" that Wang Liusheng had seen before, the Red 5Th Army. The two searched for half a month before they found the Red 5th Army in the Pingxiang area of Jiangxi.

As a result, Wang Liusheng became a commander in the political department of the 1st Division.

Wang Liusheng blew the trumpet for 7 years, and was injured three times.

The first time was in the third anti-"encirclement and suppression" operation, when he was hit in the arm by a bullet from the enemy while blowing the charge trumpet, and the blood flowed continuously. By this time the other soldiers had already suffered casualties, and after a simple bandage, he continued to fight.

This time he was injured, and he stayed for three months before he was discharged from the hospital.

This major general blew the military trumpet for 7 years as a soldier, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered with the major general, who was a soldier for 7 years, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered

The second time he was wounded was in the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" battle of Gao Hu'an, Wang Liusheng was first responsible for leading people to cut bamboo sticks, bury bamboo sticks, and did not sleep for two days and two nights. The battle began in the early hours of the third day, and by noon, his ears were deafened by the cannons and he could not hear him at all. The battalion commander, Zhang Zhen, had to give him a hand gesture and make him blow the trumpet.

The third wound was during the Long March across the Wei River, when the Red Army fought with the pursuing enemy, Wang Liusheng was hit by a bullet through his right arm and shoulder blade, relying on a donkey sent by political commissar Yang Yong to reach northern Shaanxi with his wounds.

During his trumpet-blowing career, Wang Liusheng was wounded three times, but the division commander he followed sacrificed two people, one was the division commander Hou Zhongying, and the other was the division commander Hong Chao. In this regard, Wang Liusheng said: "The division commanders are all dead, but my trumpet soldier survived. ”

It was not until September 1937 that Wang Liusheng gave up his military trumpet and went to the 343rd Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army as an instructor of the 10th Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 686th Regiment. In the third battle of the unit, he was wounded again. Since then, Wang Liusheng has been engaged in political work in the field troops, serving as a political commissar or director of the political department.

By August 1949, Wang Liusheng, a trumpeter, was already the director of the Political Department of the 22nd Army of the People's Liberation Army.

This major general blew the military trumpet for 7 years as a soldier, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered with the major general, who was a soldier for 7 years, and later became the political commissar of the three armies, and the two admirals were partnered

In December 1950, Wang Liusheng was appointed political commissar of the 22nd Army. In 10 years, he served as a military political commissar in three armies of the People's Liberation Army.

In 1956, he was appointed political commissar of the 27th Army.

In 1960, he was appointed political commissar of the 20th Army.

In June 1965, Wang Liusheng was transferred to the Nanjing Military Region as director of the Political Department, partnered with General Xu Shiyou.

In November 1971, he was appointed political commissar of the Wuhan Military Region, with General Yang Dezhi as his partner.

Wang Liusheng died in Beijing on December 22, 1995, at the age of 78. Someone said: "The only person who really goes from trumpet soldier to general is Wang Liusheng." He is the 'king of trumpeters' of our army. In his later years, Wang Liusheng picked up the military trumpet and could also blow out dozens of military songs. It is said that he died in the early hours of the morning at the sound of the military trumpet that got up in the army compound.